Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 109 Xiao Wu’s identity exposed

The first soul ring lit up, and Shen Jianxin's strength and speed instantly increased by 100%.

The blood-colored eyes flashed with red light, and the body surface was instantly surrounded by blood, as if burning flames enveloped the whole body.

The white, semi-long hair was stained with blood from the roots. As the steaming blood floated slightly in the air, flying wildly, the originally fair and handsome face became slightly ferocious at this moment.

"Teacher Zhao, let us decide the outcome with one blow."

Zhao Wuji's expression was solemn, his big feet were slightly spread apart, his center of gravity sank, and the ground instantly sunk so much that the insteps were exposed. His waist bent down, and his hands naturally drooped in front of him. His eyes were locked on Shen Jianxin: "Come here!"

Zhao Wuji knew that he was not as fast as Shen Jianxin, so he waited for work and defensive counterattacks were the key to his victory.

Seeing that Zhao Wuji was well prepared, the corners of Shen Jianxin's mouth raised slightly, and traces of boiling blood energy floated out from between his teeth and then dissipated.

"Broken sheath!"

A large pit with a diameter of three meters appeared on the ground instantly, and the figure disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Buzz buzz buzz buzz"

Five soft buzzing sounds sounded from Zhao Wuji's body, and the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth soul rings lit up at the same time.

The first soul skill is Immovable King Body, which enhances defense.

The second soul skill is the powerful Vajra Palm, which enhances the attack.

The third soul skill's gravity increases to suppress it.

The fourth soul skill is positioning and tracking, locking the target.

The fifth soul skill is squeezing with gravity, disrupting the body shape.

"I saw it!" Under Wuhun's true body, he released five soul skills in succession. This was the first time that Zhao Wuji really saw Shen Jianxin sprinting.

The bear's eyes flashed with joy and his teeth were slightly exposed. Zhao Wuji raised his drooping hands and embraced Shen Jianxin who was rushing from the left and right.

Bear hug, a bear's attack method, relies on its huge strength and size advantages to hold the prey into its arms, restrict the prey's movement, and then tear the prey to pieces with its fangs and claws.

You can think about it, Zhao Wuji's attack method that imitates a giant bear, once he suppresses Shen Jianxin, he will definitely be attacked like a storm.

At this time, Shen Jianxin was not only locked by his fourth soul skill, but it also seemed extremely difficult to hold up his body under the rapid sprint.

Victory seems to have been locked in his hands.

"Ha! Open mountain pose!"

In the flash of lightning, Shen Jianxin opened his left and right hands at the same time. The veins in his arms popped out, and he directly supported Zhao Wuji's arms.

Suddenly raising his head, blood flashed in his eyes. While Zhao Wuji was stunned, Shen Jianxin grinned: "Shenglong kick!"

He suddenly raised his right foot and kicked Zhao Wuji hard in the abdomen, causing his huge body to tremble suddenly and he floated for a short time.

"Oops!" Without his feet touching the ground, Zhao Wuji's strength could not be used at all, and his terrifying defense was just a human punching bag that could withstand beatings.

As Zhao Wuji expected, Shen Jianxin caught this momentary flaw.

Shen Jianxin quickly broke away from Zhao Wuji's control, leaned down, and got close to the bottom of Zhao Wuji's huge body. He put his hands on the ground and kicked Zhao Wuji's abdomen upwards hard.

"Boom boom boom boom."

A series of roars, and with every kick, Zhao Wuji's huge body could not stop rising.

After more than ten kicks in a row, Zhao Wuji's body rose more than ten meters.

Shen Jianxin's burst was also exhausted at this moment, but his combo was not over yet.

He kicked Zhao Wuji's abdomen hard with both feet, and used the force in the air to send Zhao Wuji up into the sky. Shen Jianxin used the reaction and quickly fell to the ground.

Turning around in the air, "Boom!" With an explosion, Shen Jianxin's feet suddenly exerted force, creating a deep pit on the ground, and rushed towards Zhao Wuji in the air again.

"Boom punch!"

Shen Jianxin condensed a large amount of blood energy into his right hand, his fist was filled with blood, and the energy contained inside was frightening.

At this time, Zhao Wuji endured the severe pain in his abdomen and secretly felt pain in his heart. Am I, Old Zhao, really going to die here today?

