Ning Tian's voice instantly made his heart tighten. He turned around and frowned: "I've given you everything, what else do you want to do?"

Ning Tian smiled slightly and said, "I just remembered that you were planning to give us the Soul Ascension Pill just now. Why don't you just give it to us? We promise not to tell anyone about what just happened."

Ning Tian said the word "guarantee" very seriously.

"Take it!"

A green thing was thrown over by Yan Shaozhe, and then he picked up Ma Xiaotao and his figure flickered, turning into a white light and heading towards the depths of Poseidon Lake.

"Teacher Li, wait until the two unconscious students wake up and give them high-level rewards to make them forget what happened just now."

The voice gradually faded as Yan Shaozhe disappeared.

Looking at the two bags in his hands, Ning Tian smiled, handed one of the bags to Han Yu and said: "The quality of these two soul bones can only be regarded as average. Each of us has one, and yours is a spiked demon pig." 's left leg bone."

After taking the bag, Han Yu turned it around as usual, only to find that it was not a gold soul coin, so he quickly opened it and took a look.

This was the first time he saw a 50,000-year-old soul bone, and Han Yu was instantly attracted to it.

Resisting the thought of absorbing it, he put it into the soul guide.

Han Yu felt at ease with accepting this soul bone, after all, he almost died.

As for why he didn't ask for the benefits just now, but let Ning Tian go.

I am just a freshman at the moment, and I speak softly. If I want to beg for benefits so harshly, then...

After all, my teacher is not here, so it is better to keep a low profile.

But Ning Tian is different.

Even Yan Shaozhe cannot ignore the young master of the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect easily.

"Han Yu, let me help you go back to the dormitory. Teacher Mu will ask for leave for you. You have recovered a little from your injury now, but it is best to rest."

Ning Tian raised his head and said with a smile.

Dormitory 109.

Ning Tian looked at Han Yu's dormitory carefully and nodded slightly.

Unlike what she had imagined, the dormitory was simple but very clean.

"How is your injury? Is it serious?" Ning Tian glanced at Han Yu who was sitting on the bed and said with some worry.

Han Yu frowned, the injury was lighter than he thought, and he probably would be fine with a little training for a day.

Looking up at the girl with reddish eyes in front of him, Han Yu smiled slightly: "Don't worry, the injury is not serious. I will take a little rest today and I should be able to move tomorrow."

Hearing this, Ning Tian breathed a sigh of relief and nodded: "Okay, I'll go and ask for leave for you first, and you can take this Soul Ascension Pill."

Green light flashed, and Han Yu had a walnut-sized elixir in his hand, exuding a refreshing fragrance. It was the soul-raising elixir he had taken before.

"I have already taken it. Please give this soul-raising pill to someone for me."


In the quiet dormitory, the blue soul power light continued to circulate, and Han Yu's entire body was enveloped in the gorgeous blue light.

Every time the blue light flashes, Han Yu's aura becomes slightly stronger.

As time goes by, the blue light gradually becomes dim.


Han Yu exhaled softly, his face turning rosy.

"The soul power has been restored, and the mental power is almost there. I didn't expect that it has been so long." Han Yu said to himself.

The sun has set outside now, so the academy must have finished school.


At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Han Yu walked to the door and opened it. Ning Tian, ​​Wu Feng and Yuan Gungun appeared in front of them holding a big bag.

"Why are you here?"

Han Yu stepped aside and motioned for the three of them to go in.

Ning Tian walked directly to Han Yu's bed and sat down. Feeling the residual warmth on it, his face turned slightly red.

Han Yu looked at Ning Tian with a strange expression, why are you blushing?

Ning Tian said: "How is your injury? Is it getting better? Let's come over to see you and bring you food by the way. You probably haven't eaten yet."

Han Yu nodded, and immediately opened the bag without being polite, took out the food inside and ate it directly.

"My injury is not serious. Although I have not fully recovered, there is no problem in my daily life."

While eating, he answered Ning Tian.

Yuan Gungun couldn't help but said: "Boss, what's going on? Why are you suddenly injured? Who can beat you like this?"

"When you are healed, let's go together and take revenge."

A red figure flashed in Han Yu's mind and he shook his head.

He kept this in mind, but now was not the time.

He will definitely get his capital back with profits in the future. Han Yu is not a person who suffers losses.

"It's okay. After I finish eating, let's go sell grilled fish. Are everything ready?"

"Don't worry, boss, we've already prepared it!" Yuan Gungun patted his fat chest, and the fat on it suddenly trembled violently.

"Grilled fish?"

"Han Yu, since when have you been selling grilled fish? Are you so short of money?"

Ning Tian's long voice came. He really couldn't see through Han Yu. He had obviously made such a good offer. As long as he agreed, he would not worry about money in the future.

Now, for the sake of money, she even chooses to sell grilled fish and refuses to join her sect.

"Money? You must be short of it. How can you live without money?"

Han Yu swallowed a mouthful of food and said slowly, having already seen through Ning Tian's little thoughts.

But I definitely can't agree to it, and I don't make money very slowly.

Wait for the clone to learn soul guides for some time, then I will stop selling grilled fish and sell soul guides directly.

That is the real lucrative industry.

Although money is something outside of the body, it is what I urgently need now. I don’t need too much, just a hundred thousand or so will do. After all, that knife

Han Yu eats very quickly, finishing a bag of food in about ten minutes.

“Gun Gun, let’s go”

Han Yu greeted, pushed open the door of the dormitory, and walked out first.

“Okay, boss.”

“Young master, what should we do?”

Wu Feng asked the two people who left.

“Follow them and see”


At the entrance of the outer courtyard of Shrek Academy.

“Why hasn’t the junior come yet? He won’t come today.”

In front of the Uchiha barbecue stall.

Many students have actually started queuing up at this time. The whole team is in order, without any chaos.

When Han Yu and Yuan Gun Gun arrived, they were a little confused by the scene in front of them.

“Seniors, what are you doing?”

Subconsciously asked a question.

The senior with acne was actually the first in line yesterday. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "Everyone is here to buy grilled fish, so we have set a rule, first come first served."

"Whoever gets in line first gets to buy first. You can't cut in line, otherwise everyone will kill him."

"I didn't expect that people from the food family would also come. I guess they were conquered by the grilled fish."

Han Yu was stunned when he heard this. Well, these seniors are really cute.

He glanced at Yuan Gungun beside him and nodded at him.

Yuan Gungun said, "Today I plan to help the boss with chores as a sign of my respect for food."

Some students couldn't help but complain, "I think you want to get the upper hand and please the boss. In this way, you can eat as much grilled fish as you want?"

Everyone, please read and vote! ! !

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