Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 298: Yafei succumbed! 【two】

Chapter 298 Yafei submits! 【two】

"It's hard for you to make your debut at the Mittel Auction. Why don't you follow me in the future?"

Ya Fei:.......

Seeing Su Xian's frivolous mouth but sincere and meticulous eyes, Ya Fei was immediately stunned.


Do you want to be so sudden, this is the first time you meet, let me follow you? ?

Are you sure it is to map my ability, not my color?

"Senior, are you kidding me?" Ya Fei was stunned.

If she had changed other people, she would have "please" out in a rage.

But the person in front of him is different, he is a fighting king!

What he was plotting would definitely not be a whim. After all, there was a woman who was more beautiful than himself, and he didn't look like that kind of snoring person.

"I'm serious, I can give you time to think, but I need a clear answer when I leave Utan City. May I follow you?"

Su Xian's face was unwavering, there was no desire, nor any loss, and the plain expression made Ya Fei unable to judge for a while.

Thinking slightly, Ya Fei bit her lower lip, "If I follow you, what can I get?"

"It's possible that you won't get anything, it's possible that you can't imagine it, but one thing is certain is that you can gain absolute freedom."

Knowing that Concubine Ya cares about her own destiny most, Su Xian goes straight to the point and cuts to the point.

"No one will take you as a gift and give it to others. With me, there is never a need to curry favor with anyone."

Hearing this, Ya Fei was silent immediately.

She admitted that what Su Xian said at the end was very emotional, but she would not make such a hasty decision.

Even though the future of Mittel's auction site is elusive, it is better than following a stranger who knows nothing.

"Give me time for me to think about it again~"

Concubine Ya took a deep breath and exhaled as she looked at the two people younger than herself.

"It's up to you~"

"Can you ask, what do you want me to do?"

Seeing Concubine Ya staring at her in a daze, Su Xian's brows suddenly wrinkled with curiosity in her bright and charming eyes.

"Do you have any other abilities besides auction ability?" Su Xian was startled slightly, blurted out subconsciously.

A woman is nothing more than three things: beauty, strength (ability), and wealth.

Value her beauty?

He is not that kind of **** person, besides, already has Qian Renxue, of course the auctioneer also needs to be beautiful, this belongs to auction ability.

Value her strength?

A fighter scum, he stared to death.

As for wealth?

Sorry! He never knew what wealth is.

Ya Fei:.......

I have a special sentence that Mom doesn’t know if it’s not a good idea to say it!


Concubine Ya bit her pink lips, Qiu Shui's eyes stared at Su Xian sullenly, feeling very uncomfortable in her heart.

What does it mean besides auction ability?

Is she so bad? !

As the chief teacher of the famous Mittel auction house, she is meticulous in her mind, and her calculations are not weaker than those of the older generation.

Although in terms of beauty, she is indeed somewhat inferior to Qian Renxue, but it is definitely not bad.

Especially, the temptation and attraction for men.

Only the fool in front of him can be so indifferent.

"It's useless to stare at me. As far as I am concerned, if there is no one under my hand, where is it necessary for me to come to you personally!"

"The best case is that they give you money to invite you over, and the last thing is to tie you over directly."

Seeing that Concubine Ya was a little angry, Su Xian didn't care at all, and stabbed Concubine Ya's wound again.



Sorry, it definitely does not exist!

For women, how could Su Xian not know their thoughts.

Qian Renxue hasn't been deeply involved in the world. He licked everything in the end, but the dog licking path is not suitable for any girl.

Especially, the kind of women who are deserted, arrogant, good at calculation, and extremely deep in the city.

Licking and licking, people really treat you as a dog!

Seeing Su Xian's serious appearance, Ya Fei's face suddenly went dark.


I agree to co-author, or is it my honour? !

The grievances deepened in her heart, Ya Fei raised her eyes and looked at Su Xian deeply, her black and white water-cut pupils were angry and angry.

Coupled with the charming and enchanting, the angered concubine is even more seductive, especially the biting red lips, again adding a bit of tenderness and affection to a weak woman.

She is such a stunner... she is tempting to commit a crime!

"She is so weak, why should she say so much? I think she should tie it back directly, not afraid that she won't agree!"

After taking a curious look at Su Xian, Qian Renxue narrowed her eyes and couldn't help but interject.

It's not a relative, it's just that a weak ant exists, and what is she doing so much nonsense.

Her husband, Su Xian, said that he came here sincerely. It was an honor to value her. If they hadn't come to this world alone, why would she need her to do things!


The air immediately solidified, and Su Xian looked at Qian Renxue in amazement, with confusion in his eyes.

Is this the nature of Qian Renxue?

Or do you want to cooperate with yourself and sing red face here, and she makes a white face to oppress Yafei?

"What are you staring at me, am I wrong?"

Su Xian:.......

After the identification, he is not deliberately playing cooperation!

Squeezing Qian Renxue's face, Su Xian replied:

"Yes! We can indeed pack her away~"

Yu Yin pulled the old man up, Su Xian looked at Qian Renxue helplessly, not knowing whether to admire or shame.

Sometimes his modern people's concept can't be changed.

In a world where strength is respected, he is a bit less overbearing. If Qian Renxue is replaced, he will probably just be caught back. There is no need to talk nonsense.

That is to say, I am a fool who is like a boss here, talking about employee benefits and salary.

After slightly adjusting his mentality, Su Xian's eyes became colder and oppressive, "Since my wife has spoken, you only have one minute to think about it!"

"Either agree to cooperate, or I will catch you back and force you to submit."

Ya Fei:.......

Men don’t recognize people when they wear pants?

I just said a few days, now is one minute so short? !

Angry but helpless, Ya Fei finally smiled sternly, she seemed to have no choice at all.

If you don't agree, you don't have to agree in the end. There is more torture. Why bother!

"I promised, I will follow you in the future, hope... you won't lie to me."

At the end of the words, Ya Fei seemed to be more bitter, like a bird in a cage, wanting to fly high in anger, but helpless.

In the end, she can only be entrusted to her master to treat her as a canary instead of slaughtering and giving away like a sparrow.

"Don't worry, I've always said and counted things here, and then you will find how wise your decision is." Su Xian replied with a smile.

Hearing that, the corners of Ya Fei's mouth twitched slightly, and her eyes paled slightly, "Just now, you also said that I should consider it?"

Su Xian:.......

Ahem...Don't care about these details! !

(End of this chapter)

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