Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 125 The black robe appears again

After receiving Xiao Wu's order, the Titan Giant Ape opened his mouth and smiled cruelly, suddenly raised his arms, clenched his fist as big as a millstone, and excitedly smashed it down at Tang San.

Just after hearing the conversation between the two, the Titan Giant Ape felt panicked. After all, it also liked Xiao Wu.

Now that Xiao Wu has spoken and can vent his anger according to the order, how can he not be happy?

The attack of the Titan Giant Ape was coming, and his life was threatened. Tang San didn't care about Xiao Wu anymore.

A trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes, and his left and right hands quickly passed over his waist. Dozens of white lights shot out at the same time, heading straight for Xiao Wu on the Titan Ape's shoulder.

If you attack the enemy, you will save him. Xiao Wu is now the Titan Ape's weakness. Attacking Xiao Wu will definitely slow down the Titan Ape's attack, thus giving him a chance to survive.

Sure enough, seeing Tang San's attack, the Titan Giant Ape changed its attack method, quickly turning its fists into palms to block the incoming hidden weapons, and then waved its palms to continue hitting Tang San.

The Titan Giant Ape changed his moves extremely quickly, but Tang San still caught the slightest chance of survival.

With both feet kicking on the ground, Tang San suddenly jumped back, and at the critical moment, he jumped through the Titan Ape's fingers, avoiding the Titan Ape's fatal blow.

"The first soul skill, blue and silver entanglement!"

While he was in the air, Tang San activated his soul skill, his first soul ring lit up, and a large amount of blue silver grass shot out from his hand and wrapped around the Titan Ape's hand.

However, it was of no use. The Titan Ape just opened his five fingers and broke his blue silver grass easily, then pinched out an orchid finger and broke it towards him.

Obviously, the Titan Giant Ape wanted him to die in humiliation with his head broken.

But who was Tang San? How could he die like this?

While the Titan Ape was playing around, Tang San immediately activated his second soul skill, Parasitism, and a large amount of Blue Silver Grass appeared and wrapped around the Titan Ape's hand.

At the same time, a black box appeared in Tang San's left hand. His right hand quickly fiddled with the black box, making a series of clever sounds.

The Titan Ape's movements were faster than Tang San imagined, or it could be said that the Titan Ape didn't care about the bluesilver grass wrapped around his hand at all this time.

It's just a piece of grass, something that can be broken with a snap of the fingers. This brain is broken. The Titan Giant Ape is determined to hit Tang San's head.

"You bastard, please don't hurt my son." A deep voice suddenly sounded, as if it was exploding in the air.

It seemed that it was still far away. The sound was not loud, but it had strong penetrating power. Hearing this voice, the Titan Giant Ape actually stopped attacking and was stunned for a moment.

It was stunned, but Tang San was not stunned. Seeing that he was unusually calm, Gu Jing calmly raised the black box in his left hand, still aiming at Xiao Wu.

Attack the enemy and save yourself. As the maker of this hidden weapon, Tang San certainly knew the power of this hidden weapon. It was completely wishful thinking to cause harm to the Titan Giant Ape, but it was completely fine to penetrate Xiao Wu's body.

As long as the Titan Ape gives up his attack and stops his attack, he will definitely be able to escape from the Titan Ape's side and find shelter for a moment.

However, had he ever thought that the Titan Ape's attention was not on him at this time, but on the owner of the voice.

Bang, bang, bang, a series of mechanical explosions sounded from Tang San's left hand.

Sixteen shadows flew out in succession. Under Tang San's subtle control, these sixteen shadows all submerged into Xiao Wu's body in the blink of an eye, passing through her body and bringing out a large amount of blood.

Tang San was stunned, and so was the Titan Ape.

"Xiao Wu!"


Tang San's cry rang out, but was instantly suppressed by the Titan Ape's roar.

A thick black air wave suddenly erupted from the Titan Ape's body, and Tang San, who had just released the hidden weapon, was thrown away. He hit a big tree hard, opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood, and slid down from the tree. Then he passed out.

