Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 323: This is just a gift! 【One】

Chapter 323 This is just a gift! 【One】

"Brother Xiao Yan, are you okay?"

Seeing Xiao Yan like this, Xiao Xun'er suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, frowning and asked.

He used to be exceptionally talented and full of spirits, but he was so cold that it was difficult for her to get close.

Even though the talent for cultivation is absent, he is also mature and cold.

Now it seems that his smile is a little more wretched?

Could it be that he read it wrong?

"What can I do."

Xiao Yan shook his head cheerfully, and looked at Xiao Xun'er with cordial eyes.

Seeing Xiao Yan getting more weird, Xiao Xun'er immediately guessed that Nalan Yanran's affairs had caused his personality change, and quickly consoled her.

"Brother Xiao Yan, Xun'er believes that you will defeat Nalan Yanran."

The sparkling water eyes stared at Su Xian stunnedly, Xiao Xun'er's soft eyes with perseverance.

"Hmm~ With your sister Xun'er, I will definitely work hard!"

He stretched out his hand and rubbed Xun'er's head. The latter was just slightly dazed, and did not avoid it.

Seeing Xiao Xun'er's face reddening, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed, and she suddenly felt a play.

I'm all like this, if you go too far, it shouldn't be a problem, right?

The excitement on his face turned into a faint sadness in an instant, Xiao Yan shook his head and sighed, "Ah~ Nalan Yanran backs on Yun Lanzong, with countless cultivation resources, I want to beat her, I'm afraid the chance is too low."

"However, even if the odds are low, I will definitely make her repay this shame!"

As soon as the conversation turned, Xiao Yan's expression became firm again, like a warrior who regarded death as home, staring at Xiao Xun'er in a daze.

Holding Xiao Yan's sleeves in admiration, Xiao Xun'er moved her mouth. Although she felt a little inappropriate, she said:

"If Brother Xiao Yan is worried about cultivation resources, Xun'er has exercises and fighting skills, he will definitely not be worse than Yun Lanzong."


Hearing that, Xiao Yan immediately interrupted his refusal, what a joke, he is a man of seven feet, does he need a woman's fighting skills?

"How can I use your exercises to fight skills, manly man, only I give you gifts, there is never a reason for me to ask you for something!"

The voice is justified and strong, but there are deep-seated lines in it.


I used to give it to you, but you accepted it!

Are you not allowed to give me some gifts in return?

Attention, it is a gift! !

Xiao Xun'er didn't think too much, and went straight to say, "Brother Xiao Yan helped me take care of me like that before. I should send Brother Xiao Yan some exercises and fighting skills!"

Speaking sharply, Xiao Xun'er looked at Xiao Yan with a gentle and sweet face, completely unaware of Xiao Yan's intentions.


It's finally on the road!

Xiao Yan was very pleased in his heart, but in order not to let Xiao Xun'er notice the abnormality, she declined again.

After going back and forth, it was Xiao Xun'er who left the exercises and fighting skills in a daze, and then he sighed helplessly.

Alas~ It's not that he has to practice fighting skills, it is indeed Xun'er's kindness, he can't refuse!


On the other side, Su Xian and Qian Renxue were happy, and they did not deliberately practice.

Before, Qian Renxue also thought about cultivating to keep up with Su Xian's pace, but after possessing the system, she was also free.

Hmm~ It was completely distorted by Su Xian~

This is not...

This beautiful spring flower is actually fighting the landlord!

Ahem... time back to three hours ago~

As the saying goes, it’s good to have a meal and think about it, ah!

Strenuous exercise is not suitable for food, so Su and Xian plan to play a game that tests IQ.

As for... why not play games?

Krypton gold becomes stronger~

To him, it doesn't make any sense, money is wayward!

Test the operation~

His Douzong's reaction and hearing have reached its peak, and there is no difficulty at all.

The game is already invincible, and it is meaningless to play too much.

Fighting the landlords is so good, a simple three-person exercise can enhance friendship and feelings.

Of course, he is not for making money~

"I'm finished with the rules, do you understand?"

With the cards in his hand, Su Xian looked at Nalan Yanran contemptuously.

As if she said a word, she would immediately mock her.

"It's so simple, how difficult is it!" Nalan Yanran snorted coldly.

Su Xian nodded and reminded, "We have to pay, one round of 1,000 gold coins, unlimited doubling!"

"Do you have money with you, don't deny it when you lose!"


What's the joke, will she lose with such a simple game? !

"I'm still afraid that I won, and you are ruining the bill."

Nalan Yanran was anxious, but she suddenly became vigilant when thinking of Su Xian and Qian Renxue together.

"Let’s say it first, you can’t collude, or I won’t be taken advantage of."

"What's the joke, how can I collude with each other because I have brand names?"

Su Xian refuted in no anger, this Nalan Yanran was really arrogant and domineering without frightening her, typically lacking social beatings.

He Su Xian, a decent gentleman, has never done such a business!

"Just this little gold coin is worth colluding with you, don't think too much of yourself." Qian Renxue sneered.


Su Xian couldn't help but nodded, one thousand gold coins was too low.

Of course, when you lose, it's a running account!

"You can't use your soul power and fighting skills!" Nalan Yanran was a little angry, shouting.

In this regard, the two naturally agreed, and then began a two-person hunting game.

This is not a war, but a hunting trip.

Nalan Yanran was a prey no matter what.

However, Su Xian did not use violent means to **** gold coins, but instead used a "civilized" method.

In other words, it is a civilization under beautification, he belongs to certain people alone.

"Nalan Yanran, what do you think, don't explode if there is a bomb, let him go!"

Qian Renxue roared angrily, as if she was not on Su Xian's side at all.

"You are so embarrassed to say me, why don't you hit him with three and one, and why three and two stay in your hands?" Nalan Yanran resisted innocently.

"If I'm out, how can I play later!"

"It's all right, don't make any noise, give the money quickly, and pee in rounds."

"Huh! Just give it to you!"


After one afternoon, only Su Xian of the three won.

Not much, just over 300,000 gold coins.

Qian Renxue lost the most, with 180,000 gold coins, and Nalan Yanran slightly less.

Looking at Su Xian, even though she didn't lose the most, she intuitively told her that she was cheated.

But she has no evidence!

She stared at the two the whole time, Qian Renxue did not have any problems, it was completely normal.

Indeed, Su Xian and Qian Renxue did not collude, but Su Xian opened up perspective.

That's it!

At first, he almost didn't let him cough up blood. Fortunately, he only focused the perspective on the cards, otherwise he had to lose blood and die.

Qian Renxue is so beautiful, he can't resist it!

(End of this chapter)

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