Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 103 Tang Sanmang went up, but Tang San was killed

Zhao Wuji's voice suddenly sounded in the air, and Xiao Wu suddenly felt that her rapidly rotating body suddenly froze, and her feet could no longer move the opponent under her feet. A huge force suddenly came, and her body that was originally turned backwards He was forcibly brought back.


With a muffled sound, Zhao Wuji's feet touched the ground and he stood firmly on the ground.

But Xiao Wu was like a large pink rabbit pendant, with the back of his head on the ground and his feet as hanging points, hanging on Zhao Wuji's neck.

"As expected of the granddaughter of Poison Douluo, the poison is indeed very powerful. Not only did I get poisoned without knowing it, but it also controlled me for such a long time that I barely adapted to it."

Not paying attention to the pendant Xiao Wu, Zhao Wuji looked at Dugu Yan who was standing not far away with some appreciation.

Dugu Yan smiled slightly: "How did senior detoxify?"

"Detoxification?" Zhao Wuji pointed to his face: "With your ability, you should be able to tell that I haven't detoxified just by looking at my face."

"I just relied on my strong physical fitness and firm will to resist."

"Everything else is nothing. I have to say that there is something about your toxin that makes the limbs chaotic and uncoordinated. It actually took me so long to barely recover some basic mobility."

"However, this is enough. Next, it's my turn!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Wuji's colorful face changed again and again. As the soul power surged in his body, Dugu Yan's toxins were also carried to the depths of his body's limbs and bones, making him even more poisoned.

But Zhao Wuji didn't care at all. A low roar came from his throat, and his body suddenly expanded. The already terrifying muscles in his body more than doubled again.

The original height of less than 1.7 meters suddenly increased to about three meters, and the whole person became extremely majestic, looking like a muscular giant.

Two yellow, two purple, and three black, seven gorgeous soul rings rose at the same time, attaching to his body one by one and rotating slowly.

At the same time, a frightening momentum burst out from his tall body.

"Ding ding ding ding."

A series of familiar voices sounded again. It turned out that Zhu Zhuqing saw the opportunity and rushed forward again.

Of course, this is not because Zhu Zhuqing has lost her mind. She knows that she can't break through the defense when Zhao Wuji's martial spirit is not possessed. What's more, now that Zhao Wuji's martial spirit is possessed, her defense power is greatly increased?

Instead, they were attracting Zhao Wuji's attention and giving the pendant Xiaowu a chance to escape from Zhao Wuji's side.

At this time, the shortcomings of Xiao Wu's soft skills were clearly exposed. Fighting close to her was like the tip of a knife licking blood. Once she made a mistake, her enemy would seize the opportunity and she would instantly become a lamb to be slaughtered.

The situation was critical, and it was difficult for Xiao Wu to escape from Zhao Wuji alone, but at this time Tang San seized the opportunity.

"The first soul skill: Blue Silver Coil."

A colorful bluesilver grass vine suddenly stretched out and wrapped around Xiao Wu's waist, quickly pulling him away from Zhao Wuji.

Seeing that Xiao Wu was safe, Zhu Zhuqing also completed his mission and stepped forward to distance himself from Zhao Wuji.

"Want to run? It's too late!"

Zhao Wuji's dull voice sounded, and he stretched out his hands, aiming one hand at Xiao Wu who was being pulled back by Tang San, and the other at Zhu Zhuqing who was running away.

A slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "The fifth soul skill, gravity squeezing."

The fifth soul ring on Zhao Wuji suddenly shone, the air around him seemed to freeze, and time seemed to pause for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, huge pressure suddenly came from all directions, the air began to roll back, and Zhu Zhuqing's escaping body flew backwards towards Zhao Wuji's palm uncontrollably.

As for Xiao Wu, who was being pulled by Tang San, due to the tight entanglement of the Blue Silver Grass, she was instantly hit by two opposing forces, and she couldn't bear it and passed out.

Then the blue silver grass broke, and his body flew uncontrollably towards Zhao Wuji's other palm.

