Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 294: Utan City, Fang City! 【two】

Chapter 294 Utan City, Fang City! 【two】

"Aren't you going to robbery, why are you not going?"

Seeing that Su Xian was actually playing with his cell phone, Qian Renxue couldn't help feeling a little anxious and urged.

As a wife, he must urge this guy to do it, otherwise he always spoils him, he will become lazier and lazier!

"Don't be in a hurry, just go here as soon as you live in, isn't that exposed."

Seeing Qian Renxue anxious, Su Xian waved his hand involuntarily.

There is no idiot in the Xiao family. If he went straight to Xiao Yan, wouldn't it be all exposed!

The so-called Jiang Taigong fishing, if you want to get the bait, your own bait is released, is it possible that the old man can still run away?

"Take you out for a stroll. I have been busy for the past two days and haven't gone out to take a good look. How about?"

Slowly standing up, Su Xian looked at Qian Renxue with a full face, her right hand already holding her white and lubricated catkin.

"I want to buy a lot of things, can't you stop me?" Qian Renxue eagerly asked with a sly look in his eyes.

"It's up to you~ There are not many good treasures in Utan City. If you want, you can buy it at will."

Seeing her arms around her left arm, Su Xian smiled knowingly and touched her pretty face, knowing that she was only joking, and naturally did not refuse.

"Then let's go~"

Pulling Su Xian, Qian Renxue walked briskly, smiled happily, jumping around, without a trace of stability and dignity.

Like a butterfly dancing in the flowers, cheerful and free, without any constraints.

The two left the Xiao family and came to Wutan City Street.

Compared with the Gothic architecture of Douluo Continent, Doupo Continent's architecture is more of a corniced pavilion, which looks very familiar.

There are several market places in Utan City, which are used for trading. They are guarded by the three major families. Of course, they also need to pay tribute.

"What a beautiful beauty~"

As soon as he stepped in, Su Xian felt countless eyes looking towards him, more precisely, staring at Qian Renxue.

The face of the country that can make any man curl his eyebrows and bow his waist is as bright and dazzling as a pearl, it is difficult to not attract attention.

Looking down at the arm around her waist, she seemed to be proclaiming sovereignty. The corner of Qian Renxue's mouth rose slightly, and she did not resist.

"Ahem, what does this young master need?"

Seeing Su Xian and two of them walking towards them, the stall owner was excited and greeted him enthusiastically.

Dressed in the clothes of the two, obviously they are not ordinary people!

Especially that woman, as beautiful as a god, if she had such a confidante, she would be willing to live thirty years less!

Nodded to the boss, Su Xian said hello, and a purple magic core fell into Su Xian's hand.

Out of the grudge! !

Seeing Su Xian's movements, the boss's heart jumped suddenly, only to feel shocked.

At such a young age, his cultivation has reached such a situation! !

"This is the magic core, which is obtained from the body of a monster. It contains very violent energy. It cannot be taken directly. It is generally used for refining medicine or inlaid on weapons."

Su Xian explained with a smile, as for the object of explanation, naturally Qian Renxue.

"What the adult said is that this is a first-order magic core of water attribute, very suitable for refining medicine."

Hearing this superficial and well-known remark, although the boss felt strange, he still smiled and conformed.

Noting that Qian Renxue had curiosity in her eyes, staring at the magic core, the boss quickly said, "If you like it, you can give this magic core to the adult."

"No need!"

Qian Renxue shook her head, she was not rare to see what others gave, except for him, of course.


Seeing Qian Renxue's refusal so quickly, the boss was slightly stunned and could only laugh.

"Since this magic core can be used to refine pills, will you?"

Qian Renxue looked at Su Xian curiously. The energy in the magic core was indeed good. Although she didn't know that there were alchemists in this world, this was a huge business opportunity!

"Don't think of me as an almighty who knows everything except having children, OK?"

Su Xian glanced at Qian Renxue lightly and replied.

The pharmacist is indeed a profiteering industry, but he has to be able to do it.

Although his fighting spirit is fire, he needs to have wood properties to neutralize medicinal materials, which is still unknown.

"I have a method of refining medicine here~"

Attached to Su Xian's ear, Qian Renxue exhaled like blue, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly triumphantly.

Staring at Su Xian, Qian Renxue's face was sly, as if she was saying that you need to change things.

Su Xian:.......

I'm so greedy, I have me, and I still want to exchange it, why don't you just toss about it every night! ?

Alas, woman, your name is Greed!

"Even if it does, you can't exchange it now." Su Xian rubbed her waist unceremoniously.

Qian Renxue's points were all spent, and the refining method was not cheap, Su Xian didn't believe he still had so many points to redeem.

"Isn't it okay in the future, what are you doing in such a hurry?" Qian Renxue said with a pun on his face with a faint blush.

"That's true~"

With a meaningful smile, Su Xian dropped the magic core and continued to stroll around Fang City with Qian Renxue.

There are no good things in the Fang City. It's okay to watch, but if it's cultivation, it's not necessary at all.

Knowing that Qian Renxue was unfamiliar with this world, Su Xian tried his best to let her know more, lest she always feel strange.

"Someone is following~"

Faint words sounded, Qian Renxue looked around with a smile, as if it was not what she said.

"It is estimated that we are eyeing the two of us, want to make some money~"

Su Xianman said indifferently that there is always a "golden finger" in the market, and it is indispensable to take advantage of it.

However, neither of them is obviously.

"Oh~ I don't know which girl this is, she is so naturally beautiful, she is very popular!"

Suddenly, a frivolous voice rang in Su Xian's ears, causing his brows to frown.

In a blink of an eye, I saw a young man with a pale face.

Fiery and greedy eyes kept scanning Qian Renxue's body. When he saw Qian Renxue's alluring face, the man's face was obviously startled, and his eyes became even hotter.

"What a beautiful beauty, she is even more beautiful than Xun'er!"

After swallowing subconsciously, Galeo walked up quickly and greeted him politely.

"Under Galeo, young master of the Galli family, I don't know Miss..."


The voice stopped abruptly, as if a string broke, and the meaning was still unfinished.

Immediately, a figure was kicked out, like a cannonball crashing into the street wall.

"It's so reckless, you can think about Lao Tzu's women too!"

Su Xian slowly retracted his right leg, and hugged Qian Renxue, who was smiling and wandering again, without disturbing his interest because of this.

(End of this chapter)

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