Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 358: Giving off a girl? 【two】

Chapter 358 Sending off a girl as a qualitative? 【two】

What does it mean to know me lust?


Is your Chinese really taught by a physical education teacher?

Why am I so horny? !

Regarding such slander, how could Su Xian bear it, and directly beat Xue Wuji Fat.

"You can eat rice indiscriminately, can you talk nonsense, if there is another time, don't blame me for being ruthless!" Su Xian shouted coldly.


Xue Wuji, with a blue nose and swollen face, only felt extremely wronged, and he still felt that he had told the truth.

Angry into anger! !

That's right, that's the word!

Want to contact Su Xian and treat her well, which one is not a big beauty?

Needless to say, Sister-in-law now looks like a fairy.

Besides, Hu Liena, Yu Tianmin, Bibi Dong, and Bo Saixi are even better to cousin Xue Bingning than to their brothers.

Surrounded by beauties, they said that they are not good, I babble!

Kill him, he didn't believe it!

From this point of view, the last time I let Tang Yuehua go, it is estimated that the other party was pretty and lustful.


In this way, he has seen it through, and he still has the face to say that he is not good, what about your face? !

"Why, do you have any objections?"

Noting that Xue Wuji's eyes were filled with indignation and grievance, Su Xian narrowed his eyes and asked.

"No no!"

Seeing the slowly forming dagger in Su Xian's hand, Xue Wuji shook his head quickly.

He pays the most attention to protecting the reputation of his family. He usually hears a murmur from others, so he has to rush to reason. How could he slander his elder brother?

What he said is true, absolutely true!

Of course, Xue Wuji only dared to say these words in his heart, he didn't dare to talk too much now.

"By the way, are you really lustful?"

It seems that watching a movie is not too much of a problem, Bibi Dong couldn't help but smiled and said, curious waves surging from the cut water pupils.

Su Xian:.......

Nima! You still ask, I see you believe it or not!

Seeing Su Xian's uncomfortable appearance of constipation, Bibi Dong burst into joy, and said with a chuckle, "I heard that the princess of the Star Luo Empire is beautiful and it seems that they are planning to use beauty."

After speaking, Bibi Dong looked at Su Xian teasingly, as if he wanted to watch the excitement.

"I have seen so many beauties, how could it be calculated by this trick."

He couldn't help but curled his lips, Su Xian then pulled on Xue Wuji, planning to see what tricks the Star Luo Empire did.


Noting Su Xian's brisk footsteps, Bibi Dong laughed out loud, and then followed suit.

In the main account of the Chinese army, three figures stood quietly, even though there was no one else inside, but the three were still trembling, walking on thin ice.

The leader is Zhu Jing, the owner of the Zhu family, and the other is his daughter Zhu Zhuyun.

As for the remaining one, a white long skirt with flowing beads outlines a graceful figure.

The arcs of the front and back bulges complement each other, and one more is fat and one is thinner, and the curve is exquisite.

A jade hand was slightly exposed at the mouth of the clothes, snow-white and warm, with delicate fingers like green onions.

Because of the veil on his head, only some vague outlines can be seen vaguely, but not really.

"I heard that the eldest princess is known as the number one beauty in the Star Luo Empire, but I don't know if it is as rumored."

Hearing the sound from outside, Zhu Jing's heart suddenly became a little nervous, but at the same time he couldn't help but affirmed his judgment.

The dignified prince of the Heaven Dou Empire is indeed a **** man!

The camp was opened, and Su Xian walked in with Xue Wuji.

Zhu Jing, the old man has nothing to see.

Zhu Zhuyun, the figure is quite plump.

Yo~ This beautiful woman in white wears a veil, either a beautiful or an ugly woman, or she wouldn't do that.

After a hurried glance at the three of them, Su Xian immediately came to the main seat and lay down with his back leaning on the back of the chair, looking at the three with interest.

At the same time, Zhu Jing and the three were also looking at Su Xian.

"In Xia Zhu Jing, I have seen His Highness the Heaven Dou Empire."

Zhu Jing slightly committed himself to salute, Zhu Zhuyun and Dai Siyu also put down their bodies to salute.

If the usual changes, one of them is the prince and concubine, and the other is the eldest princess.

"What did you send to do? Just say it, I'll listen." Su Xian waved his hand.


Just as Zhu Jing was about to speak, Bibi Dong also walked in, and Zhu Jing's heart trembled suddenly.

"Have seen the Pope crown!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhu Zhuyun and Dai Siyu trembled visibly, and turned their eyes to Bibi Dong.

The Pope of Wuhun Temple actually came here too, hiss~

No wonder the Clear Sky School will be annihilated by the regiment, it seems that the Martial Soul Palace has taken action!

Without paying attention to Zhu Jing, Bibi Dong walked over.

"You will enjoy it!"

Seeing Su Xian lying on the warm recliner, Bibi Dong couldn't help speaking in contempt. While speaking, he looked aside, and saw that there were tables all around.

"Human, if you don't know how to enjoy, isn't it tired to live?"

Seeing Bibi Dong staring at herself, Su Xian understood what she meant, and brought a recliner over with a fluffy blanket.

Bibi Dong showed a slight smile on his face, not being polite with Su Xian, and lay down with his back against the chair.

"Go on." Su Xian waved his hand to Zhu Jing.

"In the previous war, your Majesty listened to the slander, which caused the lives of the two countries to be disgraced. His Majesty expressed deep guilt for this."

"In order to prevent the spread of the war and the displacement and suffering of the people, Your Majesty sent me here specially to negotiate peace with your country and make war as a jade silk."

While talking, Zhu Jing was also observing Su Xian's reaction. Seeing that his face was not sad or happy, he was a little worried, for fear that he had made a mistake in what he said that would provoke this master.

After five years of fighting, you told me that you have listened to the slander?

When the emperor is worthy of this, why don't you just kill the tofu brain, maybe you can make up your "brain" when you die.

Without rushing to tear his face, Su Xian curiously asked, "The war was initiated by the Star Luo Empire. How do you plan to negotiate? What about your sincerity?"

"As long as your country agrees to retreat, our Star Luo Empire is willing to cut half of its land to you, and unconditionally agree to your country's commerce and construction in our country."

Noting that Su Xian's face was a little angry, Zhu Jing pointed his finger at Zhu Zhuyun and Dai Siyu, and said quickly:

"This is the elder princess of the empire and the little girl. If your Royal Highness can agree, our country is willing to take the two as a pledge and give it to your Royal Highness to take care of it to show our imperial sincerity."

After that, Zhu Jing also pushed Zhu Zhuyun, who quickly squeezed a little smile, "Zhu Zhuyun, I have seen your Highness."

The body was bent very low, and a faint touch of deep and snow-white peaks could be seen, as if deliberately to lure.

Dai Siyu on the side hesitated and said, "Dai Siyu is also willing to stay here for his highness."

The voice is clear and moving, but it is a bit sad, showing a sense of sorrow and helplessness. Just this voice is already full of desire for protection.

Hearing what Zhu Jing said, Su Xian had to admire the art of speaking.

Send a woman to a woman, so official?

Still quality? Is this a place for me to raise a bucket?

(End of this chapter)

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