Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 386: alliance! 【two】

Chapter 386 Alliance! 【two】

Yu Yuanzhen and Jiangmo Douluo, their battle ended in the victory of Jiangmo Douluo.

To be able to become a Title Douluo, the quality of the spirit will not be bad, after all, this is related to innate spirit power and potential.

Although the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus spirit is the strongest beast spirit, the Panlong stick is not bad.

The most important thing is that Jiang Mo Douluo's soul power is not far from level 97 when he cultivates Xuan Tian Gong, while Yu Yuan Zhen is only level 95.

In addition, Jiang Mo Douluo and the others took the anti-aging liquid that Bibi Dong brought back, and their bodies returned to their prime of life, their spirits and spirits were much better than Yu Yuanzhen.

Although Yu Yuanzhen didn't get the King of Fighting, Su Xian still gave him the cultivation base of Fighting Spirit, and he also gave him a copy of Profound Stage Advanced Fighting Skills, which was a treatment that no one else did.

With inferior skills, Yu Yuanzhen has nothing to say. He also remembers his kindness to Su Xian, and does not hold any hatred for it.

Gathering the crowd, and watching the confident appearance of Ning Fengzhi and others, Su Xian began his speech.

"You have been in this world for a few days, and you must have your own knowledge of this world. Let me talk about my insights."

Knowing that Su Xian was about to discuss business matters, Jin Crocodile Douluo and the others immediately cheered up.

"Fighting the broken world is still respecting strength, and the strong in it are far more than what you see in front of you. In the hands of the real strong, moving mountains and filling the sea is just a piece of cake."

"And if you want to survive in this world, you must either go to a family power and rely on the big tree to take advantage of the cold."

"Either you have a skill, like becoming a pharmacist, respected, and deterred by a pharmacist guild, and ordinary people dare not attack you."

"As for the third party, the cultivation base is strong and can be alone, presumably the above, you all know better than me."

Su Xian looked at the people with a smile, as if waiting for their response, as expected, Ning Fengzhi and others nodded in agreement.

"It's a pity that these three things only allow you to survive safely.

As soon as the conversation turned, Su Xian continued, "We are not here for a vacation, but for our strength!"

"If you want to increase your strength, you need cultivation techniques, fighting skills, medicinal pills, and opportunities. You don't have these now."

Su Xian's words were like a heavy hammer, hitting everyone's heart heavily, and everyone's heart became heavy.

They came into this world, although they have some preparations to start from scratch, but this is definitely not a good choice.

They are now Dou Wang, how far can they go?

There are no exercises, fighting skills, medicines, weapons, contacts...all of them are completely self-made.

Moreover, this world is too dangerous, maybe one day they will be brutally murdered.

In short, the longer the time delays, it will be a torment for them.

They came to this world, but they didn't spend decades in vain, just staying where they are!

"His Royal Highness has something to say, just say it."

The Golden Crocodile Douluo spoke immediately, and the rest of the people also responded.

Speaking of this, if they hadn't heard the meaning of Su's gossip, then they would be too mindless!

Su Xian nodded, "I plan to establish a sect, backed by the resources of the Jiama Empire, and gradually devour other regions."

"With our current strength, within a year, you can definitely dominate the entire Northwest Territory, and only with the accumulation of abundant resources can your strength rise rapidly."


This is Su Xian's plan.

Or maybe, the alliance! !

Xiao Yan was able to achieve success in the end, neither the Yan League nor the Tianfu League was in his own power.

Some people are going to make money, some are going to fight, some are going to gather medicine, some are going to make alchemy, and they proceed in an orderly manner.

Su Xian didn't need cultivation resources, he needed money, while Ning Fengzhi and others needed cultivation resources. Alliance was undoubtedly the best choice.

This is like a company. The company will never rely on the boss to make money. As long as the employees below have some benefits, they will naturally work hard to make money for the company.


At that time, he doesn't need to think about money at all, he only needs to improve his cultivation level, even going out on vacation will be enough.

"His Royal Highness's proposal is indeed appropriate, but the five of us have no opinion."

Hearing that, Golden Crocodile Douluo didn't have any dissatisfaction, instead he grinned with joy, as did Qianjun, Jiang Mo and others.

They were all from the Hall of Spirits, Qian Daoliu had explained to them before coming to this world.

If something happens, even if Bibi Dong is there, you have to listen to Su Xian first.

From identity, strength, to how they came to this world, and even their future interests, Golden Crocodile Douluo and others would not refuse.

As a maiden, they are relatives no matter what.

How many of them could be treated badly if the sect was established? !

Seeing the sly smiles of Jin Crocodile Douluo and others, as an outsider, Ning Fengzhi and others, although they knew that they would suffer losses in the future, there was nothing to say.

They really need a lot of work to improve their current Dou Wang's strength.

Harmony benefits both, with a Dou Zong like Su Xian escorting, at least they can let go of their hands and feet.

Besides, they really need resources for cultivation. High-level exercises and fighting skills are the most difficult to obtain. Together, how easy it is to handle things!

"Here, half of them are from my Spirit Hall. If you don't discuss it with me, you have to dig the foot of the wall. Isn't that good?"

Just when Ning Fengzhi and Yu Yuanzhen and the others were about to agree, suddenly an angry voice rang.

With a scream, Bibi Dong appeared in the yard with a stern face and a serious look.

"Who are from the Martial Soul Palace, do they listen to you?" Su Xian sneered.


Hearing that, Bibi Dong choked, watching the golden crocodile Douluo look up at the sky, he didn't hear anything, and suddenly became annoyed.


Fortunately, the old lady has worked so hard to get the liquid medicine for ageing, and she has given you Xuantian Gong to practice. This is how you treat me, the Pope.

"Look, they don't have any objections, you just stay calm, and then you will be given a deputy leader to let you go out." Su Xian said in a bad mood.


Hearing this, Bibi Dong gave a cold snort, and the feeling of making someone else's wedding dress made her very upset.

Fortunately, she had been the pope for twenty years, and she was emptied in a blink of an eye. It was a deception.

A deputy leader wanted to dismiss her, and let her go out?

I go! Are you the kind of dissatisfied person?

Seeing Bibi Dong staying honestly, Su Xian couldn't help casting a contemptuous look at her.

Ah tui~

Just now he looked like he didn't bother to be the deputy leader, now?

Sure enough, girls always don't want things in their mouths, but they are honest in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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