Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 264: Sanguan runs with the five senses? 【four】

Chapter 264 Three Views Follow the Five Senses? 【four】

Half a month later, Bibi Dong is still undergoing anti-stress training.

From being exhausted and exhausted before waking up at noon the next day, she gradually adapted to survive under this pressure.

Naturally, Su Xian learned this trick from Sea God Island.

Poseidon’s test all took this test, which was obviously the result of a long-term experiment.

Besides, Bibi Dong will also participate in the **** test in the future. In the future, there is bound to be a project about physical fitness, so she can adapt in advance.

He didn't take out the exercises and other cross-age things, it was too easy to reveal his identity.

Judging from the strength of Bibi Dong's auction, it is obvious that he has not given it to her now.


Seeing that Bibi Dong was too tired to move, Su Xian was so helpless that he had to prepare meals by himself and prepared some porridge by the way.

Although meat can quickly restore physical strength, after strenuous exercise, still eat some light, so as not to continue to burden the body.

After recovery, eat some high-calorie foods.

"Can you still move?"

Seeing Bibi Dong who was lying on the bed, Su Xian asked with a calm expression on his face.

He smiled bitterly, Bibi Dong stubbornly wanted to get up, but his body didn't listen to it at all.

Even speaking, he felt heavy in his throat, so he shook his head helplessly.


Su Xian also sighed, and then brought a bowl of lean meat soup.

"Eat a little bit~"

Holding a spoon and approaching Bibi Dong, Su Xian seemed to be taking care of a sick person, and his expression was extremely kind.


Before I was an uncle, how come I am now a dog-licking son-in-law!

Although he wanted to scold the street very much in his heart, Su Xian was also helpless, could not let her leave her alone, didn't respect the old and love the young?

So, the serious question is, is he respecting the old or loving the young?

Seeing Su Xian taking care of herself in this way, Bibi Dong only felt warm inside.

As an orphan, she has gone through too many hardships and has never been cared for in this way.

The eye sockets were slightly red, and Bibi Dong's lips opened slightly, allowing Su Xian to feed himself.

"Don't think too much, I just lack a maid by my side."

Seeing Bibi Dong's touch, Su Xian's heart was shocked, and he quickly reminded him.

If something happens all of a sudden, she will come to a person who promises something, he will not survive when he returns.

Although Bibi Dong is indeed beautiful, he is not the kind of person who follows the five senses.

It's not as good as being a beast!

Hearing Su Xian's words, Bibi Dong smiled back, his eyes sparkling, as if the Milky Way was flowing.

Su Xian:.......

The look in your eyes made me panic for some reason!

Bibi Dong will take good care of him, while Su Xian is busy with his own affairs.

such as…

How to arrange the 17 cards to get the most benefit!

Break through every line of defense and fight against the crystal attacks from high-tech civilization under the protection of your own flesh and blood equipment!

When living on a desert island, how to use the things you find to wipe out the enemies one by one!

No way, he doesn't know what he should do now.

It's purely to come here to brush up on the sense of existence. When the time is up, I will go back. For the time being, be a salted fish of the Buddha style...

Time passed in a hurry, and three months passed in a blink of an eye. Bibi Dong made rapid progress and was used to stress training.

Even if it is the pressure of the Soul King level, she can face it safely.

Although this does not represent absolute strength, she has already surpassed the Soul King for physical limits, perseverance, etc.

If it weren't for the soul king's fifth soul ability, the ten thousand years soul ability, the strength of the soul sect and the soul king would be very different.

Changing to a general thousand-year spirit ability, with the same amount of spirit power, the Soul King with one more spirit ability would not be her opponent.

And Bibi Dong's spirit power has also reached level 44, which is two levels higher than three months ago.

Children from poor families can indeed afford to suffer, and Su Xian clearly saw this from Bibi Dong.

She didn't continue to teach her soul master knowledge, she had learned everything that should be learned, and the rest should be actual combat.

"Continue to practice in the Arena of Fighting Souls, and at least get back a golden Soul Fighting Badge." Su Xian ordered.

As his disciple, how can Bibi Dong be weaker than others? Doesn't that mean he is incompetent? !

The Golden Fighting Soul badge requires 10,000 points, and Bibi Dong has more than 5,500 points now, so it is not difficult to do it.

"it is good!"

Without any hesitation, Bibi Dong directly agreed.

As a graceful posture stepped into the Haagen-Dazs Arena of Souls, an even more popular soul-fighting craze surged.

Bibi Dong, the owner of the Silver Fighting Soul badge.

Three months later, she is back again!

The first game, three minutes, win!

The second game, two minutes, crush!


Even though there was only one chance to fight the soul a day, Bibi Dong won the one-on-one soul fight for half a month.

Moreover, every battle is one-sided suppression, even if it is facing a 48-level opponent, it is still the same.

The Arena of Souls needs to make a profit. In addition to the tickets, the more important thing is the gambling income.

Bibi Dong has the leeway to win streaks in a row, and the gambling situation is obvious, and the level of excitement is not directly proportional to income.

Finally, the Great Fighting Arena thought of a way, not to bet on winning or losing, but on fighting time!

And the Arena of Souls also found Bibi Dong, who usually cooperated further.

After all, the time can be controlled by her, and it is not a problem to extend or shorten it.

"Manager Chahan, I think you made a mistake. I came to the Arena to train myself. I would not agree to such a dirty proposal."

Looking at the potbellied man in front of him, Bibi Dong's eyes were full of contempt, and he coldly refused.

"Ha ha…"

Seeing that Bibi Dong was so rude, Chahan was not at all angry. The businessman's interests were prioritized, and he continued to persuade with a smile:

"Training is naturally training, but it doesn't hurt to earn tens of thousands of gold coins. Miss Bibidong might as well consider it again?"

"Manager Chahan, you don't need to say any more, I won't agree."

Bibi Dong refused without hesitation. While speaking, he glanced at the windless flowers slightly, feeling particularly at ease.

Seeing Bibi Dong so decisive, Zha Khan suddenly flashed a cold light in his eyes.

Those who dare not to show off the spirit of fighting like this will not live long!

Especially, you are a yellow girl with no background!

"In that case, I can only wish Miss Bibi Dong a smooth practice."

The cold light in his eyes was quickly concealed by him, and Cha Khan smiled slightly, seeming not to care.


Bibi Dong's expression remained calm and he left here as he spoke.

Watching Bibi Dong leave, Zha Khan's face suddenly turned hideous at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, as if he was infernal.

"Ren Wenxi, give me that girl..."


Chahan hadn't finished speaking yet, a figure appeared like a ghost, and fell from mid-air "boom".

The gurgling blood was trembling in his body, pouring in from his mouth, like a fountain.

Suddenly, the atmosphere on the scene solidified...

(End of this chapter)

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