Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 180 Fierce battle with Tang Hao (1)

As soon as Ning Rongrong finished speaking, Oscar turned around and ran towards the Titan ape without hesitation, stuffing the explosive mushroom intestines in his hand into its mouth.

Then start making the next sausage without stopping.

Facing Tang Hao, who is at the Title Douluo level, they are no match at all, and all they can do is delay.

Now if Er Ming is allowed to recover a little longer, they can have a little more hope of survival.

The others naturally understood this truth, looked at each other, and stood beside Ning Rongrong without hesitation. Their soul rings were constantly beating, and they stared at Tang Hao solemnly.

Blocking Oscar and the Titan Giant Ape behind him, he bought time for the two of them.

The two 50,000-year-old soft-bone rabbits that had been amplified by Ning Rongrong jumped up and jumped in front of everyone.

The remaining five 40,000-year-old soft-bone rabbits followed closely behind and passed through the crowd, acting as the second echelon.

Now that Er Ming has been severely damaged, they are the strongest fighting force among the people.

After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Although Tang Hao was injured, he was still not something that Ning Rongrong and his group of underdeveloped children could defeat.

If it weren't for these soft-bone rabbits, standing together, they probably wouldn't be able to withstand Tang Hao's Title Douluo-level momentum.

Although the attack power of the soft-bone rabbits is not outstanding, with the growth of Ning Rongrong, they can definitely match the low-level Contra level experts with more than 50,000 years of cultivation.

And the remaining five soft-bone rabbits with 40,000 years of cultivation are enough to rival the combat power of human soul saints.

Therefore, whether they can stop Tang Hao depends not on Ning Rongrong and his group of low-level soul masters, but on those cute and fluffy soft-bone rabbits.

Tang Hao was suspended in mid-air, throwing away Tang Xiao's headless corpse, putting the intact left leg bone with still blood stains in it into the soul guide, looking disdainfully at the people waiting for him below.

"That's it? A bunch of people who can't stand on the stage."

As the cold voice fell, Tang Hao's pupils suddenly shrank, a flash of red light flashed in his eyes, and the nine soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black and red lit up one by one.

The suffocating pressure was like an overwhelming wave, pressing towards the people below.

"Gu, Gu Gu, Gu Gu"

There was a series of cooing sounds, and the seven soft-bone rabbits instantly lit up with soft white light. The white lights connected together to form a shield, blocking Tang Hao's aura and pressure and protecting everyone behind them.

"Hmph, the light of a firefly dares to compete with the bright moon."

With a cold snort, the Clear Sky Hammer suddenly appeared in Tang Hao's hand.

The arrogant Tang Hao didn't even bother to release his soul skills. He just used his soul power and threw the Clear Sky Hammer towards the people below.


A 50,000-year-old soft-bone rabbit let out an angry cry, jumped into the air, and used its two strong hind limbs to exert force, using the unique skill of the rabbit family, the rabbit kicks the eagle.

"Boom!" There was a crisp sound of gold and iron, and the Haotian Hammer whirled and flew out.

The soft-bone rabbit turned in the air and landed gracefully.

"Gu, Gu Gu."

The battle was about to break out. As soon as this soft-bone rabbit landed, the other soft-bone rabbits all made cooing sounds.

Taking advantage of Tang Hao's Clear Sky Hammer, they all jumped into the air and kicked Tang Hao hard.

A trace of disgust flashed in Tang Hao's eyes, he stretched out his hand to summon the Clear Sky Hammer, and swung the hammer towards the nearest soft-bone rabbit.

The soft-bone rabbit lives up to its name as the soft-bone rabbit. Its body suddenly shrank as if it were boneless, and it actually completed retracting its strength, turning around, evading, and landing in the air.

The four movements were completed in one go, instantly dodging Tang Hao's hammer blow.

Seven against one, one soft-bone rabbit was forced to retreat, but the other soft-bone rabbits took advantage of Tang Hao's old strength to give up his new strength and kicked him hard in the face.

