Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 171 The Dual Personality of the Blue Silver Emperor

Stepping into the blue silver grass dumpling, the door behind Shen Jianxin slowly closed.

The next moment, Shen Jianxin smelled an inexplicable fragrance.

It stands to reason that the soul body should not have this kind of perception that only the physical body can have, but at this time, Shen Jianxin really smelled this fragrance.

The fragrance is extremely unique, just like walking on the grass after rain. The fragrance of green grass mixed with the fragrance of earth hits your face, giving people a feeling of extreme relaxation and pleasure.

It's like the smell of spring.

This smell couldn't help but remind Shen Jianxin of a saying, spring is here, everything revives, and it's time for animals again.

? ? ? ?

Shen Jianxin was stunned for a moment, and his eyes suddenly became clear, MMP, what's going on?


A gentle and charming shout sounded, as if it had a fresh fragrance. The voice was so soft that Shen Jianxin's bones suddenly softened.

Suddenly looking back, a young girl about sixteen or seventeen years old suddenly jumped into Shen Jianxin's eyes.

The girl has regular features and a delicate face.

A pair of azure eyes are as clear and translucent as sapphire crystals. Their beautiful eyes are flowing and shining with charming light.

Her lips were like ripe cherries, bright, smooth and full. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, with a faint smile, making her look radiant, gentle and lovely.

Her figure is curvy, her skin is as white as snow, and her skin is white and rosy, making her extremely lovable.

Her long blue hair, like a waterfall that reaches her buttocks, hangs down naturally, cleverly covering up all the beauty.

After being stunned for a moment, Shen Jianxin's face turned red and he suddenly turned around and distanced himself.

"Well, you can turn into some clothes first."

Shen Jianxin's voice was slightly embarrassed.

Yes, the Blue Silver Emperor didn't even know how to transform himself into clothes.

Previously blocked by the phantom of Blue Silver Grass, Shen Jianxin could not see clearly through the blue spiritual power light curtain.

But now, with their eyes facing each other for a long time, he saw everything.

"Clothes?" Blue Silver Emperor's seductive voice sounded, as if he was wondering why he was wearing clothes.

After closing her eyes for a moment, she finally found what she needed in her memory.

As he turned around, dots of blue light flew out, and a blue-black dress decorated with blue ribbons suddenly appeared on the Blue Silver Emperor. Exquisite makeup began to appear on his face according to his own preferences.

"Husband? I've done it!"

Hearing the shout, Shen Jianxin turned around and was stunned.

Is this Lolita? ? ?

With clear eyes, dark-style Lolita clothes, and her sultry and charming voice, she achieves a perfect balance between the innocence of a girl and the charm of a mature woman.

That pure and lustful feeling, combined with the strange fragrance that was everywhere, almost made Shen Jianxin fall in love.

Realizing something was wrong, Shen Jianxin immediately closed his eyes and concentrated, sat down cross-legged with his five hearts facing the sky, and silently recited the "Calming Heart Sutra".

"If your heart is as clear as ice, you won't be surprised if the sky falls."

"Things are changing but still stable, the spirit is refreshing and the energy is calm."

"Forget yourself and keep oneness, six roots of great concentration."

"Be careful and nourish your energy, be selfless and do nothing."

"Looking at each other from top to bottom, looking at each other."

"Deliberate entrance, subdue thoughts."

"There is nothing inside or outside, and the mind is pure and clear."


After several times, Shen Jianxin opened his eyes again. His eyes were clear and clear, without the slightest trace of filth.

Seeing Shen Jianxin open his eyes, the Blue Silver Emperor squatted down with his chin in his hands, staring at Shen Jianxin innocently: "Husband? What's wrong with you?"

Shen Jianxin turned to look at the Blue Silver Emperor again. Although she still thought she was extremely beautiful, she no longer had the inexplicable impulse she had before.

Shaking his head, Shen Jianxin said, "Don't call me husband. The relationship between the two of us makes it inappropriate to call me husband."

Blue Silver Emperor asked doubtfully: "Isn't it appropriate?"

"But I really can't think of any other name to describe the connection between us."

Shen Jianxin frowned slightly: "Contact? What contact do we have?"

The Blue Silver Emperor put his fingers on his lips and thought for a while, then suddenly clapped his hands together, as if he had thought of something.

Then he stretched out his finger to draw a circle in mid-air, and a large number of images suddenly appeared in the circle.

