Douluo Master of the Night

Chapter 376, Kang Dance, Defending Guyu Na

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Within the bedroom, Ning Rongrong and the little dance two beautiful patents have tightly grabbed Luo Yu, and the scissorship, full of touched tears, the little hand grabbed the man, the tightness, I was afraid that this is dreaming .

On this day, they didn't know how long, I met with Luo Yu, I was really a long process. They didn't know how much I have experienced in the night.

Whenever Luo Yu and other girls have funny, Ning Rongrong and Xiao Dance don't know how much envy and sorrow, the fantasy is how good it should be.

Last night, still borrowed wine, drunken dreams.

Today, I have become a big joy, such a mood like a roller coaster, let Ning Rongrong and Xiao Dance two women experience a different kind of happiness, and hug .

I am afraid that I am awake.

Luo Yu held two big treasures, and I was also sigh in my heart.

Two girls liked their favorite, how can he don't love, and how can they live up? If the refusal is that there is no export, holding two women, he felt very fulfilled.

"Yu brother, what did you just say?" Xiaoqiu asked in Luoyu.


Luo Yu took her ass. "What do you say? I said that it?"

Xiao Dance is full of shame, buried down, the small voice: "Yu Ge naturally did not say a lie, it is too losing to suffer ~"

I heard the voice of Xiao Dance, Luo Yu's heart, and there is a loss.

Xiao Dance gives him a feeling very clear, take a little ancient spirits, but now this look is given him a feeling of feminine.

"Yue brother, if you want to do something, let's do it, I will not delay you with the little dance." Ning Rong Rong said.

Luo Yu strokes her messy hair, helping her to comb, soft: "Don't worry, you will not affect me, all the questions I will solve, never let anyone hurt you."

"Although I can't understand what I said now, I don't know what I'm facing now, but we will always support you, no matter what the feathers need, we will fully support it!"

Ning Rong Rong is full of strong looks, and the stubborn color of Miss Qibao Liuzong is obvious.

Luo Yu smiled, "You, practice hard, fight for the level of the Super Douro, I will help, but I have to work hard."

"I hate it!"

"Your brother, say this, saying that we don't work hard." Xiao Dance is a mouth next to him.

Ning Rongrong has a sound, recovered, "Just, I and Rong Rong now can be the master of the soul of the soul, although comparable to your metamorphosis, but the so-called young generation of young generations can not follow We are comparable to it. "

"Yes, you are amazing, okay."

Luo Yu is a pet, the heart is secretly nod, the original Ring Rongrong and the little dance are flying into gods, and the talent is naturally not bad. This world has its own help, and the god should be light and easy. Will be forever Together.

Of course, the inheritance of the gods is not able to take a look at it, it means to go to the road of others, it is difficult to break the king's , he is going to do, it is to surpass the god limit.

If Luo Yu is faint to pass, it will be scared to too many people, and the gods are not guys, I dare to peek to the realm of the king, look down on the master of the gods?

However, Luo Yu has such a bottom gas and qualification. I tried to hurry, who can hardly grade the level of God in the ultimate Douro's level, which is still without the basis.

Now, Luo Yu himself is not very clear. If you capture the front of the abyss, let Douro's mainland complete the upgrade, he re-implemented his own plan, and repaired what level will be climbed.

"Feather Brother?" Xiaoqiu looked up with Luo Yu's face, and the color of a face.

"Ah?" Luo Yu returned.

"You are really charming, light is looking at you, Xiao Dance is drunk."

"It's a good, good meat." Ning Rongruo was a little longer.

The little dance is smashed by the chest of Lao, "What do you know, the woman is best to live, you will not be pet."

"Hey!" Ning Ronglong screamed, "You think that only you will spoil, I am getting big !!"

" ~"

Luo Yu chicken skin suddenly rose, it is really that this sound is too delicate, so that he has a little cold and chestnut.

"You both give me!"

"Let's normal !!"

"too exaggerated!"

Seeing Luo Yu's face, the little dance and Ning Rong have recovered the charming, beep, and wrote the mouth: "Well."

Luo Yu is speaking, according to the eyebrow, feeling a bit of pain, Xiao Dance and Ning Rong Rong, the two of them and Zhu Zhuqing are different from the water moon.

Zhu Zhuqing and the water moon are all types, and how much will not be so unrestrained, this two people are different. The two are simply a mixed world.

Xiao Dance is not to say, 100,000 years of soft bones are successful, Ning Rongrong, but the little witch of Qibao glazed, there is no way, Luo Yu is dark, I don't know if I am later Happiness or crazy ...

Looking at the two women, I thought about it, Luo Yu thought about it, probably happiness, the family is a boring, that is not meaningful, still lively.

"How are you doing now?" Luo Yu hesitated, and finally asked.

The little dance directly drilled into the quilt, refused to answer this question, and burn red on his face.

Ning Rong is honored: "You are bad eggs, what do you say? What strength doesn't know? Our body bones ... ..."

Luo Yu showed an embarrassed smile.

This ... usually, he will still pity, just yesterday, it is true.

"I will help you hear." Tell, Luo Yu is going to run the soul.

However, Xiao Dance and Ning Rong have also hosted his hand at the same time.

"What do you mean?" Luo Yu was strange.

Xiao Dance shakes his head: "Yu brother, I want to carefully experience this feeling."

"Ah?" Luo Yu confused.

Zhu Zhuqing's affection: "Only this, I only know, he has been."


Luo Yu felt a bit, these two Nizi would be too sloppy, I can't hold myself.


Accompanying two people, Luo Yu finally gained the window, and his eyes were sharp.

"You two, take a break, I will go out."

"Yu brother ... you ..." Ning Rongruo raised his concern.