"You evil beast, die!"

It was still far away before, but now the sound exploded in the head of the titan ape.

I saw a black giant hammer hundreds of meters long, with a huge hammer head like a hill, whipping up strong winds and hitting the head of the Titan ape.

In desperation, the Titan Giant Ape took the seriously injured Xiao Wu into his palm and protected him, regardless of his own safety.

"Boom!" A low explosion sounded. The Titan ape's head was bruised and bleeding. He clasped his hands together and flew dozens of meters upside down, breaking countless trees.

But in its original position, there was a black figure holding a sledgehammer, floating there quietly.

Being able to blow away the Titan Giant Ape with one hammer has already proved the strength of this man in black robe.

But what is even more shocking are the nine soul rings on his body, two yellow, two purple, four black, and one red.

The red soul ring is the supreme existence among all soul rings. It is the supreme treasure that can only be obtained by hunting a hundred thousand year old soul beast.

If a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast is hunted, in addition to its hundred-thousand-year-old soul ring, it will inevitably drop a hundred-thousand-year-old soul bone.

If the two are combined into one, if they are absorbed by a ninety-level Contra level expert, then after this Contra breaks through to a titled Douluo, his strength will far exceed that of the same level.

A hundred thousand year soul ring sounds like it is only one level different from a ten thousand year soul ring, but all titled Douluo know how huge the gap between the two is.

Just like level eighty-nine and level ninety, it seems that there is only one level, but that level is an insurmountable barrier, and the same is true for ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine years and one hundred thousand years.

Soul beasts that can reach 100,000 years are already the emperors of various ethnic groups. Their status in the soul beast world is like the status of Titled Douluo among humans. They are above all living beings and outside the imperial power. the supreme existence.

In the entire Douluo Continent, there are definitely not many titled Douluo, but there are more than twenty people. However, even if you search the entire continent, you will never find such a number of soul beasts that are more than 100,000 years old. On average, even Two people may not be able to get one.

And there are even fewer titled Douluo who are lucky enough to obtain a hundred thousand year soul ring.

This shows how lucky the man in black robe who suddenly appeared was.

"The man in black robe!"

Suddenly, a boy's exclamation made the man in black robe suddenly turn his head.

He saw nine familiar faces emerge from the woods behind him. These nine people were Shen Jianxin and others who came over after hearing the noise.

And that exclamation was exactly what Oscar couldn't help shouting.

At this time, Shen Jianxin and others, with the help of the dim moonlight, could really see the appearance of the man in black robe.

He was a middle-aged man in his fifties, tall and burly, but his appearance was really unflattering.

He wore a torn black robe with not even a patch on it, his hair was as messy as a bird's nest, and his big beard almost covered his true appearance.

If he tidies it up properly, maybe this big beard can become his most natural disguise.

At this time, Dugu Bo's attention was not on the black-robed man's face at all, but on his ninth soul ring that was one hundred thousand years old.

Seeing the red 100,000-year-old soul ring, Dugu Bo knew that it was definitely not someone he could fight against with only level 93 strength.

In the previous battle with the Titan Giant Ape, he did not cause as much damage as Shen Jianxin. Once this man suddenly attacks, he may have to be a mount and support again in this battle.

Just when Dugu Bo revealed his soul ring and was about to use his martial spirit avatar, the man in black robe just looked at them calmly and dived towards the unconscious Tang San.

The figure flickered, and the man in black robe disappeared, and Tang San, who was unconscious under the tree, disappeared with him.

"Boom, boom, boom" came the sound of footsteps that shook the ground.

The man in black robe left, but the Titan ape with a bloody head got up from the ground. It may have been injured too much. At this time, it had no strength left to control its own steps. With its hands clasped together, it stumbled towards Shen Jianxin and others. .

After struggling to walk in front of Shen Jianxin and others, the Titan Giant Ape gently spread his hands, revealing Xiao Wu who was covered in blood and angry: "Please, please, help, Sister Xiao Wu."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Titan Ape rolled his eyes, fell sideways to the ground, and passed out.

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