"Here, husband, just look to yourself."

Shen Jianxin looked at it in confusion and found that what appeared on the screen was his physical body outside.

At this time, his physical body was sitting cross-legged on the ground, his expression was calm, and his body was filled with a soft light.

A slender, clear blue crystal-like vine was wrapped around his wrist, and the other end was connected to the follicle in the center of the altar.

At this time, the Blue Silver Emperor's physical body had awakened, and the face that was exactly the same as the soul body in front of him was still attached to the transparent membrane of the follicle, greeting Shen Jianxin cheerfully.

He didn't know if there was fluid in the follicles, or if it was Shen Jianxin's own illusion. He always felt that the figure of the Blue Silver Emperor was a bit illusory, as if it was light and erratic, and it looked and felt weird.

Other than that, it was dark all around, and some tangled blue and silver vines could be vaguely seen.

Shen Jianxin, who was in the Blue Silver Emperor's sea of ​​consciousness, suddenly raised his head and looked around, and was shocked to find that the scene he and the Blue Silver Emperor's soul body were in was very similar to the scene outside.

There are also a large number of blue and silver grass entangled, making the surrounding airtight, but the consciousness sea is relatively bright, and the outside sunlight cannot penetrate, making it appear a bit dim.

In addition, there is no blue vine connected to the Blue Silver Emperor on his wrist in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Frowning his brows slightly, Shen Jianxin looked at the Blue Silver Emperor with slightly cold eyes: "The ceremony is not over yet?"

Blue Silver Emperor nodded, then shook his head.

"The traitor's attempt to seize my body has ended."

"When I wake up after absorbing all his origins, the ceremony will be over."

Shen Jianxin's eyes flashed, and a red light dimly lit up in his hand: "What about now?"

A hint of cunning flashed in the Blue Silver Emperor's eyes, and he smiled sweetly, revealing his pointed little tiger teeth: "Husband, don't be nervous."

"Now, of course, it is a ceremony between you and me."

After being discovered by the Blue Silver Emperor, Shen Jianxin no longer hid it. The Tiger Soul Sword instantly emerged from his hand and was placed on the Blue Silver Emperor's neck.

"say clearly!"

The Blue Silver Emperor didn't seem to be afraid of the Tiger Soul Sword on his neck. Instead, he stuck out his tongue at Shen Jianxin and made a face.

The next moment, the figure suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he had distanced himself from Shen Jianxin and appeared several meters away.

"Husband, you are really serious. I have sacrificed myself to help you, but you still use your sword against me."

Shen Jianxin was stunned for a moment: "Sacrifice yourself? Why do you say that?"

"Hmph!" Blue Silver Emperor snorted, "Your behavior has hurt people's hearts. They are no longer planning to tell you. You can make your own guess."


With a grimace, the Blue Silver Emperor turned into stars and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Oh, right!"

The voice sounded again, the stars gathered, and the figure of the Blue Silver Emperor appeared again.

"Memory tells me that I don't have a name of my own yet."

"Next time we meet, you'd better think of a nice name for me."

"Otherwise, you will never have peace in the future."

As he spoke, the Blue Silver Emperor puffed up his cheeks and waved his fist slightly, as if threatening Shen Jianxin.

The next moment, stars filled the sky, and the Blue Silver Emperor disappeared again.

Looking at the light spots flying in the sky, Shen Jian was stunned. The Blue Silver Emperor's inconsistent and crazy behavior really made him confused.

One moment she was a lady like everyone, and the next moment she turned into a naughty witch.

This huge contrast made Shen Jianxin think of the price of fusion.

Blue Silver King merged with a trace of Tang San's origin and became a selfish and paranoid man.

Since the Blue Silver King has integrated most of the Blue Silver King's origins, it is natural that he cannot avoid mental problems. At least, the symptoms of schizophrenia have been diagnosed.

However, neither of these two personalities seemed to be hostile to him, and they even said they would see her next time, so Shen Jianxin had no choice but to temporarily believe that she was harmless to him.

At least, my mental state is still normal, and my physical body was quite peaceful when I saw it before. I didn't feel any discomfort. Instead, it seemed more like I was immersed in practice.

Now that the Blue Silver Emperor has disappeared and is unwilling to explain all this to him, Shen Jianxin has no choice but to sit cross-legged and carefully sort out his messed up brain.

In order to find some clues from inside, to understand what is going on in this mess.

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