That's it, that's all, it's time and fate. I didn't expect that a series of blows made me unable to even maintain my martial soul's true form.

Facing Shen Jianxin's violent attack, Zhao Wuji's huge body shrank rapidly, and in the blink of an eye he returned to a human form of less than 1.7 meters.

Shen Jianxin was startled when he came to attack, and he drew back his fist with almost full strength. However, his attack was developed with the purpose of destroying the target. It was impossible to suddenly withdraw his strength at this time.


Although he was nearly at full strength and was retracting his strength, there was a roar, a red light flashed, and a bloody light pillar of dozens of centimeters suddenly erupted from his fist and shot straight into the sky.

Its terrifying power made everyone present secretly frightened, and they couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

"Zhao, is Teacher Zhao dead?"

Everyone saw the scene where Zhao Wuji released his martial soul's true form. Oscar, who had the deepest relationship with Zhao Wuji, had red eyes and choked up his voice.

Shen Jianxin fell from the sky and looked at his fist with a frown: "No, I missed it!"

This is already the second time his attack has failed. The outside world is really different from the City of Killing. The speed, strength, defense, and reaction of soul masters who can use soul skills are much stronger than those in the City of Killing.

His combat skills, which had always been invincible in the killing capital, failed twice today when facing Zhao Wuji, who was not good at speed.

"Then, where did Teacher Zhao go?"

A huge shadow slid across the sky and blocked the sun, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

Looking up at the sky, he saw a huge owl with a wingspan of more than ten meters gliding through the air. Zhao Wuji was still holding on to his talons with scars all over his body, but he was smiling and waving hello to everyone.

"It's the dean, he saved Teacher Zhao."

Seeing the cat eagle appear, Oscar suddenly exclaimed with surprise and surprise. He had already figured out that the cat eagle was the true form of Dean Flender's martial spirit.

At this time, Shen Jianxin also suddenly realized. He had not expected how Zhao Wuji escaped just now. Now it seems that in that flash of lightning, the agility-based soul Saint Flanders actually burst out with a power no less than that of a titled Douluo. With great speed, Zhao Wuji was saved from him.

The owl slowly fell down and turned into a bird-man with wings on its back. It was still holding that idiot Zao Wou-Ki in its hand, hovering in mid-air.

He frowned and looked at the messy scene with twitching corners of his mouth. He gritted his teeth and said, "Who can tell me what happened?"

Ning Rongrong suddenly raised his hand: "Dean Flanders, our Qibao Glazed Sect will bear all the damage. Besides, it's time for your college to do some renovations. Now you can even save the demolition costs."

As soon as he heard that he was being taken advantage of, Flanders lost all his anger and fell from the sky: "Oh, that's so embarrassing. I'm just going to waste money on the Qibao Glazed Sect."

Ning Rongrong smiled slightly and patted her chest: "I'm sorry, are ten thousand gold soul coins enough?"

"Ten, ten thousand?" Flanders smiled widely, and the corners of his mouth almost cracked to the base of his ears: "Enough, enough, enough."

As he said that, he looked down at Zhao Wuji in his hand and said, "I asked you to test the students. You got so excited that you even used your martial soul avatar."

"Not only that, but you actually lost the fight in shame. If I hadn't appeared in time, you might have become a dead bear now."

"Well, we are also responsible for Teacher Zhao's injuries. How about adding another ten thousand?"

"Hahahaha, okay, okay, it's such a happy decision!"

"Sword boy, the girl in red looks a little strange. She doesn't seem to be human!"

Ning Rongrong was still negotiating peace with Flanders in a wealthy manner, but Shen Jianxin received a very solemn message from Dugu Bo.

Shen Jianxin looked back and saw Dugu Bo standing on the ridge not far away with his hands behind his back, staring at the unconscious Xiao Wu in Zhu Zhuqing's arms with fiery eyes.

Shen Jianxin turned around and looked at Zhao Wuji, who was fine but a little ashamed. Then he turned around and looked at Xiao Wu in Zhu Zhuqing's arms, already having a plan in mind.

Jumping up, Shen Jianxin came to Dugu Bo, smiled slightly, and said in a calm tone: "Ah, I know, she is the incarnation of a hundred thousand year old soul beast."

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