Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 343: Brothers, let's go home! 【One】

Chapter 343 Brothers, let's go home! 【One】

"Marshal, it's okay, there was a fight in the barracks."

At the City Lord's Mansion, hearing the report from his subordinates, Xu Lin's pupils shrank suddenly and rushed down from the main position.

"What the **** is going on, tell me!" Xu Lin roared.

What happened last night was finally suppressed, this kind of thing happened again at this juncture, it was just adding fuel to the fire!

"Marshal, there was a small captain who was in conflict with a soldier and killed a soldier accidentally, so..."

Seeing Xu Lin's furious appearance, the soldiers quickly told the matter, Xu Lin's face became more gloomy.

"It's a nonsense!"

Xu Lin suddenly gritted his teeth and roared and killed directly towards the barracks.

At this moment, the chaos in the barracks was far more serious than Xu Lin thought.

Years of backlog of dissatisfaction and hatred for war have made this fire unstoppable.

As soldiers of the empire, they originally came out to defend their home and country with passion.

When fighting, they naturally have nothing to say.

The entire continent knows that the soldiers of the Star Luo Empire are not afraid of death.

But what kind of **** fight they are fighting now!

Defend the country?

Ha ha…

Whose home is it protecting, and whose country is it protecting?

If they really protect their homes, why are their homes gone and impoverished?

If not for this **** war, they could have been with the woman and child at home.

In the new era, all walks of life need people. They are not afraid of not making money at all, but they are afraid of making less than others.

But now, he can only receive that little Weibo's silver coin army salary, and finally have to let women and children work outside to make ends meet.

They fight for the sake of family happiness, but in the end...

Gan! What kind of thing is this!

Inside the barracks, there was a loud voice at this moment, and the noisy sound was like thunder raging.

In the middle of the barracks, a long-bearded and black-faced legion commander was standing majestic on a high platform holding a long sword.

"Brothers, you all know what happened last night, as long as this **** battle is over, we can go home and reunite, and return to the original days."

Facing the excited crowd, the legion commander increased his voice again, "You said, what should I do?!"

"What a special thing! If I stop fighting, I will fight whoever loves to fight."

"All specials are all nonsense. When I first came to fight, I thought it would really make my life better. Go!"

"Why are we born to death, and let our family suffer and commit evil!"


Seeing the complete chaos in the barracks, a flash of joy flashed in the eyes of the head of the Long-Bearded Army Mo Tiangao.

But when a figure rushed into his eyes, he quickly walked down the high platform and disappeared in the crowd.

Seeing hundreds of thousands of horses rioting, Xu Lin's heart trembled suddenly, followed by rage.

"What do you all want to do, do you want to rebel?"

With the blessing of soul power, the hot pot Leiyin was like dropping a bomb under a pool, which suddenly exploded in the military camp.

Seeing Xu Lin, everyone couldn't help taking a step back, awe flashing in their eyes.

It's a pity that the anger has already flooded, and anyone coming at this time will be of no avail.

The law does not blame the public. They have hundreds of thousands of troops here. Could it be possible to kill them all?

"We don't want to fight, we want to go home!"

"Yes! We don't want to continue fighting this **** war, we want to go back, we want to live the original life."

"It's been five years, the war hasn't been over yet, so I won't do it if anyone is willing to fight!"


In the face of the excited crowd, Xue An was also dumbfounded for a while, and his aura could not help being weakened.

In the middle of the army, a big iron tower man has already begun to remove his armor.

"Damn it, I didn't come to fight to add trouble to the family, I will go back now, if you have the ability, you will stab me!"

Throwing his armor on the ground, the big man cursed and turned his head to the east, apparently planning to leave the city and go home.

The crowd seemed to give way to the road with tacit understanding, which continued to the end, and the handsome voice of the big man was clearly printed in everyone's mind.

Cang Dang! Cang Dang!

A crisp but heavy impact sounded, and the armor and crotch were placed on the ground.

"What's special! I would rather be killed by you than to continue doing evil for the family."

"Hahaha... After the defeat, the family will have a good life. I am dead now, that's worth it."


In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of people have begun to head out of the city.

"Brothers, let's go home!"

I don't know where there was a blast, and in an instant, a chic smile rang, and everyone shouted "Go home", catching up with the tower man.

"Marshal, what can I do?"

Seeing that half of the soldiers had left, and the rest were about to move, the army commander who had arrived could no longer sit still, and wanted Xu Lin to come up with an idea as soon as possible.

"The guard obeyed the order and immediately closed the city gate and stopped them!"

While giving the order, Xu Lin also hurried towards the city gate.

If these hundreds of thousands of troops are gone, the remaining soldiers will no longer have the mind to fight vigorously, and their Heaven Dou Empire will "defeat without a fight."

The gate of the city.

"Open the door, we want to go home!"

"Open the door quickly, let's go home together!"


Faced with the surging crowd, the sergeant guarding the city was also frightened.

Especially when they were stared at by a pair of evil wolf-like eyes, as if they were cutting meat piece by piece, everyone was dripping with cold sweat on their foreheads, and the arms holding the gun began to tremble.

"You all stop me!"

Xu Lin hurriedly jumped onto the city wall and shouted in front of everyone:

"Outside the city is the city lord of Xiaoyao City. If we take him down, not only will this war end, but we will also return to our original lives."

"This is the final war. As long as you win him, everything will be fine. The future of our Star Luo Empire depends on this battle!"

"I implore you to stay. As long as you win this battle, the empire owes you, I promise to return."

Even whirring, Xu Lin had no better way at this moment.

He also thought about killing some people, but that can only deter people. Once they are on the battlefield, the unevenness will be a pile of sand.

For today's plan, only if they can see hope, then they will work hard.

Sure enough, when Xu Lin said this, everyone looked at each other and became hesitant.

No one wants the Star Luo Empire to be defeated and destroyed, but this war makes people desperate.

Seeing this, Xu Lin continued to persuade. Some people seemed to plan to stay again, and some were still on the sidelines, but the agitated crowd also disappeared a lot.

Just as Xue Xue was about to breathe a sigh of relief, suddenly a familiar voice rang out.

"You can't live by listening to his nonsense. Go home as soon as possible. It's just cannon fodder to stay."

Xue'an:! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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