Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 161 The Secret of Blue Silver King

"Finally found."

Looking at the altar with a large amount of bluesilver grass in front of him, Shen Jianxin also had a smile on his face.

After several days of searching, Shen Jianxin and others ran more than ten thousand miles with the extremely quick speed of the soft-bone rabbit.

I almost searched through the entire eastern part of Star Dou Forest before I found this altar covering an area of ​​several square kilometers.

To be honest, this is really not easy.

"Kenshin, there seems to be something weird here."

Looking at the blue silver grass vines standing around the altar, Dugu Yan frowned and felt a little uneasy.

Shen Jianxin chuckled: "It's too quiet, isn't it?"

"You must know that this is the Star Forest with extremely rich species, but except for the sound of the wind blowing the leaves, there is no movement from any living things."

"I guess those bluesilver grasses are probably alive."

"Everything here that could threaten the altar must have been expelled or hunted down by them."

Xiao Wu snorted: "It's just a lot of food, I'm afraid they will do something."

"Er Ming, go ahead and try."


Upon hearing Xiao Wu's instructions, the Titan Giant Ape hammered its chest with both fists, roared loudly, jumped up and jumped into the range of the Bluesilver Grass Altar.

Feeling the threat of the Titan Ape, the large amount of bluesilver grass forming the altar boiled instantly.

The blue silver grass vines rose up one after another, beating the Titan ape continuously, and a series of explosions continued to be heard.

However, as a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast with earth attributes, the Titan Giant Ape itself has rough skin and thick flesh. The beatings of these blue silver grasses may seem fierce, but they cannot cause any harm to it at all.

The Titan Giant Ape just raised his ape arm in front of his eyes, ignored most of the Blue Silver Grass attacks, and strode towards the top of the altar.

As if they sensed that the attack was ineffective, these blue silver grasses seemed to have wisdom and instantly changed their strategies, switching from drawing to entangling.

A large number of bluesilver grass vines stretched out and wrapped around the Titan ape, pulling it and restricting its movement.

The Titan Giant Ape relied on brute force to cut off the Blue Silver Grass and continue to move forward, which soon caused a rebound from the Blue Silver Grass.

A large amount of bluesilver grass grows wildly and wraps around the body of the Titan Ape like a group of snakes dancing wildly. The layers are layered and there is no chance for the Titan Ape to tear it apart.

In the blink of an eye, the Titan Ape's height of more than ten meters was submerged in the sea of ​​blue and silver grass, forming a huge grass ball.


With a roar, the huge soul power in the titan ape exploded, instantly shattering the blue silver grass dumplings, jumping out of the altar, and came to Shen Jianxin and others.

"Sister Xiaowu, the attack power of these blue silver grasses is not strong. They only have the attack power of thousand-year soul beasts and less than ten thousand-year soul beasts."

"The toughness is just barely there, even you can tear them apart."

"But there are too many of them. When they are added up layer by layer, quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, and they can even restrict me."

"If I want to get to the top of that altar, I think I can only clear them out bit by bit."

Xiao Wu was stunned for a moment: "Not even you?"

"But there are so many bluesilver grasses, and they will continue to grow. How long will it take for us to clear them out?"

The Titan Ape scratched his head in embarrassment, as if he was ashamed of his uselessness, "I'm sorry, Sister Xiaowu, you know, I'm not good at thinking."

Shen Jianxin smiled: "What's there to be sorry for?"

"Everyone has something they are not good at, but this Blue Silver Grass just happens to restrain you."

"Xiangxiang, let's try it from the sky to see how these blue silver grasses can defend the sky."

Bai Chenxiang nodded: "Okay, Brother Shen."

The two spread their wings and flew up, arriving directly above the top of the altar.

Sure enough, the Bluesilver Grass didn't react much to people in the air, and it was as quiet as a decoration.

Looking down, Shen Jianxin found that at the top of the huge altar, there was a pair of big hands formed by numerous blue silver grasses. The big hands also held a transparent follicle nearly three meters in diameter, which was filled with an inexplicable blue-green color. liquid.

Because they were flying too high, the fluid in the follicles was a little turbid, making it hard to see clearly.

"Xiangxiang, you take care of me here, I'll go down and see what this thing is."

Bai Chenxiang nodded: "Be careful, Brother Shen."

Shen Jianxin nodded, fluttered his wings and swooped down towards the follicles on the altar.

Three hundred meters away, the bluesilver grass on the altar did not respond.

Two hundred meters, no response.

One hundred meters, no response.

Fifty meters away, the bluesilver grass boiled instantly.

A large amount of blue silver grass rose from the ground and waved its vines towards Shen Jianxin in the sky. Another part of the blue silver grass quickly wrapped around the follicle, protecting it.

Shen Jianxin summoned the Tiger Soul Sword and slashed in the air, cutting off a large amount of blue silver grass.

Before the blue silver grass had grown up, he quickly raised his height and flew into the sky.

The bluesilver grass on the altar was like the tentacles of an octopus, dancing towards the sky for a while before retracting unwillingly.

Even the bluesilver grass wrapped around the follicles quickly disappeared, as if they were worried that the things in the follicles would not receive any substance.

After repeating the cycle several times, Shen Jianxin also figured out the defense range of these bluesilver grasses, which was approximately fifty to seventy meters above the altar.

Seventy meters can stimulate the activity of bluesilver grass, sixty meters will be attacked by a small amount of bluesilver grass, and fifty meters will be saturated by bluesilver grass.

After several attempts, although there was no follicle close to the top of the altar, Shen Jianxin had clearly seen what was in the follicle.

She was a beautiful woman who was less than twenty years old and in the prime of her youth.

The woman was naked, and her long blue hair that reached her buttocks was floating and scattered in the water. The few hair strands hanging down just covered her endless beauty.

I don’t know if it’s because of being soaked in the water, but the woman’s body looks a bit unreal, as if it’s just like a bubble in a dream, which is unreal.

"Humans, stay away from here!"

Just when Shen Jianxin, who was suspended in the sky, was about to swoop down again to see the woman in the follicle clearly, an ethereal voice that was not human-like suddenly sounded.

As the sound rang out, a large amount of bluesilver grass began to condense on top of the altar, and soon a human-like face was formed.

"Evil humans, get out of here."

Only then did Shen Jianxin hear clearly that the voice came from the face formed by blue silver grass.

"Blue Silver King? Why are you here?"

Shen Jianxin was extremely surprised. If the person in front of him is the Blue Silver King, then what is that thing that is being surrounded and suppressed by various forces now?

No, this should not be the real Blue Silver King, otherwise what would greet me would not be a conversation, but an overwhelming attack.

As expected, as Shen Jianxin expected, the human face below spoke again: "Evil humans, this is our emperor's territory, leave quickly."

Shen Jianxin smiled slightly and shouted in the face: "Stop pretending, you are not the Blue Silver King at all."

"Are you a clone left by the Blue Silver King? Or are you the girl conceived in the follicle?"

As soon as Shen Jianxin finished speaking, the face on the altar slowly disappeared, seemingly losing the desire to talk.

"Human beings, this is all you have to say, so you can do your own thing!"

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