Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 362: Bibi Dong: I am the Pope! 【two】

Chapter 362 Bibi Dong: I am the Pope! 【two】

"Okay! I knew this kid would be successful when he came back."

Seeing the electronic war report that came back, Emperor Xue Ye was ecstatic and his face was flushed red.

After being oppressed by the Star Luo Empire for so many years, if you count them down, he is the only one who can do this.

The soldiers came to Xingluo City and forced Emperor Tianyou to make an alliance under the city, willing to become a minister.

And he!

He will also become the first Emperor of the Star Luo Empire to unify the mainland, and his name will undoubtedly go down in history.

In addition, under his own leadership, the empire is prosperous, the people are strong, and the country is promoted. In the future, it will definitely win the reputation of "one emperor"!

"Your Majesty! Do you agree with what His Highness said?" Nangong Qiu asked solemnly.

"Don't be so serious, he is also your nephew, we are a family."

Seeing that Nangongqiu's expression did not change at all, Xue Ye sighed helplessly, and then his face changed.

"Tell Qinghe to let him be the master. It's just a province. Anyway, it's also a possession of my Heaven Dou Empire."

"Since the old fellow Tianyou wants to linger, give it to him, I still don't believe it, and I can't take him away slowly!"

There was a gleam in his eyes, thinking of Emperor Tianyou becoming a courtier, Emperor Xueye couldn't wait to sing and jump right away.

When he reached a high place, he realized that he was always alone, and no one spoke to him.

There is such a toy as Emperor Tianyou, I think it will be more fun.

Jie Jie Jie~

Old Daitou, you have today too, wow! !

Upon receiving the order from the Great Xueye, Xue'an also conveyed the order to stop the attack to the army, waiting for the final statement of the Star Luo Empire.

"Old man Xue, don't you think this battle is very boring?"

Looking at the city not far away, Ge Long sighed with some interest.

In just a few days, nearly half of the Star Luo Empire city had been occupied by them.

Although diehard sergeants of the Xingluo Empire also resisted everywhere, the Xingluo Empire was still defeated.

There is no challenge at all in this battle!

If he had known this, why would he go out to do it?

Hearing this old guy pretending to be here again, Xue An rolled his eyes back and poked through:

"Don't get cheap and sell well. Just you used to compete with the Star Luo Empire. You know the number of victories and defeats."

"Now that you can hit the hinterland of the Xingluo Empire, you will be happy, and you may not know how much benefit your Ge family will get this time."


Hearing this, Ge Long couldn't help but blush.

Indeed, as Xue'an said, before fighting against the Star Luo Empire, the winning rate was four or six or even lower.

However, because of this, he was also regarded as a character like the "God of War" of the Heaven Dou Empire, which shows how strong the military strength of the Star Luo Empire is.

Now that the two of them are able to lead the army to the hinterland of the Star Luo Empire, this is definitely something that has never been imagined for eight lifetimes.

As for his sigh just now, he just felt that he was too awesome, and he just pretended to be too forceful.

"By the way, how do you plan to deal with Xu Lin? The old man is very stern and will never beg for mercy." Ge Long asked with a smile.

"I didn't think about it."

Xue'an sighed and shook his head, and looked at the distant city with his hands on his back, and couldn't help sighing:

"Since lonely and lonely, I rarely meet an adversary. Xu Lin is one of them. Now that he is a prisoner, I can't think of where to go again and find someone who matches his opponent."

"Oh~ life is like that, what's the meaning of life without rivals!"

Ge Long:.......


You can act better than me!

Seeing Ge Long's eyes turned right, Xue An shook his head again, sighed and muttered "You don't understand, you don't understand", and then left slowly.

Ge Long:.......

You old man, can you still have a face? !

How many times has Xu Lin pressed you on the ground and rubbed you, don't you have any idea in your heart? You are still installing a hammer here!


Outside of Star Luo City, Su Xian was still waiting for the decision of the Star Luo Empire.

Looking at Bibi Dong who was lying on the side, eating potato chips, drinking red wine, and playing with his mobile phone, Su Xian called mmp in his heart.

If you have the ability to point your face, don't grab things, really treat him as a shelter for orphans? !

"I said... Is there nothing wrong with you coming here?" Su Xian couldn't help but reminded.

Pope, is it possible to be so idle?

He waved his hand nonchalantly, "What can I do, just come over and see you."

"Anyway, it's okay to confess something in the mobile phone now. It's not the same where people are."

Su Xian:.......

Makes sense, nothing wrong!

Seeing Su Xian's unnatural face, Bibi Dong's mouth was slightly raised, "Do you think I am here, disturbing your old man's Yaxing?"

Old man?

I am!

I am a 19-year-old outstanding young man, which one of your eyes sees me getting old!

"You're eating and drinking with me, don't you feel compelling?" Su Xian gritted his teeth.

Bibi Dong:.......


Bibi Dong curled his lips speechlessly, suddenly seemed to think of something, his eyes flashed with excitement and heat.

"Come on! Tell me, what kind of girl do you like?"

Bibi Dong added as if seducing, "There are a lot of beauties in the Wuhun Hall, and there are definitely many who are not inferior to Dai Siyu. If you want, you can talk to me."

Su Xian:.......

I beg you to be a man, what are you doing with me?

Special! I want to live two more episodes!

Seeing Su Xian staring at her deathly, Bibi Dong didn't care about this, the gossip fire was already burning in her body.

"Do you like a slim figure, or **** and enchanting?"

"Emmm... logically speaking, it should be slim. After all, you like Cher."

Bibi Dong counted his fingers, "If you follow Cher's standards, you should be tall, exquisite, and almond-shaped, plus a noble and arrogant temperament."


When I said this, Bibi Dong seemed to have discovered something, and his eyes became brighter, "Why don't you really like the glamorous woman with a noble status and a sense of conquest?"

"Unexpectedly~ Unexpectedly, it turns out that you actually like this tune. It's a pity that my Wuhun Palace does not have a woman who likes you like this.


It's the opposite!

Today, if I don’t let you know what it means to respect the teacher and respect the Tao, I won’t believe it, ah, my last name is Su! !

"Dong'er, remember how you were obedient as a teacher?" Su Xian gritted his teeth and snorted coldly.

"What do you want to do?"

Bibi Dong looked startled, and stood up stubbornly, his eyes retreating slightly in terror.

Thinking back to the past in my mind, and thinking of Su Xian's punishment method, Bibi Dong's double-deck was also a little red, and he stared at Su Xian shamefully.

"It's nothing, I just think you haven't been very obedient recently."

"Don't come here while you lie down, I am the pope now, if you return..."


"Ah! You really dare to fight, I'm the Pope, believe me or not..."


(End of this chapter)

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