Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 270: Bibi Dong: I am stunned!

Chapter 270 Bibi Dong: I am confused!

Actions and reactions are all different from the time when Tai Shang.

If one time may be a coincidence, then this one after another is not a coincidence.

Bibi Dong is already convinced in his heart that this guy is too good!

Since Taishang is a clone, with his strength, the art of change is not a problem.

Still want to hide from her?

It's just wishful thinking!

Su Xian:.......

You are a genius for not being a detective all the time!

How to do? How should I round back now?

Or is it a showdown? !

"Senior Sister, I'm really not too good, please don't think about it!"

"If you think about it anymore, I really think I am a teacher?"

Pinching his thigh fiercely, Su Xian cried and knelt down to Bibi Dong.

It's not easy for him to be a good person!

Can't you let me be the boss?

After such a night’s effort, I was exposed. If I go to undercover, hes~

So, is it possible that your acting skills have regressed?

Seeing Su Xian kneeling, Bibi Dong quickly pulled him up, she couldn't bear the kneeling.

Bibi Dong sighed, "Teacher, if I changed a few days ago, I would still believe what you said, but now... I won't believe it anymore!"

After the words, Bibi Dong firmly shouted, "You are the teacher, no need to pretend."

Su Xian:.......

I have a saying that Mom doesn’t know if it’s inappropriate to say it!

After looking at Qian Renxue, Su Xian took a deep breath, and couldn't refute:

"Don't call me teacher in the future, I never promised to accept you as a disciple, and all the previous registered disciples were invalidated."


you win!

Now it's the showdown, you like it, right?

Seeing Su Xian personally confessed, Bibi Dong was immediately pleasantly surprised, but after hearing it, his face changed drastically.


Just as Bibi Dong wanted to ask the reason, he suddenly seemed to think of something and stopped immediately.

Yu Guang glanced at Qian Renxue, Bibi Dong seemed to know what was going on.

Bibi Dong felt very uncomfortable to think that Su Xian refused to recognize himself as an apprentice for his daughter.

Even the gaze that led her to look at Qian Renxue was not soft, but a bit more hostile.

Qian Renxue:? ?

What is your look! !

Seeing Bibi Dong, Su Xian opened his mouth, and finally chose to remain silent. He really didn't know what Bibi Dong should be called.

None of the three of them spoke, and the scene was once extremely strange.

Su Xian complained, "Look at you, if you have to make things so embarrassing, everyone is uncomfortable."

If Bibi Dong doesn't know what this is, and if you make up for it, everyone will be able to live a good life. It will be great if you have family and harmony.

Well, the relationship between the three is completely messed up!

"How can you blame me, who makes you shameless, actually... actually..."

Bibi Dong suddenly exploded and stared at Su Xian angrily. As for the following sentence "Like my daughter", Bibi Dong was ashamed to say it.

The more I thought about it, the more angry Bibi Dong didn't expect that it would be so embarrassing to see you master and apprentice.

"Go into the room, I have something to tell you!"

Thinking of her plan, Su Xian took a deep breath, planning to give Bibi Dong a thorough understanding in advance so as not to think about it.


Seeing Su Xian's domineering appearance, Bibi Dong nodded weakly, and honestly followed Su Xian into the bedroom.

Seeing Bibi Dong's cowardly and timid appearance, Qian Renxue only felt stunned, ruining the three views.

Is this... really your own mother? !

Under the crown of that noble, elegant, deserted pope? !

I'm going to be a lie! !

Seeing the bedroom door closed and leaving herself alone outside, Qian Renxue's face was full of weirdness.

Wei Wei got close to the wall, Qian Renxue planned to listen to what they were talking about, but unfortunately, Su Xian had already shielded the bedroom space.

Inside the bedroom.

Su Xian changed back to the appearance of being a supreme, looking at Bibi Dong who was mature and beautiful before him, he was deeply moved.

If it weren't for knowing that he had crossed, Su Xian even felt like he was dreaming, having a very long-term dream that spanned decades.

Looking at "Too Shang", Bibi Dong was very excited, and then muttered dissatisfied, "I knew it would be like this a long time ago, and I lied to me before."

Death stared at Bibi Dong, and Su Xian said nonchalantly, "Don't say lie to you, I want to beat you a bit now to get out of my breath."

"It used to be so silly and cute, now it's better than anyone else."

Bibi Dong didn't care, he smiled, "Then I will assume you are complimenting me."

Su Xian:.......

No Bilian! !

Su Xian took a deep breath and said, "You have nothing to ask me?"

As soon as he said this, Bibi Dong's face sank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The surprise of the reunion of the master and disciples completely receded, and Bibi Dong was silent for a moment, then suddenly said:

"Do you know everything?"

You Yu looked at Su Xian with complicated eyes, Bibi Dong had a sad smile on his face, tears suddenly fell, and the weak and helpless appearance was really heartbreaking.

"That night...I was there." Su Xian nodded.

As soon as he said this, Bibi Dong's face was as white as white paper, and he felt the sky spin, staggering backwards.

Su Xian's figure flashed, and he quickly supported her.


His hands claws tightly grabbed Su Xian's arm, Bibi Dong's eyes were cracked, and he roared.

The expression in her eyes suddenly turned into a blood-red color, a strong purple-black energy gushing out of her body, and blood was faintly visible from clenching her teeth, which shows how angry she is at the moment.

Since the teacher is here, why doesn't he save me!

Bibi Dong couldn't figure it out, why did Su Xian treat her like this!

Or is she just a pawn?

Suppressing Bibi Dong's evil thoughts, Su Xian looked extremely serious and explained, "Xue'er, it's not you and his daughter~"


As soon as these words came out, no less than five thunders blasted the sky, Bibi Dong was immediately stunned, looking at Su Xian incredulously.

How can it be?

She is her own, and his spirit is also a Seraphim. How could it not be? !

Bibi Dong is like a peak, with blood-red eyes in his eyes, swaying Su Xian's arm, "Teacher, you are lying to me, right?!"

"Listen to me slowly telling you~"

Seeing Bibi Dong's emotions so excited, Su Xian calmed her emotions, and then began to talk about the plot he had designed.

The more I listened, Bibi Dong felt more incredible, but he didn't expect it to be like this.


"Teacher, why don't you save me directly?" Bibi Dong glared at Su Xian angrily.

Obviously, it would be fine to save me directly, but I have to deliberately let me be pregnant with Cher and I will be pregnant in October. What's the matter? !

More importantly, her innocence was so innocently destroyed, from a big girl with a yellow flower to a woman...

Thinking of this, Bibi Dong couldn't help but want to cry, looking at Su Xian's eyes full of resentment.

Su Xian:.......

This is a good question, I need to think about it!

(End of this chapter)

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