Although Tang Hao's character is not good, his strength should not be underestimated.

Tang Hao, who is well versed in the Haotian Sect's secret arts and the Nine Arts of Haotian, has the nine-character secrets at his fingertips: empty, sealing, passing through, penetrating, entangling, shaking, breaking, stopping, and collapsing.

Although the soft-bone rabbit's attacks were urgent and fast, Tang Hao still managed to resolve them one by one by moving around.

Even under the siege of all the soft-bone rabbits, he can spot the common weaknesses of the soft-bone rabbits and fight back.

Although the soft-bone rabbits are not as strong as Tang Hao, they are worse than Tang Hao in good condition and flexible in action.

The seven soft-bone rabbits interspersed with each other, jumping between the virtual and the real, always avoiding the real and hitting the weak, causing Tang Hao an annoying harassment.

Suddenly, the seven soft-bone rabbits not only held Tang Hao back, but even fought him on an equal footing.

Of course, all this is just an illusion.

One against seven, Tang Hao seemed to be in danger, as if he was dancing on the tip of a knife, but in fact he was relaxed and at ease, and he did not show his true strength at all.

Until now, the soul ring on his body has not flashed once, which can be seen.

And when the soft-bone rabbits fight seven against one, they are really dancing on the tip of a knife. They seem elegant and relaxed, but in fact they are walking on a tightrope.

Once you are in a trance, or have insufficient physical strength, and are hit hard by Tang Hao, you will definitely end up with broken muscles and bones.

To be able to fight Tang Hao like this is because the soft-bone rabbits are risking their lives.

The soft-bone rabbits were working hard at the front, and Ning Rongrong and others were not having an easy time at the back.

Dugu Yan stood there with his eyes closed, the third, fourth, and fifth soul rings on his body lighting up from beginning to end.

She didn't know how much of these colorless and odorless toxins she had extracted.

Moreover, all these toxins were suppressed in her body, waiting to explode at the critical moment.

Ning Rongrong's forehead was covered with fine sweat, her soul power was exhausted and her face turned pale. She still bit her lips and squeezed her body to increase strength for the fighting soft-bone rabbits.

Even though her lips were biting and bleeding, her body was crumbling, and her consciousness began to blur, Ning Rongrong still persisted and refused to truly fall.

Oscar's expression wasn't much better. The gap in strength between him and Er Ming was really too big.

The explosive mushroom sausage, which was originally very effective, could only stop bleeding when used on Er Ming. The actual healing effect could only be said to be better than nothing.

But he still refused to give up a glimmer of hope. When his soul power was insufficient, he released his first soul skill and made a large recovery sausage to restore Er Ming.

When his soul power was exhausted, he squeezed out his own physical strength to make the most basic sausage and feed it to Er Ming.

At this moment, he kept thinking that even if Er Ming was fed a little more, it would recover a little faster.

This way, their chance of survival will be even greater.

After all, this hard-won time was all earned by his teammates at the risk of their lives.

Although others could not intervene in this battle, they continued to contribute the soul power in their bodies.

Squeezing out every bit of soul power from his body, and then providing this soul power to the three people who consumed the most soul power.

At this time, everyone had only one thought in their minds, to fight against the odds!

Either live together or die together!

"Everyone, I can't hold myself back anymore, Xiao Wu, tell the rabbits to watch the opportunity."

Dugu Yan's face was pale, her body was shaking like chaff, and big beads of sweat couldn't stop rolling down her cheeks.

Taking the poison into her body, she finally understood the pain her grandfather endured back then.

Xiao Wu nodded heavily, opened her mouth and made a strange "coo" sound, and began to remind the soft-bone rabbits to pay attention to their cooperation.

Dugu Yan snorted, and the third, fourth, and fifth soul rings on her body kept shining. A large amount of colorless and odorless toxins spread from her body. Under her control, they floated silently towards Tang Hao, and were continuously sucked by him. into the body.

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