"Xiao Wu~"

Seeing that Xiao Wu was about to leave him, Tang San roared angrily, his eyes turned red, Xuantian Kung was running rapidly in his body, and he actually used Ghost Shadow Trace, turning into afterimages and rushing towards Zhao Wuji desperately.

"Tang San, come back!"

Dugu Yan's urgent voice sounded from behind, and Tang San didn't even look back, he just rushed forward.

Dugu Yan also knew that this was just a test, and Zhao Wuji would not be cruel at all. As long as each of them showed their strength, the test would be over.

Otherwise, Zhao Wuji would have used his fifth soul skill. Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu, two great soul masters, would have been killed the moment the terrifying pressure appeared, not to mention their bodies flying towards Zhao Wuji uncontrollably. Squeezed into a pile of rotten meat, the fragrance will fade away and the jade will die.

But Tang San, a stupid young man, as a control spirit master, couldn't see the situation clearly. As if he had lost his mind, he threw himself into a trap and forced his way into the abnormal pressure area.

Seeing Tang San rushing out, Shen Jianxin silently took back his steps. Since someone wanted to show off, let him go. It would be a good time to observe his martial arts skills.

Stones from other mountains can attack jade, and maybe he can also master a half-move.

After all, the one who has to pretend to be the owner of the original martial soul from now on does not need the Tiger Soul Sword. Shen Jianxin has always been weak in close combat with fists and feet.

【Self-involved in a trap? 】

Seeing Tang San rushing over, Zhao Wuji raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and threw Zhu Zhuqing, who was the first to catch, towards Shen Jianxin, who was fishing, with his free hand aimed at Tang San.

"Leng Tou Qing, let me, Lao Zhao, teach you the first lesson of admission. Being reckless will only make you die in vain."


Zhao Wuji's fifth soul ring lit up again, and the air seemed to buzz slightly due to the pressure.

Different from the strong pulling sensation that Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing felt, Tang San felt the severe pain that was about to crush the bones. This terrifying force was simply not something he could contend with now.

But who is Tang San? How could he give in so easily?

of course not!

Tang San, who had been pulled in front of Zhao Wuji, was seen biting his teeth lightly, his face was ferocious, his head was lowered, and the starting point of a vicious tiger pouncing on food was clearly revealed.


There was just a crisp sound, and a seven-inch-long crossbow arrow suddenly shot out from behind him, heading straight for Zhao Wuji's round bear eyes.

"What the hell?"

Seeing a black line approaching, Zhao Wuji, who was preparing for his surprise attack, was stunned for a moment.

But his keen combat intuition and body's instinctive reaction still made his first soul ring suddenly shine.

In an instant, a strong golden light burst out from Zhao Wuji's body. Tang San felt his eyes light up. In an instant, he was bounced ten meters away like a rag doll. He fell heavily to the ground and rolled several times before he was in the corner of the wall. Stop.

Zhao Wuji's first soul skill: Immovable Ming King Body! A strong golden light burst out instantly, reflecting attacks within three meters of the body.


Immediately afterwards, the sound of the crossbow arrows being bounced and stuck on the wall attracted the attention of everyone present.

"Crossbow arrows?" Seeing the crossbow arrows on the wall, Zhao Wuji frowned as he thought of the danger before.

And Shen Jianxin, who had clearly seen the dangerous scene before, had just caught Zhu Zhuqing, and before he could let her down in a hurry, he turned to look at the crossbow arrows on the wall, thinking secretly, it seems that you are still the same Tang San, you have not changed at all.

Others did not have Shen Jianxin's sharp eyesight, so they naturally did not see the dangerous scene before, but they frowned slightly when they saw the crossbow arrows.

It's just a soul master entrance test. What's the point of using foreign objects and hurting people with hidden arrows?

Ning Rongrong didn't care whether it was a crossbow or not, a hidden arrow or not. He walked up to Shen Jianxin, tugged on the corner of his clothes, and said with an evil look on his face: "Hey, how long are you going to hold Sister Zhuqing?"

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