Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 304: Sorry, I'm used to it! 【Two supplements】

Chapter 304 I'm sorry, I'm used to it! 【Two supplements】

The two of them returned to the Xiao family, and before Su Xian left, Xiao Zhan had already brought Xiao Yan over.

Seeing the handsome, slightly indifferent young man in front of him, Su Xian suddenly felt "happy to see the hunt".

The lonely eyes swept across Qian Renxue's body, Xiao Yan was a little surprised, and in the blink of an eye he became restrained and steady.

After experiencing social slings, he has smoothed out some edges and corners, and his xinxing has become more mature.

This is the nature of his success!

Noting Xiao Yan's expression, Su Xian couldn't help but exclaim.

Unfortunately, the protagonist is now him.

As a fellow, he must abide by his values ​​and "love" him well.

Of course, not the physical one.

Xiao Zhan enthusiastically introduced, "Senior, this is my third son, Xiao Yan."

He deliberately brought Xiao Yan over this time, just holding a glimmer of hope to see if Su Xian had any way to let Xiao Yan continue to practice.

"Fighting Qi third stage, something went wrong in the practice?" Su Xian's eyes flashed and said calmly.

In one word!

"Senior, please take a look at what is wrong with him and why his cultivation base does not advance and retreat."

Xiao Zhan was overjoyed and immediately pleaded. Even Xiao Yan's face changed slightly, and he looked at this man who was not much older than himself with curiosity.

Such a young Dou Wang, because his talent still exists, it is absolutely impossible!

"Senior didn't know it. My son Xiao Yan was originally considered a genius. He became a fighter at the age of eleven, but he didn't know why his cultivation base suddenly fell."

"I have asked many people over the years, but unfortunately no one has been able to find out the cause. Everyone says he is in good health."

"If seniors have a way to cure my son's chronic illness, great kindness, it will be unforgettable!"

For fear that Su Xian would refuse, Xiao Zhan shook out about Xiao Yan's genius.

It's fine if ordinary people can't make progress in their cultivation base, but his son's cultivation base has regressed and turned from a genius to a waste.

In other words, looking at the situation for his son does not mean that he has insulted King Su Xiandou's reputation!

"I do have a solution to his matter." Su Xian nodded and replied.

"Senior, please help!!"

Xiao Zhan was overjoyed immediately, saluting Su Xian respectfully, even trembling.

Xiao Yan's body trembled abruptly when he heard the words, golden light surged in his calm eyes, staring at Su Xian with burning eyes.


In response to the hopeful gaze of the two, Su Xian nodded slowly, and the two were grateful again.

After Xiao Zhan was driven away, Su Xian looked at Xiao Yan, the smile on the corner of his mouth grew thicker and spread to his entire face in the blink of an eye.

"Senior, you..."

Xiao Yan couldn't help getting a little hairy, and even his voice became trembling.

"The king of heaven covers the tiger!"

Damn it!

Xiao Yan was so scared that he immediately jumped up, as if he had seen a ghost, looking at Su Xian incredulously.

However, he did not see the horror of the ghost, and his face was flushed with excitement.

This is the first time he has heard such a wonderful sound of nature since he traveled! !

"Chicken stewed mushrooms~" Xiao Yan's eyes were reddish, and he couldn't help himself.

He has traveled for more than ten years, and finally found an organization at this moment, oooooo~

He knew that it was impossible for him to cross over by himself.

There are so many talents in the great heaven, and it is impossible that he alone is so good.

"Brother, I found you~"

Shaking his hands, Xiao Yan slowly walked over, trying to give Su Xian a big hug.

"Get out! I'm not good at this!"

Seeing this, Su Xian kicked out with a smile and Xiao Yan suddenly fell to the ground.

Hearing such familiar words, Xiao Yan's heart was shocked again.

The pain of falling to the ground did not make him angry, but surprised him with a mean smile on his face.

Everything is really not a dream!

As soon as he got up from the ground, Xiao Yan didn't have a trace of resentment in his heart.

Xiao Yan wondered, "Old Tie, when did you cross over?"

"There are some years, otherwise it would be impossible to cultivate until King Dou is not." Su Xian cajoled.

As if a meteorite hit his chest, it was extremely painful, and Xiao Yan's expression suddenly forced down.


Others have crossed over to Dou Wang, marrying Bai Fumei and reaching the pinnacle. Lao Tzu is only at the third stage of fighting.

It's really maddening to compare people!

"Oh~" Xiao Yan sighed, full of envy.

"Don't sigh here, give me the storage ring in your hand." Su Xian reminded.

"What do you want this for?" Xiao Yan's pupils shrank and said vigilantly.

This is his mother's relic.

Su Xian patted his forehead angrily, "What nonsense, if you don't want to be sucked up by this thing, just give it to me."

To grab things, you must grab things openly!

You have to be grateful if you finish robbing others. This is a realm!

"What? You said it was this thing?!"

Taking off the storage ring quickly, Xiao Yan was furious and almost didn't throw the storage ring out.

Su Xian directly accepted the storage ring.

Seeing Su Xian grabbing something like this, Xiao Yan's mouth twitched slightly, telling him instinctively that the ring must be tricky.

"The material of this ring is special. It is made of meteorite. It can absorb the fighting energy in the human body. It is not good for you." Su Xian explained solemnly.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yan nodded suspiciously.

Thinking of his situation, Xiao Yan's eyes gleamed, "Then I can practice again now, right?"

"Of course!" Su Xian nodded.

"You go back to practice, you are also a traverser, how can you be such a waste material?"

"It's not that I said you, don't you feel that you are embarrassing me the transversal of the Great Heavenly Dynasty?"

"Don't feel embarrassed. Tell yourself honestly. You are not ashamed?"


After being scolded by Su Xian, Xiao Yan's face was also hot. He originally wanted to refute it, but thinking of Su Xian's cultivation base at this moment, he suddenly dispelled his thoughts.

Fighting king, fighting spirit three stages...

He is indeed ashamed of the Great Heaven, he is ashamed of the Chinese, woo woo woo~


You are not leaving yet!

Su Xian couldn't help but urged, "Don't be pestering me, go and practice!"


Weak, Xiao Yan drooped his face, walked a few steps and cheered up, and left with his head high.

To see success or failure in life is heroic, but to start all over again!

Seeing Xiao Yan being fooled away, Su Xian immediately cast his eyes on the storage ring, with a cruel smile on his face.

Cang Dang!

He hugged Qian Renxue and rushed into the room, and the surrounding doors and windows closed.

"what are you doing!!"

Seeing Su Xian walking towards implantation, Qian Renxue shyly pushed Su Xian. Now is not the time to do business.

"Uh... sorry, I'm used to it."

After hearing this, Su Xian's expression was slightly stagnant, and then realized that closing the door was not the purpose, and suddenly scratched his head in embarrassment.

Qian Renxue:.......

(End of this chapter)

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