Lin Luo always maintained the state of opening the martial soul, and quickly went to Mo Shanyun and Yan Ling's side, and the scythe in his hand shot out, which easily solved the dying Yan Ling.

Evil Moon, Hu Liena, and Yan and the three of them also rushed over at this time, and the humanoid jade that had been summoned by Mo Shanyun to protect everyone before also kept up step by step.

Under everyone's gaze, a black soul ring slowly rose, symbolizing the end of the life of a 10,000-year soul beast.

"Are you really sure?"

Mo Shanyun asked again.

Lin Luo nodded vigorously: "Trust me." "

Mo Shanyun was still a little uneasy, even if the Yan Spirit in front of him had become a soul ring.

"No, your identity is too special, I have to make sure again."

Saying that, the seventh soul ring on Mo Shanyun's body lit up, and he actually opened his martial soul true body.

For a while, the jade ruyi in Mo Shanyun's hand was radiant, and finally enveloped Mo Shanyun.

They couldn't see the specific picture, because the light was too dazzling.

It is estimated that this is still Mo Shanyun's deliberate hand, otherwise they may be blinded with just one glance.

Although they did not see a clear picture, Lin Luo and they were able to hear some sounds.

The other words were not heard intermittently, but they heard the last sentence very clearly, and they were able to determine the owner of the voice.

"Let him absorb it."

That's right, it's Ghost Douluo's voice.


Mo Shanyun replied, and then the light receded, and everything returned to normal.

Seeing Mo Shanyun's wave of operations, Lin Luo also redefined his own importance.

After Mo Shanyun opened the Martial Soul True Body, his state did not change much.

For example, Lin Luo's impression of the situation that he would enter a weak state after opening the true body of the martial soul in the plot of the book did not appear, and Lin Luo had not yet seen an introduction to the true body of the martial soul in the "Complete Knowledge of Soul Masters".

It seems that after going back this time, he will have to make up for the knowledge of the soul master.

"Take a break and get started." Mo Shanyun finally agreed to this matter.

This can't blame Mo Shanyun, the identity of the main forest is still too special, the people above do not agree, Mo Shanyun really does not dare to make decisions without authorization.

Although Lin Luo is sensible, he is still just a child after all, and some choices must of course be determined by the people above before they can make a final decision.

Lin Luo nodded, and then directly began to absorb the soul ring.

He was always preparing and waiting for this moment to come, so there was no need to waste too much time.

After entering the state of absorbing soul rings, Lin Luo found that absorbing the 10,000-year soul ring was indeed a world away from the thousand-year soul ring.

When absorbing the first soul ring and the second soul ring, the two thousand-year soul rings before, the painful feeling was paved, and this 10,000-year soul ring was very simple and rude, and it was a very painful torture at first.

At the beginning, Lin Luo felt as if his body was about to explode with that extremely powerful energy.

It seems that the meridians in the body are constantly rushing, and then reorganizing, that sour is simply refreshing.

If you have to let Lin Luo describe it with more specific pain, maybe you can use the pain after his previous life to compare, a hundred times a thousand times is not excessive.

Fortunately, such pain was still within the range that his body could bear, and his willpower did not need to be said.

In addition to wanting to become stronger, the desire for life is naturally far beyond ordinary people.

In addition, the help brought to him by the martial soul is not small, after all, it is a god-level martial soul, and the improvement brought by it is all-round, not just limited to the body.

I don't know how long it lasted in such pain, Lin Luo finally ushered in something new.

That's right, the soul impact from the 10,000-year soul beast has finally arrived.

Lin Luo could feel an extremely strong anger and hatred in his consciousness, wanting to devour his soul.

If ordinary soul masters face such a situation, most of them will only fall into fear and panic, and need to constantly adjust their mentality to face it, and some braver soul masters will choose to be direct and rigid.

However, when Lin Luo felt the impact of his soul, not only was he not the slightest bit afraid, nor did he have any intention of fighting to the death, but he was just excited from the heart.

Here it comes!

Supplies are coming!

It's finally here!

Stepping on the horse, Lao Tzu has been waiting for you for half a day!!

Soul impact is more or less mixed with the element of the soul, and what Lin Luo is waiting for is this soul!

What a familiar breath this was to him!

"Curse of hell."

Lin Luo didn't need to use too many thoughts to control, and the passive ability of Hell Curse was automatically used.

All negative existences such as anger and hatred disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Luo felt that his body became stronger, and it seemed that the pain he was currently suffering was easier to accept.

And Soul Shock?

I want another copy!

Lin Luo originally thought that the hell curse was just a simple use of some souls in the soul impact, and those negative existences could not be completely exempted, and he had to endure a wave of negative existences.

Unexpectedly, the power of the hell curse was beyond his imagination, and while transforming the soul into attributes, all negative existences were also solved, which was simply a one-stop service.

After the soul shock, there is a long wait.

Lin Luo didn't know how long he absorbed the soul ring, until all the painful feelings disappeared, and then the comfortable feeling surged in, he felt that his strength had been greatly improved, and his current self could easily burst his previous self, and even felt that he had become invincible.

This damn sense of confidence seems to appear every time after absorbing the soul ring.

While absorbing the soul ring was completed, Lin Luo's mind also had an extremely esoteric piece of information.

There is no need to understand it deeply, just like an innate skill, you can use it directly.

That's right, it's the new soul technique that's in place.

Slowly opening his eyes, Lin Luo felt that he had never been so refreshed.

Wait, it seems to have gone to the wrong theater... But it's really that comfortable.

Hu Liena's figure first appeared in Lin Luo's field of vision, followed by Mo Shanyun and Evil Moon and Yan.

Without exception, their expressions were shocked and incredulous.

Lin Luo was a little numb when he saw it, and he had really seen such an expression too many times.

"It's really successful, the 10,000-year soul ring..." Hu Liena's beautiful eyes widened and she whispered to herself.

"This is only the third soul ring!" Evil Moon also had an expression similar to Hu Liena.

Yan's expression was even more exaggerated, and his mouth was open enough to stuff a fist: "This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible..."

Of course, Lin Luo knew that everyone's gaze was not actually on his handsome face, but on the pitch-black soul ring that surrounded him.

Not to mention, the 10,000-year soul ring is more handsome than the thousand-year soul ring.

After a while, everyone gradually regained their calm, and Mo Shanyun also began to ask about Lin Luo's third soul technique.

"What is your third soul technique?"

Mo Shanyun asked, and the eyes of the others converged on Lin Luo's face.

Lin Luo responded extremely calmly: "Pendulum of Doom! "


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