Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 335: Mosuo City! 【One】

Chapter 335 Mosuo City! 【One】

"General Cha, these people are placed by you."

Facing the surrender of the Star Luo Empire army, Su Xian patted him on the shoulder and reminded him in a deep voice:

"Remember, Mo Sheng is in chaos, I don't want these people to die."

Don't want to die?

The secret meaning is that if there is a chaos, some people can die!

That is... **** suppression! !

Che He's pupils shrank suddenly, looked up at Su Xian in surprise, and then cherished Yokote's words:

"I will understand at last!"


Seeing that Che He had understood what he meant, Su Xian smiled with satisfaction, and the gentleness in his eyes gradually faded as he watched the 50,000 disabled soldiers surrendering in front of him.

I have given them a chance, if you don't know how to cherish it, don't blame him for being ruthless!

If there is real turmoil, it will naturally protect the Tiandou Empire army.

He is not a saint and cannot influence everyone. Sometimes, killing to stop killing is more effective than any method.

The two legions commanded by Che He belonged to the guerrilla type of light cavalry, mainly responsible for attacking the infantry of the Xingluo Empire.

If the wording is more accurate, it is harassment.

Go ahead, make a wave!

If you haven't done anything, then withdraw!

This is a bit like the meaning of special forces, but with their combat effectiveness, they are not yet at that level.

Knowing that the Tiandou Empire's garrison was in Mosuo City, a hundred miles away, Su Xian did not stay here, and left here with Qian Renxue directly.

On the spaceship, Qian Renxue glared at Su Xian angrily, her two **** hot.

"Did you tell the queen?"

"Are you talking about our return, or about you wanting to be a mother?" Su Xian asked rhetorically.

This tricks! !

Qian Renxue was embarrassed and angry, she was not ready yet.

"The empress let us go back to Tiandou City immediately, leave the border affairs alone, they will take care of it."

She didn't mean to persuade to interfere with Su Xian, Qian Renxue just relayed Nangongling's words, she was not so delicate.

Su Xian replied, "My old lady...cough cough... The old lady is thinking about us, but things at the border are more urgent. Please let her rest assured, I will take you back safely."

Knowing that Nangongling cares about safety most, Su Xian would really not care about these things if it were not for war.

It's a pity that the matter here is really serious, and it will be delayed for one more day, and I don't know how many people will die.

"Let's go, I also want to go back soon!"

Holding Su Xian's arm, Qian Renxue urged.


Mosuo City, located between Wuhun City and Star Dou Great Forest, is also the forefront of the Tiandou Empire's defense line.

The Star Luo Empire and the Heaven Dou Empire are located in the northwest and southeast. The connection between the Star Dou Forest and Wuhun City is the boundary between the two empires.

It can also be seen that the battle between the two empires is still extremely anxious, and no one has achieved a repressive effect.

A dozen miles across from Mosuo City, there is also a huge city called Xingli City.

The two cities face each other far away, and the land between them is filled with yellow sand, and there is no idea how many weapons and bloodstains are buried in the desolate soil.

Perhaps it was God's will, and the coaches of the two armies fighting were still Xue'an and Xu Lin, a pair of old enemies for many years.

In the City Lord's Mansion, two old men are playing chess.

In the main hall, the warm crystal lamp emits golden light, and the lacquered red wooden table is also dyed with a layer of gold.

The red curtains are scattered, and they complement the blooming school flowers.

Looking at this magnificent and splendid decoration, you can't see the state of war at all.

The Tiandou Empire took advantage of the huge advantages of science and technology, and the convenient transportation perfectly guaranteed the front-line supply, making the Tiandou Empire fully able to withstand consumption.

And this battle is more like an industrial country's attack on a feudal country.

Without internet, electricity, trains, and gold coins, everything in the Star Luo Empire had to live in the old way.

Had it not been for Su Xian's failure to open up the R&D authority for guns and ammunition, the Heaven Dou Empire would have won long ago.

In front of cannons, aircraft, tanks, and missiles, the Xingluo Empire had absolutely no ability to resist.

At the table, two gray-haired figures were sitting unruly, with a game of Go in front of them.

Ge Long smiled and said, "Old man Xue, I see your body, it's better to go back to Tiandou City to enjoy the blessing. It's the same with me on the front line."

Ge Long, the real military leader of the Tiandou Empire, because of Xue'an's status as the prince, this old man fought most of the battles.

It is also because of his status that he dare to call Xue'an the "old man". If you change someone else, hehe...

Hearing this, Xue'an was furious.

"You fart so much. The old man is more than enough to live for tens of thousands of years. You old thing will definitely die in front of me."

Let him return to the Heaven Dou Empire to enjoy the blessing?

What a joke, he pointed to this battle to completely beat that old **** Xu Lin to the ground!

Ge Long scowled contemptuously, "Fortunately, you are still a prince, so you are so crude!"

Xue'an didn't care about these words at all. When he was about to settle down, he seemed to think of something, and suddenly raised his head.

"The shameless old thing, seeing that the Star Luo Empire is worsening day by day, now actually let me go back!"

"Why, are you planning to take this credit alone?"

Looking at Ge Long contemptuously, Xue'an couldn't help but sneer.

Ge Long's face was calm and still, "Although the battle situation shows an advantage, the battlefield has always been changing rapidly, so can't the two of me be here."

With that said, Ge Long calmly fell down, his face was neither sad nor happy, so that people could not see his inner thoughts.

"Don't worry, if the time comes, the old man will run faster than you."

With a chic smile on his face, it seems that Xue'an didn't feel any shame about running away, but was talking and laughing.

"Ha ha…"

The corners of Ge Long's mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at him "shamelessly". Although he knew that the old man was joking, he still felt a little bit awkward.

"Second grandfather! Big things, big things!!"

At this time, a figure rushed over.

Snow Promise!

Compared with five years ago, Xue Wuji's body has also been stretched out, his body is slender, and his face is a little less silly and a little more mature.

"what happened again?"

Seeing Xue Wuji, Xue An's face suddenly sank, and he couldn't help sighing.

This stinky boy is not a safe master!

Seeing Xue An's helpless expression, and thinking that he was in trouble again, Xue Wuji was very hurt inside.

When did he become synonymous with troublemaker? !

"Just now General Che He said in the group that my eldest brother is back and he is coming to Mosuo City."

But the matter was serious, Xue Wuji still told the news.

The unhappiness on his face was immediately filled with smiles, and Xue Wuji was also very happy.

Although Su Xian was stunned and Xue Wuji had a shadow in her heart, she had to say...

Working with him is so cool!

In this small day, he won't change the throne!

(End of this chapter)

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