Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 107 Zhao Wuji wants to vent his anger

"Damn it! If you use too much strength, that kid won't die."

The main function of Zao Wuji's sixth soul skill: War Cry is to encourage one's fighting spirit and enhance one's courage. The side effect is to create noise to disturb the enemy and create a frightening effect on the enemy.

But that was only for the same level. For Tang San, an opponent dozens of levels behind him, this side effect was enough to kill him dozens of times if not controlled well.

But this can't be blamed on Zhao Wuji. Tang San's hidden weapon that could break defenses really shocked Zhao Wuji, not to mention that he also used poison.

If you don't know, that's fine. Once you know, no one wants to let the toxin enter the body. Who knows how toxic this toxin is?

So when Zhao Wuji saw Tang San throw something again, he subconsciously roared out, trying to blow away the hidden weapon, but accidentally used too much force.

Although he had nearly reached full strength, Tang San looked like he was still seriously injured.

"Teacher Zhao, there is nothing wrong with him. It's just that his internal organs were shocked and he was temporarily unconscious."

Oscar was well versed in assisting. As a food-type logistics spirit master, he would definitely know some necessary battlefield first aid. A simple look at Tang San's injuries showed that there was no problem.

Zhao Wuji secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't die. When Flanders came before, he told him that this kid seemed to have something to do with him, and it would be no problem if he was injured, but it would be hard for him to explain if he was killed.

But when he thought of what Tang San had done before, Zhao Wuji was still upset and irritated, and then he said angrily: "Oh, if he's still alive, drag him aside to bask in the sun, so that he can recover faster."

Oscar was stunned for a moment, Teacher Zhao, are you serious? Why don't you send them back to rest in the sun? How come he doesn't know about this therapy?

But Oscar didn't refute, not because he was a relative, because it was obviously unwise for him to offend Zhao Wuji, so he immediately dragged Tang San to the corner, stuffed a big sausage into his mouth, and ignored it.

But what he didn't know was that Tang San already had half of the Blue Silver Emperor's bloodline. He had never starved to death since he was a child, relying on regular sun exposure and passive photosynthesis to replenish energy.

Therefore, Zhao Wuji's accidental proposal might actually be considered as healing his wounds.

At this time, Zhao Wuji did not release the spirit of possession after defeating Tang San.

Before, Tang San's alluring harassment, which he didn't dare to fight head-on, had teased him to the point where he couldn't get up or down. What's more, he also used his sixth soul skill. The burning fighting spirit was stuck in his chest, making him really uncomfortable.

With blood rising, Zhao Wuji scratched his head and looked around. Now he just wanted to find something to destroy and soothe his mood.

Suddenly, Zhao Wuji's eyes lit up and he saw the half-burned incense candle on the tree. He turned to look at Shen Jianxin who was still happily fishing, then turned to look at the incense candle and then at Shen Jianxin, his mouth stopped. It kept rising slightly.

"Boy, you've been fishing for a long time. Let me see your strength, Zhao."

"Just in time, there's half of the incense plant left. Can we practice some?"

At this time, Shen Jianxin was still absorbing the martial arts skills Tang San had shown before. When he heard Zhao Wuji's words, he was suddenly stunned for a moment, and pointed to his nose with a confused look on his face: "Me?"

Zhao Wuji said angrily: "If it's not you, is it still that brat Xiao Ao?"

"Boy, come on, come on like a man!"

As he spoke, Zhao Wuji raised his fingers at Shen Jianxin eagerly, his intention to beat Shen Jianxin violently and make him angry was almost written on his face.

Shen Jianxin smiled slightly, then waved his hand: "If I don't fight, you win."

Zhao Wuji snorted coldly: "Do you think I win? Don't fight? That's ridiculous."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Wuji exerted force on his feet, and a pit instantly appeared on the ground. His three-meter-tall body was ejected towards Shen Jianxin like a cannon being ejected from the barrel.

Seeing that the intensity of this attack was obviously different from that of attacking Tang San, Shen Jianxin's pupils shrank slightly and he casually pulled Ning Rongrong beside him behind him.

Worried that the fight between the two would affect Ning Rongrong, Shen Jian's heart and soul surged, and his body surface suddenly glowed with a pale golden light. He stepped forward and stepped forward to meet him instead of advancing.

"Boom!" A loud noise came, and smoke and dust instantly filled the place where the two collided.

The breeze blew and the smoke dispersed. Seeing the scene where the two collided, everyone was stunned and horrified.

Because everything in front of me is really impactful.

