Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 316: Xiao Xun'er is visiting! 【two】

Chapter 316 Xiao Xun'er is visiting! 【two】

What the hell?

You dignified Miss Nalan, the granddaughter of Marshal Nalan, a battle champion, can't ride a carriage? !

Is it possible that these things from the Nalan family are passed on from men to women?


Continue editing!

"If I ask if you can ride a horse, would you tell me that you can't?" Su Xian teased.

"Of course I can ride a horse, but this is to drive a carriage..." Nalan Yanran's eyes flashed, and she couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

Su Xian:.......

If you don’t, you won’t, is it so difficult to admit your own deficiencies? !

Unexpectedly, Nalan Yanran would not even be able to drive a carriage. Su Xian sighed deeply, then grabbed Nalan Yanran by the wrist and directly led her to fly.

After two symbolic resistances, Nalan Yanran did not want to return to Xiao's house.

But people are controlled by Su Xian, even if they don't want to, they can do nothing.

Bringing Nalan Yanran back to the yard, before stepping into the main hall, he saw a strange scene.

Qian Renxue was lying in the bird's nest chair in the hanging basket, covered with a blanket, and seemed to be playing a game.

On the other side of the sofa, there was a woman in a green dress.

The woman is not someone else, but Xiao Xun'er.

"Stay here honestly, I will let you go when the money is available."

Speaking to Nalan Yanran, Su Xian stepped directly into the main hall.


Nalan Yanran coldly hummed dissatisfiedly, sitting on the stone table angrily, staring at Su Xian's back with eyes like swords.

Hmm~ She probably wants to try to stare him to death!

"What's up?"

When he arrived at the main hall, Su Xian greeted Xiao Xun'er with a smile, and then only rushed to Qian Renxue.

"Make a place for me."

Qian Renxue blinked, then looked at Xiao Xun'er, her face flushed.

Slightly moved his hips twice, freeing up some space.

Su Xian lifted the blanket, rushed in quickly, and lay down in the bird's nest hanging chair, leaning against Qian Renxue.

Slowly covered with a blanket, the two of them moved together to keep warm as if they were about to hibernate.

Seeing Qian Renxue playing games, Su Xian didn't say anything. She had a sense of measure and would not indulge in this stuff.

"Aren't you looking for me?"

Seeing Xiao Xun'er in a daze, Su Xian couldn't help but reminded.

Qian Renxue didn't entertain her much. The other party was still waiting here, obviously coming for herself.


Xiao Xun'er was speechless when she saw Su Xian's glue-like appearance.

Forget it in private, but there are outsiders here!

With a sigh of envy, Xiao Xun'er said, "Since you have come to the Xiao family, then open the skylight and speak up. Which clan are you from and what are you doing here?"

While speaking, Xiao Xun'er turned to look at Nalan Yanran in the yard, and deliberately lowered her voice.

"Guess which clan it is, it's only six anyway, it's not difficult."

The smile on Su Xian's mouth gradually widened, "As for coming to Xiao's house, Xiao Yan and I are old friends, can't we come to visit?"

"If you don't believe it, you can ask Xiao Yan to see if that's the case."

Seeing Su Xian still unwilling to reveal his identity, Xiao Xun'er frowned, faintly uneasy.

But soon, her attention was diverted by Su Xian's second half of the sentence.

Hearing that he and Xiao Yan met, Xiao Xun'er looked startled, and his face became even more suspicious.

"I came to Xiao's house when I was six years old. I never met you, and he never mentioned it to me."

"What's so strange about this, just like you don't say that you are from an ancient race, everyone has their own secret, right?"

While talking with Xiao Xun'er, Su Xian also took out his mobile phone and formed a team with Qian Renxue by the way.

"Then why did you come to Xiao's house?" Xiao Xun'er gritted her teeth when she saw Su Xian disrespect herself so much.

At the end, her tone became deeper, and a cold killing intent flashed across Rouli's eyes.

"Then what about you? Why did you come to Xiao's house?" Su Xian raised his eyebrows, without answering questions.

Lifting his eyes slightly, Su Xian stared at Xiao Xun'er in a daze, with a sharp edge hidden in his gentle smile.

He has answered enough, and he is not a slave, so he has no obligation to answer her one by one.


Xiao Xun'er suddenly choked, and already had a faint guess in her heart, and the other party, like her, came for the ancient emperor Tuoshe.

Then, who is he from?

Thunder? Stone clan?

Or is it the Yan Clan with the most different fires?

He carries a strange fire on him, and he is definitely not an unknown person.

Could it be... from the soul race?

Thinking of this, Xiao Xun'er felt cold in her heart, frowning deeper.

If the Soul Clan was eyeing the Xiao Family, the matter would be more serious than it is now.

"You plan to stay in Xiao's house forever?"

Xiao Xun'er's tone became a little hasty.

"Of course not. I will leave when I have earned 100 million gold coins." Su Xian said honestly.

Xiao Xun'er, that's a little rich woman. If you don't rob well at this time, you'll be in a loss!


The corners of her mouth twitched suddenly, and Xiao Xun'er was shocked, and immediately thought of Ling Ying's experience.

For a moment, Xiao Xun'er felt as if she was lost.

Come to Utan City to earn gold coins?

Is this what you Xinghai did?

When did the ancient people care about gold coins so much?

Is it possible that she has been away from the ancient clan for too long and can't keep up with the progress of the times?

"Ahem... If you give me 100 million gold coins, I will leave without leaving a trace." Su Xian vowed.

Xiao Xun'er: ㄟ(▔,▔)ㄏ

Watching Su Xian deeply, Xiao Xun'er felt that they were weird.

However, thinking of Su Xian's words, Xiao Xun'er felt aroused in her heart and blurted out subconsciously:

"Are you serious? If I give you 100 million gold coins, you will leave Xiao's house immediately?"

With Su Xian, she was really afraid that her identity or the Xiao family would be exposed.

Got the bait! !

Su Xian was heartbroken, and said immediately:

"Of course, and I can swear to God that I will never reveal anything about the Xiao family."

"If you are from an ancient race, do you think this can be believed?"

Xiao Xun'er sighed, not believing this.

There is a huge you in the Xiao family. It is absolutely impossible to know where the Xiao family is, but not to report it.

Su Xian waved his hand, "Believe it or not, let's be a couple."

Couple skin?

Xiao Xun'er:? ? ?

Su Xian quickly explained, "I didn't tell you later, I was talking to my wife."

Xiao Xun'er:.......

Seeing Su Xian and the other two playing happily, Xiao Xun'er was so angry, something flashed in her mind, making her eyes bright.

"You just said that you and Xiao Yan's brother are old acquaintances?" Xiao Xun'er asked with joy.

"Yeah~" Su Xian nodded subconsciously, and already started to play the game.

"In this way, you are not from the ancient race!"

With the final word, Xiao Xun'er profiteer smiled triumphantly.

I've known the Xiao Clan since I was a child. How could it be possible that there hasn't been any movement for so many years?

I'm afraid, this guy should be just like himself, he has been living in the Xiao family since he was a child.

(End of this chapter)

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