Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 364: Unification of the mainland! 【two】

Chapter 364: Unification of the Mainland! 【two】

Douluo calendar 2640!

August 22!

Everyone in the mainland will remember this sacred day, just like the shock brought by the technological age.

Starting today, the mainland has ended the millennium confrontation between the two empires and completed the unification of the mainland.

It was also in the early morning of this day that Emperor Tianyou was under Xingluo City and submitted the Xingluo City Map and the Great Seal.

Then he led a hundred thousand iron knights to the east, and handed over the huge Star Luo City and Star Luo Empire to Su Xian's hands, and began to live as an affiliated king.

Due to the overall differences between the two countries, there is no so-called handover of state affairs, and everything will be rebuilt on the basis of overthrowing the Star Luo Empire.

Especially business activities and factories, etc.

Because of the noble treatment promoted by Su Xian, more than 80% of the nobles in Xingluo City did not leave Xingluo City.

To be a nobleman of an empire, or a nobleman of a kingdom?

All fools know how to choose! !

The affairs of the city and even the Star Luo Empire were left to them for the time being, but it couldn't be more appropriate.

I believe no one is unwilling. After all, the vast land of the Star Luo Empire always needs managers, and there are naturally many benefits for good performance.

But these naturally don't have to worry about Su Xian.

Xue'an said angrily, "I said you kid, you have to leave when I just came here. If you treat the elders like this, you can't let us relax for a few days."

"Second grandfather is shrewd and shrewd, these things are with you, that is not a piece of cake."

"Besides, I don't like political intrigue, which is a set of calculations behind the surface."

"You can do more for those who are able, it's just right to hand it over to Grandpa Second." Su Xian replied with a smile.

After being touted by Su Xian for a while, Xue'an felt light and flirty, and couldn't help but laugh and curse, "Okay, okay, go back early if you want to return to Mosuo City, don't get in the way here."


Hearing this, Su Xian grinned, everyone was sensible, so there was no need to explain.

Looking at the direction of the villa, Su Xian narrowed his eyes and flew directly towards Mosuo City.

Recently Bibi Dong, this old lady is a bit fierce, he still runs secretly, don't shoot!

Leaving Xingluo City, Su Xian turned to take a spaceship to Mosuo City.

Although Dou Zong can fly, there is no way to replenish fighting spirit in Douluo World, so if you can save money, science and technology will naturally have the benefits of technology.

Sitting on the spaceship, Su Xian began to wonder who to take to leave the Douluo world.

Strength is the second place that Su Xian considers. After all, he has the cultivation base of fighting the world, and what he values ​​is nothing more than relationship and character.

If his family is willing, he will naturally take them all.

But it doesn't seem to work. After all, the mainland has just been unified, and if the Xue family finishes running, who will sit on the throne.

The Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect is one, and the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family is the only one.

That guy Dugu Bo can also, after all, he has rich experience in robbery and is worth training.

On the side of the Spirit Hall, the old lady Bibi Dong said that she would go, and just add a few title Douluo.

As for Chrysanthemum Douluo, he just forget it, Soft Persimmon is easy to betray and join the enemy.

Thinking about this, Su Xian also drove the spaceship back to Mosuo City.

"Keer! You are really getting more and more disobedient, and you run out without your mother. What if something happens?!"

As soon as he entered the yard, Su Xian heard Nangongling's reprimand, and it seemed that Xue Ke was causing trouble again.

"Come here! I like to see Xue Ke being scolded the most. Please slow down, queen, and add me to the crowd."

Su Xian smiled and walked in quickly, and at first glance he saw Xue Ke who was standing aggrievedly with a drooping face.

"Big Brother!!"

Seeing Su Xian, Xue Ke's eyes suddenly brightened, and she ran over excitedly and hugged Su Xian.

"Big brother, you are finally back, oooooo~"

Xue Ke cried and tears came out. She didn't know if she missed herself or was reprimanded by Nangong Ling, the rescuer she was looking forward to finally came over.

"I just heard it. Someone is disobedient and ran out privately, right?"

Seeing Xue Ke who had a chest as tall as her own, Su Xian was very pleased in her heart. This girl has grown up, but the stinking problem still cannot be corrected.

"My mother didn't let me go out to find my eldest brother, so I ran out by myself." Xue Ke muttered retorted.

Wiping her tears for Xue Ke, Su Xian shouted with a stern face, "You still know that Aunt Yang won't let you out, she's just a girl, if something happens to you, what will she do? I won't be allowed to do this in the future!"

"Hmm~" Xue Ke nodded quickly, like a good baby.


Seeing the two people singing together, it seemed that they had become bad guys, and Nangong gave Su Xian an angry look.

"Just stay with her, I think this girl will get into trouble sooner or later."

Nangong Ling turned around and left without paying attention to the two of them, and it seemed that Xue Ke was no longer pursued.

"Don't take it as an example!" Su Xian looked at Qiqi Xueke seriously, who also nodded in a hurry to agree.

Seeing this, Su Xian nodded in satisfaction, but his face did not improve.

Turning his head to see when he came back, and still indifferent to Qian Renxue who embroidered clothes, Su Xian suddenly clenched his fist and coughed.


Xue Ke suddenly understood, and trot away as he said.

"I started making clothes so early, and I don't know the boys or girls. In case you make a mistake, are you going to make your girls pretend to be men or your son?"

Su Xian came behind Qian Renxue, hugged her waist, rubbed his face affectionately, and joked.

"I've done more than one thing. What are you worrying about." Qian Renxue's face remained motionless, and there was no mood swing.

"Oh~ It looks like a baby, let me listen."


With that said, Su Xian came to Qian Renxue numbly, crawling on her stomach and listening, Qian Renxue was also flustered, her face flushed.

But thinking of Dai Siyu, Qian Renxue's expression suddenly changed, and gritted her teeth viciously:

"Honestly, do you want to accept those two as concubines?"

"Why did you mention this again? Didn't you explain it well before? When you come back, you don't believe me?"

He also provoke Qian Renxue for what happened, but he didn't expect that it was Dai Siyu and Su Xian immediately called out injustice.

For the two of them, he didn't even touch his fingers. This was purely Bibi Dong's small movements.

This girl is really the bigger and less obedient, she will tell the truth!

Ahem... You're wrong, it's nonsense.

"She is so beautiful, would you not be tempted?" Qian Renxue looked over suspiciously.

"You are more beautiful than her, and I am not tempted at all. How could I be tempted by her?" Su Xian raised his eyebrows and replied.

"what did you say!!"

Qian Renxue suddenly became angry, and her hand reached Su Xian's waist, pinching two pieces of soft flesh.

"I said, I've been a monk for another week, look...hehe..." Su Xian came to the back of Qian Renxue dishonestly.

"You...don't move me! Go find your two maids."

"If you mean it, I will really go?"

"Do u wanna die!!"

"Help me organize these things, I will continue tomorrow."


(End of this chapter)

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