I saw that Shen Jianxin's height of 1.9 meters was like standing on a stilt, forcibly holding up Zhao Wuji's huge body. His two pairs of palms, one large and one small, clenched each other. During the struggle, the ground beneath his feet cracked.

Looking closely, everyone found that the smaller Shen Jianxin actually had a slight upper hand in the struggle, because Zhao Wuji's feet had already shown very obvious traces of backward friction when he collided.

Shen Jianxin kicked Zhao Wuji's calf hard with his left foot, causing him to stumble suddenly. He took this opportunity to use his right foot as a support point, and veins popped up in his arm. He shouted: "Give me, get up!"

Zhao Wuji, who is known as the Fudo Ming King, was actually pulled up by him with both hands. Using his waist as an axis, he quickly spun two and a half times: "Go!"

Zhao Wuji, who was like a mountain of flesh, was actually thrown away by Shen Jianxin's not-so-strong body.

"Hahaha, exciting!"

They were evenly matched, and even slightly at a disadvantage, which made Zhao Wuji shout happily in the air.

I saw him turning around in the air, trembling slightly on the ground and landing smoothly on his feet. His huge body was not lacking in flexibility at all. Compared with when he fought with Tang San before, he was as safe as two people.

After landing on the ground, he twisted his wrist and rolled his neck. Zhao Wuji looked at Shen Jianxin with eager eyes: "Good boy, I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to play anymore when I was too strong. I didn't expect that 30% of my strength was actually suppressed by you."

"Hahaha, come again, come again, 50% strength. Today, Zhao, I want to fight hard."

As he spoke, Zhao Wuji's center of gravity sank, and he was about to charge towards Shen Jianxin again.

Shen Jianxin quickly stretched out his hand to stop Zhao Wuji's move: "Wait, wait, wait."

Zhao Wuji hurriedly braked, causing two deep dents under his feet. He looked at Shen Jianxin depressedly: "What's wrong, kid? Is it just a few seconds that you can't survive?"

Shen Jianxin glanced at him speechlessly: "Ah, yes, yes. I can't do it anymore, how about you just let me go?"

Zhao Wuji grinned, showing a few big white teeth: "No, Lao Zhao, I want to relieve my anger. How can I do it without fighting?"

"Either you fight with me, or I fight you. Boy, choose one."

Shen Jianxin looked a little embarrassed, I was afraid of beating you to death. Why are you, Old Zhao, so ungrateful?

After three years of life and death training in the Killing City, with over 10,000 kills, Shen Jianxin was really not interested in this kind of performance-based battle, not to mention that all the killing skills he had practiced there were nothing to show off.

After all, in the city of killing, there are enemies everywhere, so just beat them to death. Naturally, you have to use as much force and violence as you want.

Shen Jian also wanted to be as small as Tang San and move freely, but these were of little use in the killing city. Is it possible that you are still afraid of beating the enemy to death?

After thinking for a moment, Shen Jianxin looked at Zhao Wuji, who was filled with fighting spirit: "Do you really want to fight? Are there no other options?"

Zhao Wuji glared at Shen Jianxin with his bear eyes, and the flesh on his face trembled slightly: "Boy, mother-in-law, can't you be more tough like that boy?"

"Come on, come and knead Lao Zhao to your heart's content."

"Okay, okay, but I'm not very good at physical skills, and most of them aren't as flexible as Tang San, so I ask you to be more patient."

After saying that, Shen Jianxin turned around and looked at Dugu Yan: "Sister Yanyan, can the poison on Teacher Zhao's body be cured?"

Dugu Yan looked at him in shock and said with a smile: "It's easy to handle. It looks like snake venom. As long as it is a snake, it will be under my control, Dugu Yan."

As he spoke, Dugu Yan touched the storage soul guide, then raised his jade hand lightly and blew a breath of fragrance towards Zhao Wuji.

Zhao Wuji was shocked, and the slight numbness in his limbs disappeared instantly.

"Thank you, little girl. For your sake, I will be gentler when I beat this kid later."

After saying that, Zhao Wuji turned to look at Shen Jianxin with fierce eyes: "Boy, you are also very arrogant. That boy tried his best to weaken me, but you are so arrogant that you are afraid that I am not strong enough."

Shen Jianxin shook his head slightly and said in a calm tone: "If you hit me, you have to hit me as fast as you can, otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to get up or down in the middle of the fight."

"Teacher Zhao, please try your best to survive!"

"Broken sheath!"

With a sharp shout, blood flashed in Shen Jianxin's eyes. The place where he was standing before was filled with earth and rocks, but his figure disappeared in the blink of an eye.

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