The little dance sneaked next to Ning Rong Rong's arm, secretly giving her a look.

"You are staying here, I will tell others to send it."

Xiao Dance Responsibility Answer: "Well, you will be busy with you, we will wait for you, pay attention to safety."

Luo Yu smiled, the clothes were on, opened the window and fly out.

"Little dance, what do you just pulled?" Asked Ning Rongrong.

"Do you see what you want to do out?" Xiao dance.

"Ah?" Ning Rongrong doubt.

"You, is there a IQ to grow up to the chest ... Yu Brother is still a lot of people last night, there will be fire in my heart, there is no fire here, but it doesn't mean that there is no fire with others. "

"You said that Yu Ge is going to your ancestors to revenge?" Ning Rong got a consideration.

"Hey! What is my ancestors, you don't talk !!" The little dance is aliened.

Ning Rongrong smashed the little dance, "people are not saying, she is your old ancestors, can calculate the feathers, this woman does not look at the young, but the strength is really horrible."

"Hey! Don't make trouble, I am a 100,000-year soul, what level of my old ancestors, I have already died !!"

"You said that we should thank her or should there be hated her?" Ning Rongrong is complicated.

The little dance thought: "According to reason, if there is no her, we must have been in the college after the college, because she has the opportunity to be with the feathers."

"So?" Ning Rongrong picked up her eyebrows.

"Let's say it, we should really thank her, but since Feather brothers don't like her, then I will definitely walk with the idea of ​​the feathers, husband and wife with the enemy." Xiao Dance is happy to show the tiger teeth.

"Hey! You still have to pay, this only at night, you started living with your wife?"

"Do you want to eat when you eat, I will follow the feathers, if I like it, I will give him a lot of time every day ~" The little dance eyes are full of confused.

"Crazy, you have already walked into the magic." Ning Rongrong is speechless, and shake his head.

Xiao Dance is pointed to her forehead. "I am not crazy, if I only have my own and Yu brother, I naturally can not be unsurprising."

"But now this situation is different. What kind of woman is there, you think, the water is relatively smooth, whether it is a color and the body is not better than we are."

"Soviet teacher also said, it is better than such a mature, I also know so many men's minds, the body enchanting, I want to drool, smile, I have a feeling."

"Zhu Qing, that pure color value, with the hot body, which man doesn't like?"

"We must don't worry about it, you said that the feathers can pet to pets us."

Ning Rong Rong is suspected: "The man like the feathers will not be thick so thin."

Xiao Dance shakes his head, "Mom and I said, the man is good for you with a conscience, just a feeling, if you can transfer the desire of men, it is a conscience to add two emotions, and you can do it more for you. The same. "

Ning Rongrong opened the boss, and I vomited four words after half a day, "Auntium is forced!"

"So you understand, let us not only work hard in life, other aspects should also spend my mind, we can't pay attention to the feathers of the feathers, you have to fight for yourself."

"Understand, understand." Ning Rongrong began to meditate.

What is her advantage?

Do you have money in your home, your grandmother?

I got it, although my own home is very cattle, it is called the top of the mainland. It is not the same, but Luo Yu is not the same. He is afraid that he can top all the forces of Douro, this is not the advantage.

Ning Rong Rong Yang fell into hard thinking, she didn't feel the feelings of the water spirit in the moon, and there was no one of Sui Mr. people, and Zhu Ziqing's explosion, she can't.


The little dance is here to go to the micro-light, she has confidence, her own pair, it should be no one is better than it.

Her legs are completely gold proportion, and there are not many points, full of round, balance strength and beauty, more sexy under the wrap of stockings.

The feathers should like it ...

Luo Yu should know what the two Nizi is thinking, and if he is so rogue?

Cough, there may be a bit.

Ask a man, which is not colorful?

It is estimated that there is also an idea in the heart of the eunuch.



Luo Yu fell out of the dormitory, and the eyes were cold and unusual. Even contracted a little murder, standing on the tips of the highest place in Tianshui City, experience full cover search, and built the golden , search The trace of Guyuena.

"City, three hundred miles!"

Luo Yu's eyes, feels the special breath, seems to be interested in waiting for him.


Lu Luyu quickly smiled, instantly became a golden meteor, and went to break.

When several breathing time came to the suburbs.

I saw the shadow that I was standing here.

Silver tight leather pants wrapped in developed uneven body, female body characterized by her reflected, perfect curve makes popularity, countless women stand together, I am afraid to be eclipsed.

This is a hot and full figure, but the face is a pure wi-won, such a contrast makes a woman's attraction, and the people around you can't help but swallow a water.

But the woman's vague, the general people, but it is, if it is the average person, I don't dare to go up.

The slender jade legs are rounded in the leather pants, and there is an infinite charm between walking, leading attention. The bee waist giant refers to her, at least the existence of the big D level, is a colorful.

Luo Yu almost smashed the eyes, how to feel the feelings of Gu Yuna give him a different, what is the situation.

This is a special, it will not be changed to interfere with your own battle mood.

No, no matter how big your beauty, this account is still considered, this woman is really too much for.

This is he really likes two women. If you don't like it, this is not finished.

"How do you feel last night?" Gu Yuna smiles, "cheaper your guy."

"Oh, you are really excellent." Luo Yu smashed.

"Hey, you don't want to thank me, not only do you want to do it?"

"Tony said less, I am very angry, the consequences are very serious."

Luo Yu didn't give the opportunity to talk to the other person. After the painting candle, he flew out, showering the gold and silver light, and the punch breeked forward to Gu Yuna.

Gu Yuna is getting cold, "Your guy, helping you, don't thank me, even do it?"

"Then you are still excellent!"

When the boxing is turning, the elements of Guyuena condensed a nine-color shield.


The nine color shield is broken ...

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