Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 262: The daily life of two foxes! 【two】

Chapter 262 The Daily Life of Two Foxes! 【two】

"Your martial soul is not inherited?"

Hearing Bibi Dong's words, Su Xian felt very surprised.

She originally thought that Death Spider King and Soul Eater Spider King were martial arts spirits from Bibi Dong's parents, but she didn't expect that they were neither.

call out!

The figure flashed, Su Xian directly grabbed Bibi Dong's arm and checked the situation inside her.

Sure enough, Su Xian found two toxic energies in her body. Although the two energies maintained a balance, they did not harm her body, but...

This kind of balance is too unstable and seems to be broken at any time!

"What did you eat to get the twin spirits?" Su Xianman looked at Bibi Dong weirdly.

Su Xian grabbed his arm and felt a gentle energy wash his whole body, Bibi Dong's expression was also a little unnatural.

"I was bitten by a spider when I went to the forest to collect medicine." Bibi Dong explained.


As soon as this remark came out, Su Xian vetoed it.

It is absolutely impossible to obtain a spirit from being bitten by a spider, otherwise would the poisoned person be able to become a spirit master.

Moreover, Bibi Dong is a twin martial soul, definitely not as simple as being bitten by a spider.

There are obviously two different toxins all over her body, and a strange energy merges the two toxins, forming a balance like a yin and yang fish.

And this energy is very similar to the energy in his blood, yes, it is the energy of the fairy herb!

Spider grass!

Taking a deep breath, Su Xian released Bibi Dong's arm.

"Although your body is okay for the time being, the balance of the two toxin energy is about to be broken. If you continue to practice, you will most likely die."

With that, Su Xian's expression also became a little dignified. No wonder he always felt something was wrong when he saw Douluo Continent before.

Dugu Bobi Phosphorus Snake Emperor Venom, if it were not for the suppression of the eyes of ice and fire, I am afraid it would have died long ago.

And Bibi Dong, Wuhun Death Spider King and Soul Eater Spider King.

Double poison martial soul!

And the toxicity of the two is no worse than that of the Bi-Phosphorus Snake Emperor, but she can live well, which is simply incredible.

It now seems that the two are maintaining a balance, but the Death Spider King who first cultivated will inevitably break the balance between the two.

Title Douluo-level poison is extremely terrifying. How can the poison be controlled and not erupt?

"You mean, I'm going to die?" Bibi Dong's face suddenly paled, and he couldn't believe it.

"If you continue to cultivate the Death Spider Emperor Martial Spirit, you will definitely die." Su Xianrao replied with deep meaning.

"What do you mean, let me start practicing another Martial Soul now?"

Bibi Dong frowned and asked, she already had her own way, first cultivate one martial soul to the extreme, and then practice another.

In that case, her other martial spirit can all attach high-level spirit rings.

If she was cultivating now, it would feel too bad, after all, she was only a soul sect and could only bear a thousand-year spirit ring.

Su Xian:.......

Do I mean this?

"Your second martial spirit, absolutely cannot start practicing now, wait until you become Titled Douluo before you start."

"Furthermore, you also need a soul bone match, otherwise the second martial soul attaches a soul ring, and the terrifying increase will directly cause you to burst into death!"

Su Xian's face was full of seriousness. Could he completely eliminate Bibi Dong? The Second Martial Spirit had to practice later, or the plot would change drastically.

"Didn't you say that I will die if I continue to practice? How can I cultivate to Title Douluo?" Bibi Dong said with a small mouth, a little angry.

"Here, the old man, what are you afraid of, but it's just a twin spirit, and you can directly imprison the other spirit, then you just cultivate one spirit."

Su Xianman waved his hand indifferently, how could it be rare to stop him with this little thing!

The spider grass energy can maintain the relative balance between the two. Once one of them is too strong, the explosive power of the two will break through the spider grass energy, and she will be poisonous.

While one side is extremely overwhelming, but there will be no toxin outbreak, because the death spider king toxin will suppress the latter.

The so-called toxin explosion means an explosion at a critical point. As long as this point is blocked, then the Pitt East Death Spider King becomes stronger and can dominate everything.

"It turns out that the master is so powerful, then you can help me to suppress another martial soul!"

Smiling in surprise, Bibi Dong quickly sat down and turned his back to Su Xian.


Su Xian nodded subconsciously after being blown away, and was suddenly stunned when he was about to do it.

Is not it?

When did I promise to help you?

The speed at which you are climbing along the pole, the Rocket of Bit Girl is fast!

"Mother-in-law, your routine is quite deep!"

Seeing Bibi Dong still pretending to be confused, as if asking himself why he did it again, Su Xian gritted his teeth viciously, took a deep breath, and then forced a soft smile.

"Sorry, I seem to have no reason to help you, after all, you are my maid now, how can a maid call the master?!"

Bibi Dong:.......


The response is very fast, as expected of the old fox!

Seeing Su Xian reacting so quickly, Bibi Dong had the feeling of encountering an opponent, but on the surface he was drooping and staring at Su Xian grievously, as if being bullied.

Su Xian:.......

Mother-in-law, do you want pk acting? !

With a wave of his sleeves, Su Xian ignored Bibi Dong, but walked aside, where there were two big trees.

With a wave of his arm, a hammock lay between the two trees, and Su Xian flew directly onto the floor.

"The deity is tired. Go and find some fruit for me to relieve my greed."

Then the old-fashioned voice rang, Su Xian didn't glance at Bibi Dong, but directly played with the phone.

As a master, you must have the consciousness of the master, and the majesty of the teacher must be.


Hearing that, the corner of Bibi Dong's mouth suddenly twitched, and there were only some unripe wild fruits in the mountains and old forests.

If it were in Haagen-Dazs, it would be no problem for her to buy a few sacks, but now let her find where to go.

Moreover, you are so strong, just fly to the city of Haagen-Dazs. As for telling me!

Old bastard, old fox!

But thinking about the poison on his body, Bibi Dong gritted his teeth. Under the eaves, he had to bow his head, planning to visit a village a few miles away.

"Sample, play with me!"

The corner of his mouth was slightly picked, Su Xian withdrew the gleam of his eyes, and a king came down, planning to pass the time.

"Hey~ I don't know how long to stay here!"

Looking at the surrounding trees, Su Xian suddenly wanted to go back, how nice it is to sleep with his wife in his arms every day.

Here, there is not even a return date.

He came here, although it was mainly to solve Bibi Dong's heart disease, but the special cat had to play this role too.

According to Bibi Dong’s feelings for Taishang, he is more like a father and daughter. This is not a monthly job!

(End of this chapter)

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