Yan Ling, a more special humanoid spirit body soul beast, has a fiery red body, in Lin Luo's words, it is a fiery red A Piao.

This kind of soul beast is often distributed in the chaotic stone area, and it is unknown how it was formed, starting from a hundred years and capping at 20,000 years.

In the introduction of the "Soul Beast Knowledge Encyclopedia", Yan Ling has not been found for the time being, which is more than 20,000 years old.

Lin Luo's martial soul is the Soul Lock Warden, and has been classified into the special spirit martial soul category.

Most of the soul master's soul ring choices are to choose soul beasts that are close to their martial souls, so the benefits obtained will be relatively greater.

As for the so-called ten core competitiveness of Wuhun Temple, the Martial Soul Hall has long studied it, but it feels that there are too many loopholes, so it has not been announced to the world.

It is also possible for the Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul to choose a snake soul beast as a soul ring, but whether it is the real most preferred is debatable.

The choice of soul rings is always diverse, and taking a unique development route, there may be unexpected surprises.

But if there are "mediocre" but "safe" choices experimented with by countless predecessors, why do you want to take those meaningless risks?

Long before Lin Luo and them set off from Wuhun City, Mo Shanyun had already discussed Lin Luo's soul ring choice with Lin Luo.

In the end, both of them had a unanimous decision, and the targets they chose were both soul beasts of special spirit bodies.

Among them, Yan Ling was Lin Luo's favorite target.

The jade giant opened the way ahead, Lin Luo followed behind, and after a while, they went deep into this chaotic stone area.

Everywhere you can see boulders taller than people, most of which are faintly red.

Seeing this feature, Lin Luo was even more sure that he could find the target he wanted here.

The chaotic stone area is not only a soul beast living in Yan Ling, but also several other soul beasts, such as lizards and the like.

Those soul beasts were not among Lin Luo's targets, and they were all too weak.

It was precisely because they were too weak that Lin Luo did not suffer any harassment during their journey, but those soul beasts were so frightened that they shrank in their lair, trembling, and were scared half to death.

After advancing in the chaotic stone area for about five minutes, Lin Luo and they finally saw the first Yan Spirit.

Seeing the real Yan Ling and the Yan Ling drawn in the "Soul Beast Knowledge Collection" are completely different feelings.

The Yan Spirit in front of him, aged about three hundred years, suspended on the ground, two meters tall, full of fiery red, with a relatively basic human face, and arms, but the legs are fused together like smoke floating, the body is transparent, you can see the flow of fiery red energy inside.

Just three hundred years of Yan Ling already gives people a hot feeling, making people subconsciously want to stay away from it.

If it is winter, this kind of soul beast is quite suitable as a stove.

Yan Ling's IQ is generally not high, even if he encounters a human soul master, he will not dodge, unless the human soul master actively attacks them, it will trigger their instinct of anger or fear.

This kind of soul beast can be regarded as mild, at least they will not take the initiative to attack humans, or even attack soul beasts, they mainly feed on the soul power of heaven and earth, and slowly grow.

Of course, if you provoke them, it's another matter.

"This Yan Ling is so ugly." Hu Liena couldn't help but complain after seeing Yan Ling.

This is not that Hu Liena was born with a poisonous tongue, but Yan Ling is really ugly, their basic human faces are the same as baby four-dimensional color ultrasound, and the more specific way Lin Luo can think of to describe it is this.

The three-hundred-year-old Yan Spirit was obviously not in Lin Luo's consideration, and they continued to move forward, and then met more Yan Ling one after another.

All Yan Ling looks similar, but there are some differences in body shape, and there will be a slight difference in color.

For example, the thousand-year-level Yan Ling is almost two meters and five meters tall, and the red on his body is more intense.

The higher the age of Yan Ling, the larger the body size and the darker the color, but compared to the more exaggerated body size growth of other soul beasts, Yan Ling's body size growth is still relatively slow, and it is more specifically reflected in the color.

After advancing for about five minutes, Lin Luo and they completely entered the center of the rocky area.

More than two thousand years of Yan Spirit can already be seen scattered here, but the number is very small.

"Lin Luo, there is a Yan Spirit in front of you that is more than five thousand years old, do you have any ideas?"

After searching for a moment, Mo Shanyun quickly locked onto the target, but he still chose to ask Lin Luo's thoughts.

Hu Liena, the three of them, when they heard the five-thousand-year level, they all showed a little surprise, but when they thought that Lin Luo's first soul ring and second soul ring were already thousand-year-level soul rings, they all quickly returned to normal.

The limit of the soul ring that the level corresponding to the soul master can bear, there should be no more authoritative data in this regard than what the Martial Soul Hall collects.

Even if the data can only represent the vast majority of the parts after all, but not the whole of them, after all, it is impossible to count the data of all soul masters.

But it is more than enough for reference.

About five thousand years of soul ring, this is almost the choice of the fourth soul ring of the soul master.

And you know, although the soul master will bring certain changes to the body after improving his strength before the soul Venerable, it is far from being comparable to the improvement brought by the soul Venerable level.

According to certain statistics, most of the third soul rings of soul masters are only about 1,800 years old, and even if there are exceptions, they are no more than 2,500 years at most.

As for more special exceptions, such as twin martial souls and the like, they are not counted among them.

No wonder Hu Liena, they were surprised.

But Lin Luo has been an exception since the first soul ring, and then he becomes an exception, and it seems that he can accept it.

When Mo Shanyun asked Lin Luo, everyone's eyes fell on Lin Luo's body, waiting for Lin Luo's answer.

Who knows, Lin Luo shook his head.

"Is the age too high? Then let's choose again. Mo Shanyun immediately said, as if this result was expected by him.

But at this time, Lin Luo suddenly pointed forward: "I think that Yan Ling is quite good." "

Everyone looked in the direction Lin Luo was pointing, and finally their eyes fell on a Yan Ling who was more than three meters tall.

Mo Shanyun frowned subconsciously: "Lin Luo, the choice of soul ring is an extremely serious matter, and you can try not to joke in this matter." "

"That Yan Ling is at least 10,000 years level!"

Hu Liena said at this time: "Teacher, Lin Lang should be the more than 3,000 years of Yan Ling behind the ten thousand years of Yan Ling, right?" "

Mo Shanyun took a serious look, and really saw it, and nodded slightly: "More than three thousand years, it is also feasible, but I think Lin Luo can choose a higher age." "

Lin Luo said calmly: "No need to choose, just that ten thousand years!" "


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