Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 402: Man's tension! 【two】

Chapter 402 Men's Tension! 【two】

"I treat you this way, don't you hate me?"

Seeing Bibi Dong's charming appearance, Su Xian couldn't believe it.

The same teachers, the same qj, Chihiro Ji turned out to be...

Damn it!

Bibi Dong didn’t intend to keep secrets, knowing that it’s just me now, so I just ask for everything, and then I can’t decide...

Hiss~ Terrible woman!

"Hate! Of course I hate!"

Not to mention it's fine, Bibi Dong immediately gritted his teeth and shouted.

Feeling the burning pain of his body, Bibi Dong glanced at the blood on his body, and shouted in shame:

"Look for yourself, how you treat me, I can't wait to cut you off!"

Although he was roaring, Su Xian didn't see the slightest hatred in her eyes. Instead, she revealed a wave of joy, which seemed to be...


Su Xian:.......

I feel like I have been played by a woman, she still doesn't pay, she wants to rely on me!

"How can you tell me to explain to Cher~"

With a deep sigh, Su Xian looked at Bibi Dong and didn't know whether to be angry or to be angry, but felt a headache.

Disturbance and abandon?

He is not such a person, and she is still too familiar with someone.

If it is an ordinary woman who causes such a thing in this world, even if you give some money, the other party will not care.

But Bibi Dong is not that kind of woman. Once provoked, it's not easy to get out!

The smile on Bibi Dong's face instantly solidified, and his eyes narrowed slightly, "You mean, ruining my innocence, if Xueer objected, you're going to be irresponsible, right?"

The words revealed a dangerous aura, and Bibi Dong's eyes became gloomy, as if she would run away at any time.

Su Xian:.......

My Nima! This is going to push me to a dead end, right?

Su Xian quickly retorted, "We are both like this, and you are my woman even though I can't be responsible."

After playing with others, and then abandoning them, he can't do such a thing!

However, Xueer's side is what caused him the most headache!

She is already jealous, who knows what silly things will do.


Su Xian sighed slowly, got up and picked up the clothes, "Naturally you don't need to think about this, but Xueer is my wife and she is pregnant with a child. How can I not think about her feelings?"

For the two women, Su Xian naturally considered Xue'er's feelings first. After all, Ming Media was married and pregnant with a child.

One-night stand and first-life relationship, which one is more important?

Hearing this, Bibi Dong's expression not only eased, but opened his eyes and laughed.

Holding Su Xian's neck with both hands, Bibi Dong leaned over Su Xian's back, exhaling like blue:

"If it hadn't been for Xue'er to speak, how could I have brought you here? Are you usually smart?"

Su Xian:! ! !

Without paying attention to the soft and elastic touch coming from behind, Su Xian suddenly recovered and looked at Bibi Dong with a mysterious look.

"You mean, Cher and she..."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong smiled slightly without answering.

Su Xian:.......

dream! Must be dreaming! !

"Ahem... put on your clothes, we should go back."

After a brief loss of consciousness, Su Xian looked at Bibi Dong unnaturally and reminded.


Bibi Dong flushed, looked at the debris on the ground, and suddenly sneered, "I don't know who torn my clothes."

Looking at the clothes on the ground, Su Xian's old face was also blushing. Looking at the battle, it was not as fierce as usual!

"These are Cher's clothes, you can wear them temporarily."

Su Xian took a palace dress from the storage ring and handed it to Bibi Dong.

This is Xue'er's previous clothes, but they haven't worn it since she was pregnant. The two are very similar in figure and should fit well.

Hearing that, Bibi Dong took the clothes, moved his legs slightly, put his jade feet on the blanket, and stood up.

Su Xian's blood was tumbling again, and he quickly looked away.

Noting Su Xian's embarrassment, Bibi Dong's eyes flashed with playfulness, then he gritted his silver teeth and slowly put on his long skirt.

Su Xian was wearing shoes, and suddenly noticed a few pieces of soft green silk on the ground, and blurted out without thinking:

"Don't you usually wear long silver skirts, you didn't expect to wear green underwear."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong's expression suddenly changed, and a guilty conscience flashed in his eyes, but he stabilized his mind in the blink of an eye.

Bibi Dong rolled his eyes plainly, "You don't care what I wear. When you men undress, you don't care what color it is."


Who cares about the color of clothes at that time, isn't that stupid?

Su Xian jokingly said with a wicked smile, "Under the crown of the respected pope, or I will help you undress and make sure to take a good look at the color."

"Bah! You want to be beautiful!"

Bibi Dong shuddered suddenly, and quickly fastened the buttons. She couldn't bear it just now, and now she couldn't help it.

Knowing that Bibi Dong didn't dare to veto her own conjecture, Su Xian didn't care about it, put on the clothes quickly, and planned to rush back.

Soon, two human figures flashed from the sky, and Su Xian's mood became heavier as he got closer to the Snake People Tribe.

When he was in distress, Cher's generous tolerance made him feel that he owed a lot.

"Why, are you scared?"

Noting the change in Su Xian's face, Bibi Dong also narrowed his smile and asked.


Without pretending to be hard, Su Xian nodded.

He is indeed a little scared, and no man can still feel open when he encounters this kind of thing. He went back and said to his wife, "I found you a sister."

Bibi Dong's heart sank, and he replied with a strong smile, "Aren't you very glib, you can't coax her?"

"You know how to talk cool words, and you have figured out my body, so I have to take care of it."

"Oh? Listen to what you mean, or did I force you?" Bibi Dong rolled his eyes silently.


In the bickering between the two, Su Xian finally got closer to the original villa.

Pushing the door in, looking at the seven pairs of eyes staring at him, Su Xian's heart was straight, and Bibi Dong's expression on the side was also hot.

"So you are all here, aren't you busy?"

Su Xian greeted with embarrassment. Everyone saw that Su Xian was okay. Although they were happy in their hearts, they did not speak.

In the end, Nangongling waved her hand and said indisputably, "Go back to your room first."


Nodded with some guilty conscience, Su Xian gave Bibi Dong a look, and then left here, ready to go to the battlefield.

It's a pity that even if it's a body armor, Su Xian feels a little useless at this moment.

When he arrived at the door, Su Xian took a deep breath, and saw no response when he knocked on the door, so he had to push the door in.

Through the cracks, Su Xian saw that Qian Renxue was sleeping, and walked in tiptoe. He didn't know, but thought he was a thief.

(End of this chapter)

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