Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 120 The Titan Ape Attacks

After a brief rest of a quarter of an hour, Shen Jianxin glanced at everyone and saw that everyone's condition had almost recovered, then he waved his hand and said, "Let's go."

Shen Jianxin gave an order, and everyone stood up one after another and stepped into the Star Dou Forest according to the established formation.

After Shen Jianxin and others entered the Star Forest, Zhao Wuji followed closely. Three hours later, Dugu Bo followed their route and entered the Star Forest.

The terrain in the Star Forest is very complicated. Not long after entering the forest, everyone was blocked by a large number of crisscrossing vines and shrubs.

Originally, Shen Jianxin wanted to open the way in person, but Zhu Zhuqing volunteered and said that there is no use in killing chickens with a butcher's knife. If something happened, the disciple would accept his help. Shen Jianxin was the strongest and wanted to ensure his own condition to protect everyone, so he took over the job of opening the way.

Possessed by the martial spirit, the jagged claws on Zhu Zhuqing's fingertips poked out and waved gently, causing the vines and thorns to break one after another, without affecting the speed of everyone's progress at all.

Seeing that Zhu Zhuqing was doing her job of clearing roads quite easily, Shen Jianxin let her express herself and show her own value.

Following Zhu Zhuqing closely, Shen Jianxin raised his vision and hearing to their strongest state, and even released his mental power, carefully sensing the fifty-meter radius around the team.

Tang San and Ma Hongjun were also always vigilant about everything on both sides. The two assistants, Ning Rongrong and Oscar, walked quietly in the center of the team, while Dugu Yan followed at the back of the team with a focused expression, holding the rear for everyone.

Although Xiao Wu was a little absent-minded, she didn't run around excitedly because she was home. Instead, she followed Dugu Yan obediently, helping her observe the blind spots in her field of vision that she couldn't take care of.

A group of eight people, all performing their duties, walked quietly in the starry forest that blocked the sky and the sun.

Before they knew it, night fell quietly, and everyone had already entered the Star Forest for a day.

After a whole day of searching, Oscar failed to attach his third soul ring.

As the largest wild soul beast forest in the mainland, the Star Dou Forest is also a soul beast incubation park known as the soul beast paradise. There are a large number of soul beasts and countless varieties.

Everyone searched for a day, but it wasn't that they didn't meet the Millennium Soul Beast, it was that they didn't meet the Millennium Soul Beast that was suitable for Oscar.

The maximum absorption period of a soul master's third soul ring is around 1,800 years, and Oscar is still a food-based soul master, so the required soul ring period needs to be lowered appropriately before absorption.

I don’t know if the person leading the team has changed, or the location where they entered the Star Dou Forest has changed. Like the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb Snake, Meng Yiran, and the Unparalleled Dragon Po couple in the original work, Shen Jianxin and others did not encounter them.

Seeing that it was getting late, Shen Jianxin ordered to set up camp on the spot.

In the Star Dou Forest, there are tall trees everywhere, and there is a risk of attack by spirit beasts everywhere, so there is no so-called relatively safe location.

No one refuted Shen Jianxin's instructions. The boys actively set up tents and the girls hurriedly prepared food.

The tent doesn’t need to be too big, it just needs to be enough for everyone to sit cross-legged and meditate.

After all, in this dangerous Star Dou Forest, maintaining the best fighting condition at all times is much more important than sleeping.

The food prepared by the girls was also very simple, because they were not allowed to light fires in the Star Forest, as they were worried that it would attract phototactic spirit beasts and cause trouble.

So they just put some pre-made dry food into portions and put them on plates, then cut some fruits and put them on a nice platter, just to give them a sense of ceremony.

After all, maintaining a good mood is also one of the important factors in ensuring combat effectiveness.

After a hurried dinner, Shen Jianxin asked everyone to go to rest and leave the vigil task to him alone.

After hearing Shen Jianxin's instructions, everyone entered the tent to meditate.

In the middle of the night, Shen Jianxin was leaning against a tree with his eyes closed to rest, when Tang San quietly walked out of the tent alone and came to Shen Jianxin.

Shen Jianxin opened his eyes suddenly, blood flashed in his eyes, and murderous intent leaked out.

