Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 287: System couple! 【three】

Chapter 287 System Couples! 【three】

"Ahem... this angel **** passed the eighth test. From now on, I will be the great worship of the Wuhun Temple, does that mean?"

Su Xian blinked and looked at Qian Daoliu sincerely. Although he was ignorant, the smirk in his eyes had already betrayed him.

Do you think he is trying to test for God?


He came back to accompany Qian Renxue to get the dowry!

Wuhundian, his wife, she will have the final say in the future!

And she, I have the final say!

Although it sounds shameless, this is an indisputable fact.


Qian Daoliu gritted his teeth viciously. Although he couldn't believe that Su Xian could get the eighth test, he nodded and admitted this indisputable fact.

At the same time, Qian Daoliu was also extremely surprised in his heart. The top-level assessment of angel gods is generally only given to the angels.

This kid was able to get the eight exams. If he weren't for a male, maybe the nine exams might not be the case. It's weird!

The first test of the angel **** is called the scorching sun, which is nothing to the two who are not invaded by water and fire.

With Su Xian, the assessment is not a matter of minutes, but this time, the two still failed to participate in all the assessments.

The two only reached the fifth test, so they didn't continue.

Because the angelic **** position has become less important.

Throughout the assessment, Qian Renxue was brushing the system points every day, and Su Xian was spoiled by her every day, she had already collected enough points.

That's right, Qian Renxue's name is the pet husband system, as long as he is kind to him and meets the requirements, he can explode points to exchange items.

Su Xian was full of envy for this. Compared with it, his own spike system was simply weak!

I have to struggle to make money. People get points when they kiss or hug each other. As a man, it is too difficult for him.

Uuuuu~ the sky is not fair!


Inside the palace, Su Xian looked at the merchandise on the system interface, and his face suddenly twitched.

"System, you are hitting my self-confidence in cultivation!"

Originally, he was thinking about cultivating and becoming a little stronger, so as not to cheat every time and make everyone think that he has no other ability besides.

It now appears that it is not that he does not want to work hard, but that the system does not give him the opportunity to work hard!

This is so special, the cultivation base can be exchanged!

"Three-level gods, ten million gold coins!"

"Second-level **** position, 120 million gold coins!"

"The first-level god, one billion gold coins!"


That's right!

The products refreshed in this system are cultivation bases, including martial arts, immortal cultivation, ghost repairs, magic repairs, etc. In short, it is basically the cultivation base!

He now has more than 800 million gold coins in his hand, so he cultivates a hammer?


Every time I want to practice in the Lun family, I use a variety of commodities to hammer the small chest of the Lun family. It is really old and bad~

After thinking about it, Su Xian did not immediately change the position of God, but called Qian Renxue over.

"What are you looking for me?"

Sending a fragrant kiss, Qian Renxue asked Su Xian to rest her jade legs, rubbing his shoulders, and asked curiously.

Seeing Qian Renxue's skilled business, Su Xian wanted to scold the system a few words.

In her current situation, he couldn't tell whether Qian Renxue was scoring points, or whether she was really good to her!

The system is really harmful, just poison him alone in the future.

Hmm, he suffers everything!

After blinking his eyes, Su Xian raised his eyebrows and asked, "Xue'er, you should have a lot of points, right?"

With that said, Su Xian grabbed Qian Renxue's hand and kissed him, looking like an obedient baby.

"What do you want to do?"

Seeing Su Xian like this, Qian Renxue suddenly became vigilant. This stinky guy was worried about his points, not a day or two.

Rubbing Xue'er's little hand, Su Xian blinked curiously, "Xue'er, see if you can redeem a transit card, let's go to other worlds to play."

"What are you going to do in other worlds, isn't it good here?" Qian Renxue frowned.

From the system, she already knew that there were other worlds. Although she wanted to go, she gave up considering that she needed too many points.

With so many points, she might as well use it for cultivation.

In less than a year, she is now at level 87. It won’t be long before she continues to inherit the position of Angel God!

"It's really good here, but my system needs currency to buy, and the world's gold coins are no longer available~"

"Furthermore, the price of good things is so high that you even need Star Coins to buy them. I can't do it anymore." Su Xian shrugged and replied.

After Qian Renxue obtained the system, Su Xian also had a systemic thing. He didn't hide it, but also told Qian Renxue.

She also knew why Su Xian was thinking about making money so much.

"Don't you always want to eat soft rice? Isn't it just right now, I raise you~"

"I earn points to exchange for gold coins for you. Just take the gold coins and exchange for other things." Qian Renxue said seriously.

Su Xian:.......

When you say this, should I be happy, or should I be sad? !

Qian Renxue's words are actually very reasonable. After all, she is a spike system. After she exchanges gold coins, she transforms it by herself, which is ten thousand times.

In this way, Su Xian didn't need to continue to earn gold coins, she was able to support him.


"Is it possible that the protagonist of my own generation, the owner of the system, has to be succeeded by a rich woman?"

Thinking of this, Su Xian suddenly felt a little shuddering.

Little white face usually has no good end.

Although this is his woman, a man cannot be crushed by a woman!

After all, passive and active are completely different concepts.

Throughout the ages, how many men with waste materials have been retired by their childhood sweethearts, and how many fairy emperors have been killed and reborn by their ambitions...

So, it’s okay to eat a few soft meals, and you’ll end up eating them all the time.

"I am teasing you, what are you doing so serious!"

Seeing Su Xian's black face, he didn't expect him to take it seriously, Qian Renxue laughed, and the flowers swayed.

"Let's say, which world do you want to go to, let me see if the current points are enough."

Looking at Su Xian with tenderness on his face, Qian Renxue said softly and compliantly, and did not mean to refuse at all.

Her system is not as powerful as Su Xian's, and can exchange all items.

If the system is divided into levels, her system is at most above the medium level.

And Su Xian's spike system can kill many powerful items in a flash. Although it requires luck, it is much better than her.

So in the future, she still has to count on his husband.

Besides, as a wife, the two of them are one body, and she naturally took care of him in the first place.

Isn't it just going to other worlds? Of course it's okay. Anyway, she wants to go to other worlds too.


When he has made money, she will be able to continue to be her rich little wife again.

(End of this chapter)

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