Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 183 Shen Jianxin Returns (2)


With a command, a large amount of blue silver grass began to cling to Er Ming's body, quickly wrapping it into a huge cocoon of blue silver grass.

"Let me go, I can't hold it back any longer!"

Suddenly controlled by Lan Yinsheng, Er Ming roared and began to struggle desperately.

A flash of blue-gold light flashed in Lan Yinsheng's eyes, and he began to change his hand seals regardless of Er Ming's struggle.

Soon, a simple handprint of clasping the fingers of both hands and extending the index fingers took shape in her hands.


An ethereal voice came from her mouth, and the blue silver grass wrapped around Er Ming began to tighten rapidly.

"It works, it works, harder, harder."

Sensing that the rioting soul power in his body was showing signs of calming down, Er Ming in the cocoon of Blue Silver Grass suddenly roared.

Hearing its cry, Lan Yinsheng also showed a hint of joy, and her beautiful eyes instantly looked at Shen Jianxin beside her.

All this is due to the man beside me.

Originally, the self-destruction of a soul beast was an irreversible process. She did not expect that this man just gave her a set of hand seals, and then cooperated with her blue silver field to suppress even the self-destruction of a hundred thousand year soul beast. Go down.

Moreover, the various characteristics of Bluesilver Grass have also been greatly improved, and even the power it exerts has almost doubled.

The previous arrival of blue silver was a grand occasion that only appeared with the blessing of hand seals.

The current method of suppressing Er Ming's self-destruction is also the binding property of Blue Silver Grass, transformed into a seal with the blessing of hand seals.

There has never been such a magical self-created soul skill on Douluo Continent. I really don’t know what kind of amazing methods this man has.

Seemingly aware of Lan Yinsheng's gaze, Shen Jianxin turned around to look. Lan Yinsheng stepped over instantly, and a blush appeared on his cheeks.

Shen Jianxin gave her a strange look: "Xiao Sheng, what's wrong with you?"

Lan Yinsheng said coyly: "It's okay, Brother Shen, I'm just shocked by the self-created soul skills you taught me."

"It's called the Nine-Character Mantra Seal, right? Its power is really incredible."

Shen Jianxin smiled slightly, "As long as it's easy to use, let's solve Er Ming's trouble quickly."

Can it be used easily? Those are all treasures left behind by my ancestors who lived in another world.

Even in a world without aura, it can play some extraordinary role. When you come to this different world with aura, how can you not take off?

"Yes!" Lan Yinsheng nodded, and the handprint changed again, with the index finger retracted and the middle finger extended and connected.


The energy in Lan Yinsheng's body exploded instantly, and the next moment, a large amount of blue silver grass began to spread, wrapping around the nearby trees.

Immediately afterwards, the Blue Silver Grass began to emit blue-gold fluorescence, and a large amount of the life energy of the trees was extracted by Blue Silver Sheng through the Blue Silver Grass.

Then the blue silver grass was used as the energy channel to continuously transport it into the big cocoon where Er Ming was.

Self-destruction is not so easy to resolve, and Lan Yinsheng can only suppress the riot of soul power in Er Ming's body at this time.

In order to truly control the riot of soul power in the body, Er Ming needs to be healed of his injuries first, and then it can be combined with Lan Yinsheng internally and externally to completely eliminate the hidden danger of self-destruction.

Lan Yinsheng was healing his wounds with Er Ming, and Shen Jianxin slowly fell from the sky, sitting cross-legged in the woods, and started looking for Tang Hao relying on his sense of the God of Death's field.

After all, Ning Rongrong and others are still unconscious more than ten kilometers away. Shen Jianxin is really worried if they don't find Tang Hao.

Shen Jianxin had already sensed the battle here when he accepted the Blue Silver Emperor's sacrifice, but the ceremony was not over yet, so he could only be anxious and helpless.

Fortunately, the desperate resistance of the Soft Bone Rabbits and Er Ming allowed everyone to persist until Shen Jianxin was finished.

As soon as she woke up, Shen Jianxin sensed Er Ming's almost explosive violent soul power, and realized that Er Ming might self-destruct. Shen Jianxin immediately flew over without any time to think.

Fortunately, he arrived in time, fortunately Lan Yin Sheng's blue silver field was powerful enough, fortunately those nine-character mantra seals that made Shen Jianxin confused were magical enough, and multiple coincidences collided together, and they actually effectively suppressed Er Ming's self-destruction. .

After careful sensing, Shen Jianxin immediately locked onto Tang Hao's exact location.

At this time, Tang Hao had actually run thirty kilometers away. It seemed that he was affected by his own injuries. He had been parked there without moving for several minutes.

Shen Jianxin raised her head and glanced at Tang Hao's position, then at Er Ming who was still receiving treatment, and had to give up chasing Tang Hao for the time being.

After all, after the sacrifice ceremony, the Blue Silver Emperor turned into his soul ring, which can also be said to be his soul.

Although he could temporarily leave his body and appear in the outside world, he could not stay away from Shen Jianxin at all.

Although Shen Jianxin has never tried how far this distance is, it is obviously impossible to reach thirty kilometers.

After all, spirits like Yu Xiaogang and Phantom that can leave the body cannot leave the body too far, not to mention spirits like the Blue Silver Emperor that have been integrated into the body and can serve as spirit rings.

But as long as Tang Hao's position is locked, it will be enough. After all, Ning Rongrong is only temporarily unconscious while waiting.

As for the threat of soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest, there is no need to worry at all.

Not to mention the earth-shattering and brutal battle before, the auras of Blue Silver Emperor and Er Ming alone had already dispersed all the spirit beasts within a radius of dozens of miles.

Time passed slowly, and soon the rising sun reached its highest peak.

In three hours, under Lan Yinsheng's full treatment, a large number of dead branches and leaves began to appear in the trees nearly one kilometer around.

Especially around Erming, many big trees have contributed too much vitality, and their leaves have long fallen into bare pieces.

"Swiss and whistle"

Suddenly, a series of light footsteps walked across the tops of the big trees, instantly attracting Shen Jianxin's attention.

Smiling slightly, Shen Jianxin slowly stood up and looked up: "Come out as soon as you are here. Why don't you wait for me to invite you?"

Brush brush brush.

Seven white figures jumped down deftly in a row, and they turned out to be seven fluffy soft-bone rabbits.

In such a fierce battle, none of the seven soft-bone rabbits was injured.

"Be careful brother!"

With an excited shout, Ning Rongrong jumped off the soft-bone rabbit's furry back, opened her arms and rushed towards Shen Jianxin.

Shen Jianxin hugged Ning Rongrong's delicate body and held her in his arms.

Feeling the softness on her chest, Shen Jianxin suddenly discovered that Ning Rongrong had grown up a lot without knowing it.

But Ning Rongrong felt Shen Jianxin's warm embrace, but her tears couldn't stop flowing down.

"Woo, be careful, brother, you really scared me to death this time."

"It feels really bad to be powerless, and I'm not as strong as I thought."

"Promise me not to take risks again, okay?"

"We already have the strength to protect ourselves. The world is now free for us to walk as we please. I don't want you to take risks anymore."

"Really, I'm really worried that one day I will really lose you."

"When the time comes, I will be really sad to death."

"I, I can't live without you."

With that said, Ning Rongrong kissed Shen Jianxin's lips fiercely against her crying face.

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