Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 144 All Shrek students join the Qibao Glazed Sect collectively

The day after the banquet, Shen Jianxin didn't even go home to visit her parents. She went directly to Ning Fengzhi, Sword Bone Douluo and others, saying that she had important matters to discuss with them.

The first thing is that all the students in Shrek Academy decided to join the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect collectively.

Ning Fengzhi attached great importance to this group of twelve-year-old young geniuses whose collective soul power reached level twenty-eight or above.

Even in the brand new Shrek Academy, an exclusive mimicry training environment was quickly built for everyone.

For example, Oscar’s luxurious kitchen, Ma Hongjun’s animal shed, Xiao Wu’s rabbit nest, etc.

The most luxurious among them is Zhu Zhuqing's exclusive mimicry training environment, a large cat club.

There are many ten-year-old spirit beast cats that are basically harmless to humans.

In order to collect enough relatively safe and harmless soul beast cats, Ning Fengzhi even sent people to get all the pet cats of the noble ladies in Tiandou City.

The second thing is the marriage issue between Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai.

Ning Fengzhi said that this matter was not a big problem and he could just leave it to him.

After all, she was just a girl married to the Xingluo royal family. In the eyes of the current Qibao Glazed Sect, she was not considered a big trouble at all.

The children like them couldn't see clearly the twists and turns between the nobles. Ning Fengzhi, who had been a master of the Tiandou Kingdom for so many years, understood it all too well.

As expected, as Ning Fengzhi expected, in less than two months, this matter involving the majesty of the Star Luo Empire royal family was invisibly resolved.

The solution to this matter is very simple. Even Sword Douluo, Optimus Prime, was not used. Ning Fengzhi just wrote a letter and sent it to the Prince Zhu family of the Star Luo Empire.

He told Zhu Zhuqing that he had joined the Qibao Glazed Sect and had been protected by the Qibao Glazed Sect ever since. At the end, he vaguely mentioned that he would be beaten if he refused. Everything is settled.

The other side only expressed strong condemnation, emphasized the importance of Zhu Zhuqing, and said that the Qibao Glazed Sect's behavior was against the rules, and if it did not return Zhu Zhuqing in time, it would be at its own risk.

Even the Xingluo royal family sent a letter to Qian Renxue, demanding the timely return of Zhu Zhuqing. Even people on the border said that they were mobilizing troops and considered a threat.

As a result, Qian Renxue became even more arrogant and called Ning Fengzhi to discuss it overnight.

The next day, 200,000 ordinary combat troops were displayed at the border of the Tiandou Empire.

Tiandou City also sent two titled Douluo, namely Snake Spear and Blood Stinger, with a force of one thousand and thirty soul masters and above.

The Qibao Glazed Sect also asked Dugu Bo to bring along two thousand soul masters of level 30 or above.

Everyone’s attitude is very clear, don’t you accept it? In a fight, whoever wins has the final say.

The reaction from the Tiandou Empire really shocked the Star Luo Empire.

This tough attitude against Xue Ye's reign left the Xingluo Empire at a loss for a while, and it was obviously not cost-effective to actually start a war with Tiandou over an unmarried concubine of the fourth prince.

What's more, their third prince can't be found now.

Immediately, Zhu Zhuqing's matter disappeared in the midst of noisy negotiations between the two parties.

Moreover, the soul master troops led by Dugu Bo and others only ran to the border to show their presence, and then turned back.

After spending such a big price, Ning Fengzhi still smiled and said it didn't matter, just went out to practice acting.

Such a generous gesture and such a serious attitude made Zhu Zhuqing, a little girl who had run away from home, feel unprecedented warmth.

This also strengthened her determination to stay in the Qibao Glazed Sect and repay this kindness.

Not long after the incident, Zhu Zhuqing also received a letter from her father. She wrote it eloquently on many pieces of paper, but the key points can be summarized in two sentences.

I can't help it either, I hope you don't hate me. If you really escape the sea of ​​suffering, don't come back again if it's not necessary.

