Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 165: Sword God’s inheritance, Sword Douluo takes six exams in seconds

A majestic voice rose from the bottom of Sword Douluo's heart.

[Mortals who have entered the way of swordsmanship, you have the qualifications to inherit the name of my sword god! 】

[Now, I will pass down the inheritance to help you embark on the road to becoming a god! 】

【Are you willing? 】

Sword Douluo was stunned for a moment: "Sword God? The path to becoming a god?"

【yes! 】

"I do!"

[The first test of the Nine Sword God Tests: Move with your heart and move with the blade. Master the sword! 】

[The first test of the Nine Sword God Tests: Move with your heart and move with the blade. Master the sword! Assessment completed.

Reward: The soul power increases by one level, the affinity of the Sword God is increased by 10%, and the cumulative affinity is now 10%. 】

A huge amount of energy rose from Sword Douluo's body out of thin air, and then gently blended into his soul power, turning into his cultivation.

Boom~, an uncontrollable wave of soul power rippled out from Sword Douluo's body, forming ripples in the air.

Ninety-nine peerless, done!

[The second test of the Nine Sword God Tests: Understand the heart of the sword clearly, and the sword moves according to the heart. Understand the meaning of the sword! 】

[The second test of the Nine Sword God Tests: Understand the heart of the sword clearly, and the sword moves according to the heart. Understand the meaning of the sword! Assessment completed.

Reward: The soul power increases by one level, the affinity of the Sword God is increased by 10%, and the cumulative affinity is now 20%.

The soul power cultivation level has reached the upper limit, which has been converted into an increase of two thousand years for the life of all soul rings, and the rewards have been distributed! 】

Buzz buzz buzz buzz!

There were nine light buzzes in a row, and nine soul rings, two yellow, two purple, five black, jumped out one after another.

Then a dazzling light lit up at the same time.

The color of the first two yellow soul rings quickly darkened, turned purple at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then stopped.

[The third test of the Nine Sword God Tests: Since I am the sword, the sword is me. Man and sword unite! 】

[The third test of the Nine Sword God Tests: Since I am the sword, the sword is me. Man and sword unite! Assessment completed.

Reward: The life span of all soul rings is increased by two thousand years, the affinity of the Sword God is increased by 10%, and the cumulative affinity is now 30%. 】

The nine soul rings surrounding Sword Douluo's body that had turned purple and five black glowed again.

This time, the first eight soul rings had no change, only the ninth soul ring showed a faint red light.

But unfortunately, it seemed that because the reward period was too short and the stamina was insufficient, the red light on the ninth soul ring eventually dissipated invisible and retreated into black light again.

[The fourth test of the Nine Sword God Tests: Loyal to people and true to the sword. The sword is the only one! 】

[The fourth test of the Nine Sword God Tests: Loyal to people and true to the sword. The sword is the only one! Assessment completed.

Reward: The life span of all soul rings is increased by two thousand years, the affinity of the Sword God is increased by 10%, and the cumulative affinity is now 40%. 】

Sword Douluo's ninth soul ring continued to vibrate, and the dazzling black light shone, gradually turning into red during the vibration.

Buzz~, huge coercion came from Sword Douluo's ninth ring.

The black ninth ring was completely transformed into red, as red as blood, which was frightening to watch.

[The fifth test of the Nine Sword God Tests: Kill all enemies without stopping, and kill them without stopping. Embark on the path of the sword!

The way of swordsmanship never ends, practice it and cherish it. We are all ascetics walking on this road. 】

[The fifth test of the Nine Sword God Tests, the test is completed.

Reward: The cumulative affinity of all soul rings increased by 55% for two thousand years. 】

[The Sixth Test of the Nine Sword God Tests: I am the sword, and the sword is me. Condensing the sword body! 】

[The sixth test of the Nine Sword God Tests is completed.

Reward: The life span of all soul rings will be increased by 65% ​​for two thousand years. 】

[The Seventh Test of the Nine Sword God Tests: After ten years of sharpening a sword, I have never tried the frost blade.

Strong men are not made by training, but by fighting.

The same goes for swordsmen.

Test the world with swords! Let your name spread across the entire continent. (The current popularity in mainland China is 95%.)]

It seems that Sword Douluo accepted the Sword God test too late. He himself has gone far enough in the sword path and his own strength is strong enough.

So as soon as the ninth test of the Sword God fell on him, he actually completed the sixth test directly.

It's easy to enjoy the shade under the big tree, and it's easy to do things with people up there.

Although the Sword God has no power of faith in Douluo Continent, the wool gathered from the Poseidon is enough for Sword Douluo to use.

Completing the six tests at once not only allowed Sword Douluo to reach 65% affinity with the Sword God, but also saved him several years of accumulating soul power.

Moreover, the lifespan of all soul rings has also been increased by ten thousand years.

