Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 314: Long time no see, I really miss it! 【two】

Chapter 314 hasn't seen for a long time, I really miss it! 【two】

He nodded in doubt, Qian Renxue saw that Nalan Yanran was still pretending to be asleep, his eyes flashed, and then he agreed:

"Where can the ordinary brothel take her? With Yun Lanzong behind, I'm afraid we can't sell it."

Su Xian waved his hand disapprovingly, "It's okay, the Gama Empire is not successful, there is always a place to ask for the Blackhorn Region, and that place is much friendlier than the Gama Empire."

Especially when he heard the word "friendly", Su Xian deliberately bit the word, aggravating his voice.

In this world, there is nothing he can't sell.

If there is no demand, then create demand. Nalan Yanran is a popular item, there must be some abnormalities with this preference.

Uh... seems to think too much.

He was just scary, and suddenly what it meant to be so thorough, he was a good person!

Hearing the two arrange themselves clearly, Nalan Yanran couldn't bear it, and she stood up.

Cang Dang!

He didn't say hello, didn't even glance at the two of them, a whirlwind blew by, Nalan Yanran's figure had disappeared.

Only heard the door open, driven by inertia, and then closed with a "clang".

"It's too rude, I saved you anyway~"

Seeing Nalan Yanran not saying hello, Su Xian shook his head with a wry smile.

Nalan Yanran:.......

You are going to sell your old lady to the brothel, let me say hello!

"Are you chasing or me?" Qian Renxue asked with a smile.

"I'm chasing, are you okay?" Su Xian blinked, pretending to be surprised.

"You want to die, hurry up by yourself."

Qian Renxue's expression stagnated, and then she understood immediately, and anxiously hammered Su Xian's chest.

"Sigh~ It hurts, I am hurt, wife, please rub it for me~"

Originally wanted to take Qian Renxue's hand over, but seeing Qian Renxue's ashamed and murderous eyes, Su Xian gave up immediately.

"Ahem... Stay at home honestly, I'll be back when I go."

Before the words fell, Su Xian's figure had disappeared.

Qian Renxue curled her mouth nonchalantly, looking at her messy clothes under the blanket, her face flushed suddenly.

"This guy~ you know how humiliating you are!"

Taking a sip in secret, Qian Renxue returned to the bedroom with the blanket in her right hand.

On the other side, Su Xian stood in the sky, looked down below, and knew Nalan Yanran's whereabouts well.

Without staying in the city, Nalan Yanran flew away from the west gate of Utan City and fled towards the imperial capital.

However, a carriage quickly caught up to her.

Quietly, he came to the top of the carriage and sat down in stealth. Su Xian planned to listen to what was happening inside.

Looking inside the carriage.

"Why are you helping me?"

Nalan Yanran frowned and looked at the sharp-faced man in front of her, with a vigilance in her expression.

If it were not for urgency, she would not easily get into a stranger's carriage.

"Miss Nalan is worrying too much, there is no malice here."

The tone paused slightly, as if knowing that Nalan Yanran would not believe it so easily, Garriebi introduced herself.

"I'm the head of the Garlie family, one of the three great families in Utan City, Garliebi. Like Miss Nalan, I have a grudge against the Xiao family."

Speaking of the end, Gallibi's face was gloomy and gloomy, and his gradually red eyes showed an undisguised killing intent.


Nalan Yanran's frowning brows loosened slightly, and she already knew a little bit about Galiebi's intentions.

Although she was a little shameless about the other party's borrowing the knife to kill, but she urgently needed to leave this ghost place at the moment, and she was not angry.

"At the moment, there is a strong fighting king in the Xiao family. The other party also killed my son. This hatred is not shared!"

"Today, I am taking a risk to send Miss Nalan back to the imperial capital, and I also ask Miss Nalan to be able to lend a hand to the same enemy!"

Noting the contempt deep in Nalan Yanran's eyes, Gallibi was not dissatisfied at all, but instead persuaded eagerly.

He now has no dissatisfaction, only blood and blood.

In order to save the Gallie family, he personally buried Galleo, and finally waited for such an opportunity to bet all his hopes.

The risks of gambling are indeed very high, what can we do if we don’t?

In the Xiao family, there was a fighting king, the tree fell and the hunger was scattered, and the Garley family's status in Utan City plummeted. If no more measures were taken, it would be completely over.

And Nalan Yanran's arrival gave him hope.

"King Dou?"

With a sudden frown, Nalan Yanran covered her mouth incredibly.

That woman seemed to be a few years older than herself, she was actually a fighting king!

Seeing Nalan Yanran so surprised, Gariebi quickly explained.

"Miss Nalan doesn't know, then Su Xian only came to Xiao's house a few days ago. At that time, many people saw him fighting Qi Huayi, so it must be Dou Wang."

"But his youthful appearance can't be better than he wants to come. How can Yun Lanzong be afraid of him as a kid."

Fearing that Nalan Yan was afraid of King Dou, Gariebi added another sentence, intending to block her back.

Su Xian:.......


When Xiaoye slaps you to death later, you will know whether you are strong or not!

Hearing this, Nalan Yanran not only did not agree with pride, but frowned even deeper.

"You mean, that blond man is a fighting king?"

The tone was full of consternation.

"That's right!" Gallibi didn't know why, but he nodded in response.

The atmosphere suddenly fell silent.

Reminiscent of Su Xian's rogue appearance, Nalan Yanran couldn't connect him with the powerful Dou Wang.

The other party is just a splash!

At first, she thought that Galliebi was talking about Qian Renxue, but she didn't expect Su Xian to be Dou Wang.

However, Nalan Yanran's expression turned cold when he thought of the face she had lost in the Xiao family.

"Okay! I will let my teacher take action when the time comes, and I will definitely take down those two."

If she doesn't find this place, she will not be called Nalan Yanran!

"If Sect Master Yunlan is on the move, he must be sure of it!"

Gallibi was overjoyed, and the corners of his mouth were cracked into flowers. It seemed that he could meet Su Xian's miserable appearance~


Hearing the plan of the two, Su Xian sighed. He didn't want to disturb the two wishful thinking.

If Yun Yun really comes, he can't ask for it, and he can ask for war reparations at that time, he can still ask for more!


Hearing a sigh coming from the roof of the car, the two sneered faces instantly solidified in the carriage.

Without waiting for the two to move, a familiar figure lifted the curtain and walked in amidst the painful cry of the groom.

The blond hair was raised slightly, and the corners of his mouth were smiling faintly, which looked really "kind".

"Two, long time no see, I really miss it~"

Nalan Yanran:! !

Gallibi:! ! !

I have a saying that Mom doesn’t know if it’s inappropriate to say it!

Uuuuu~ Calculating the strong in secret, he will know in the next second, what should they do?

Offer ten gold coins online for answers! !

(End of this chapter)

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