After Zhu Zhuqing finished reading the letter, she hid in her room and cried for a long time. When she walked out of the room again, she finally learned to smile.

The third thing is about Xiao Wu.

Although he had briefly explained Xiao Wu's affairs and his plans in the letter before, the paper was too small and there were always errors in the written expression.

So this time when they returned to the Qibao Glazed Sect, Shen Jianxin, Ning Fengzhi, Sword Bone Douluo, and Dugu Bo had many more conversations, and even made a lot of additions to Shen Jianxin's plan.

Then everyone called Xiao Wu over and had a frank and in-depth exchange.

First of all, everyone promised not to harm her, and even provided shelter for her to practice in the human world, allowing her to grow up safely.

But Xiao Wu also has her own obligations to bear.

One, those requirements that Shen Jianxin mentioned before, using her two hundred thousand year old soul beast companions to help the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect disciples obtain soul rings.

In the end, Xiao Wu agreed to only help hunt soul beasts that were over 50,000 years old on the grounds that indiscriminate killing of soul beasts would destroy the ecology and the number of soul beasts would decrease rapidly, and she must also hunt down those ferocious enemy soul beasts.

Everyone then thought of Xiao Wu's race and her enemy race of spirit beasts, so they happily agreed to Xiao Wu's request.

After all, what are the races of soul beasts that are hostile to rabbits? After all, they are also carnivorous soul beasts. Is there anything not powerful about these soul beasts?

Second, help the Qibao Glazed Sect develop artificial soul rings, thus getting rid of the restriction that soul beasts must be killed in order to advance.

Big forces like the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect have been studying this, and even Wuhun Palace has a professional team studying it.

The major forces on the mainland have also discovered that the number of soul beasts is decreasing year by year. If no new way out is found, strange things like White Ring Douluo may really appear on the mainland many years later.

However, due to the difficulty of capturing soul beasts, older soul beasts are wild and difficult to tame and may even self-destruct, and artificial breeding takes too long, so this research has been progressing extremely slowly.

Now that Xiao Wu, a hundred-thousand-year-old spirit beast incarnate, and her two hundred-thousand-year-old spirit beast friends are providing help, this world-shaking feat may be temporarily released in the Qibao Glazed Sect in the future.

This research is also very beneficial to the survival of spirit beasts like Xiao Wu and Xiao Wu. Of course, Xiao Wu strongly supports it.

Third, join the Qibao Glazed Sect and help the Qibao Glazed Sect train a soul beast cavalry regiment.

This condition was proposed by Shen Jianxin. Influenced by previous life novels, other worlds can capture pets and raise mounts, but it makes no sense that Douluo Continent cannot.

Thousand-year-old soul beasts also have high IQs, and powerful ones can also take the form of humans. Why can't soul beasts be used as mounts?

Auxiliary soul masters bring soul beasts with protective capabilities to ensure their own safety.

Attack-type soul masters bring soul beasts with auxiliary abilities to make up for their own shortcomings.

The control soul master carries a soul beast with strong attack power to supplement his own damage.

Both parties support each other, grow together, and progress harmoniously.

What's more, soul beasts have a long lifespan. One beast can be passed down for thousands of years, but the clan-destroying beast is still there.

If the relationship between the two parties is on good terms, wouldn't this be the proper patron saint of the family?

Combined with the second artificial soul ring, without this contradiction, the soul beast knight may also become a highlight on Douluo Continent in the future.

It was Xiao Wu's expectation that humans and soul beasts could live in peace and support each other, so although this condition was difficult, Xiao Wu still happily agreed.

Shen Jianxin didn't set a time limit for her, she just said she would try it out first and use a few of her friends as pioneers to try it out.

After solving the two biggest problems in the team, Shen Jianxin's mood improved a lot.

Since the newly built Shrek Academy is still building an exclusive mimic environment for everyone, everyone who has nowhere to go can only stay in the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect to practice.

And Shen Jianxin, who had not been home for many years, also said goodbye to everyone and went home to fulfill his filial piety.

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