Tang San was shocked, what an astonishing killing intent, how many people had he killed?

Such a huge and evil murderous intention, even a person in my two lifetimes, was shocked to the point of losing my mind. Dai Mubai is just a fifteen-year-old baby. He would have been frightened to death before, but now it seems that it is not unreasonable.

Seeing clearly that the person coming was Tang San, Shen Jianxin frowned, withdrew his murderous intent and said, "Tang San, what can I do for you?"

Tang San dismissed the association in his mind and smiled slightly excitedly: "Brother Shen, I have just reached level 30. After we help Oscar get the soul ring, can we stay a few more days and help me get a soul ring too?" ?”

Shen Jianxin glanced at him unexpectedly, and secretly sighed in her heart, could a butterfly as big as me not affect his halo as the protagonist?

Even after so little experience, he could still reach level 30 on time? Is it possible that he can meet the Man-Faced Demon Spider in two days?

Shaking his head, Shen Jianxin felt that he must have thought too much. The future has changed. The fact that he did not meet the Dragon Lord and the Snake Lady today is proof. How could he possibly meet the Man-Faced Demon Spider again?

After thinking for a while, Shen Jianxin said calmly: "Ah, no problem, I will let everyone know tomorrow and ask everyone to help you pay attention to whether there is a soul beast that is suitable for you."

Tang San looked happy, "Then I'll trouble Brother Shen."

Shen Jianxin waved his hand: "No trouble, it's just a trivial matter. You can go back and rest first. We will continue our journey tomorrow."

The benevolent Tang San wanted to thank him again, but Shen Jianxin suddenly reached out to stop him and looked into the depths of the dark forest with a solemn expression.

"Little cubs, get out of the tent, quickly!"

The next moment, an urgent voice came, and Zhao Wuji, who was already possessed by the martial spirit, suddenly burst out from the bushes. Tang San was startled and he reflexively put his hands on his waist.

Hearing the shouts, everyone got out of the tent. Before the others could figure out what was going on, Dugu Yan was already possessed by his martial spirit and protected Ning Rongrong behind him. After thinking about it, he also took Oscar next to him. Pull it over for protection.

At this time, Ning Rongrong also summoned the Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda. Four soul rings, two yellow and two purple, floated slowly on his body, and his eyes were watching everything around him vigilantly.

Seeing clearly that the person who came was actually Zhao Wuji, Tang San put the things in his hands back into the storage soul guide without leaving a trace, "Teacher Zhao? Why are you here too?"

Ignoring Tang San, Zhao Wuji rushed straight to Shen Jianxin: "Shen Jianxin, a big guy is coming. I'll hold him back for a while, and you run away with everyone."

"Remember, leave me alone, leave here, and leave the Star Dou Forest first."

Shen Jianxin's eyes were still fixed on the direction that Zhao Wuji had rushed out before, and he slowly said: "Teacher Zhao, it's too late, look behind you."

Zhao Wuji looked back and saw two tall trees slowly parting on both sides, and a huge figure walked out from there quietly.

Seeing this big guy, everyone's breathing seemed to stop, and the scene was silent.

It was a monster like a mountain. Its dark hair shone faintly under the faint light of the stars and moon. It was holding on to the big trees that were leaning on both sides with both hands. It stood fifteen meters away.

From the outside, this big guy looks like an ape or a chimpanzee, with a pair of eyes as big as lanterns shining with a citrine-like luster, and its whole body is pitch black. If it wasn't moving in the night, you wouldn't even be able to see it clearly. Body.

Strong muscles that were more terrifying than granite covered every part of the body, bulging like hills.

But such a huge guy didn't make any sound while walking, not even the sound of breathing. The silence was like a ghost.

"King of the Forest, Titan Giant Ape!" Tang San's voice trembled slightly.

When Tang San saw this gorilla for the first time, relying on the knowledge instilled in him by master Yu Xiaogang, Tang San already knew the type of this big guy, and naturally also understood the terror of this titan ape.

The sudden appearance of the Titan Ape made Shen Jianxin glance thoughtfully at Xiao Wu behind him, only to see her eyes dodge, with guilt and a little panic in her red pupils.

Seeing this scene, Shen Jianxin understood something instantly.

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