From the original configuration of two yellow, two purple, five black and nine normal soul rings for Titled Douluo, it has become the current configuration of eight black and one red, which is an over-limit configuration.

After all, the Sword God is also a first-level god, and the soul ring configuration of his descendant does not even have a red color, which is really unseemly.

In fact, when Sword Douluo broke through the ninety-eighth level, he faintly touched the path of 'Tao'.

At that time, he was actually qualified to pass the Sword God assessment.

After all, the Sword God is just a being who has gone further on the path of swords.

But without Shen Jianxin's presence, Sword Douluo would have been unlikely to attract the Sword God's attention with his own efforts alone.

After all, his soul ring configuration is too ordinary, and he is indeed a bit too old.

As the saying goes, a thousand-mile horse always exists, but a bole does not always exist.

When God Shura was paying attention to Shen Jianxin, he accidentally discovered his thousand-mile horse with a dull coat, and then introduced him to the Sword God who also needed to get rid of his divine status.

After all, the Sword God is a god who places great emphasis on understanding but not much on cultivation.

All the previous Sword Gods in the God Realm are famous for being 'virtual'.

A series of assessments and rewards were completed and distributed, coupled with a large amount of knowledge instillation, leaving Sword Douluo's head in a daze.

After he received all the information about the Sword God's inheritance, the mushroom cloud formed by the explosion had long since dissipated.

There was only a huge pit in front of him, and apart from the loess, there were only some unknown burnt objects still emitting green smoke.

"Hey! Brother Jian, you finally woke up."

Bone Douluo's voice sounded behind Sword Douluo.

Now Bone Douluo is completely convinced. Seeing Sword Douluo's shocking transformation, he respects him from the bottom of his heart, making him unable to even say the word 'sword man'.

Sword Douluo turned around and smiled slightly: "Old Bones, your name as Sword Brother makes me feel that we are weak."

"What's faded?"

"The feelings are gone!"

Bone Douluo didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You are a swordsman, but I still treat you as a swordsman."

"Hahaha, Old Bones, I'm at level ninety-nine now. Have you seen this soul ring of mine?"

"Isn't it beautiful? Hitting someone hurts even more!"

"." The corners of Bone Douluo's mouth couldn't help but twitch, and besides being speechless, he was still speechless.

Is fishing law enforcement okay? He is truly a swordsman.

Ning Fengzhi walked forward with a smile on his face, "Uncle Jian, what exactly is going on with you?"

"Opportunity, amazing opportunity."

As he spoke, Sword Douluo raised his hand and touched the center of his eyebrows, and a white sword mark emitting sharp sword light suddenly appeared.

When they saw the sword marks between Sword Douluo's eyebrows, Ning Fengzhi and others were instantly frightened, and everything was almost understood.

Because Shen Jianxin also has such a mark.

However, Shen Jianxin's sword mark was a blood-colored sword mark, full of killing aura, while Sword Douluo's sword mark was a white sword mark, but it contained a fierce aura.

Realizing that this matter had something to do with God, Ning Fengzhi immediately changed the subject and said, "Uncle Jian, I have some bad news for you."

"While you were having your epiphany, the Blue Silver King realized that there was no hope of escape and blew himself up."

"This is the soul bone left behind after it exploded."

With that said, Ning Fengzhi took out a crystal clear blue-gold left leg bone from the storage soul guide.

Seeing that the soul bone had been exploded, Sword Douluo sighed: "That's it, it's destiny. Anyway, it's not time for Jianxin to absorb the hundred thousand year soul ring yet."

"My strength has greatly improved now. At worst, when he needs it, I will just help him hunt one."

"Now that the Pope of Wuhun Palace is dead, the world will soon be in chaos again."

"We'd better find Kenshin and others as soon as possible and rush back to discuss future countermeasures."

Ning Fengzhi nodded: "Uncle Jian said that."

After Sword Douluo and others left, they found themselves in the huge pit that was blasted out by Sword Douluo with all his strength.

Many purple-black fragments began to slowly come together, gradually converging towards a complete human form.

Moreover, this human figure resembles the figure of a woman.

That's right, Bibi Dong is not completely dead yet.

The Death Spider Emperor's ninth soul skill is called Immortality.

This is a life-saving auxiliary soul skill derived from the 100,000-year-old soul beast Death Spider Emperor.

This soul skill has two extremely abnormal characteristics. One is that even if the body is broken into pieces, it can be reassembled.

The other is to turn your body into energy and become immune to physical attacks.

Moreover, these two skills have a common feature, that is, as long as the opponent is not at the god level, they will never be able to truly kill Bibi Dong in this state.

This is also the real reason why Bibi Dong is not as strong as Qian Daoliu but is not afraid of Qian Daoliu at all.

This heaven-defying soul skill is her real trump card for being unscrupulous and fearless.

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