Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 185 Shen Jianxin’s Sixth Soul Ring (2)

"Xiao Sheng, how is Er Ming's situation?"

After sensing that Tang Hao was sneaking over, Shen Jianxin immediately used the connection between the soul rings and asked Lan Yinsheng in his heart.

Sensing Shen Jianxin's inquiry, Lan Yinsheng, who was busy, immediately replied: "Brother Shen, the injury has been basically stable, and the restless soul power has been temporarily suppressed."

"But we can't let go completely yet. It will take a while for Er Ming to adjust on his own until he regains control of his soul power."

After receiving the news from Lan Yinsheng, Shen Jianxin frowned and glanced at Tang Hao's location, and said with some reluctance: "How long can you leave at most without affecting Er Ming's recovery?"

Lan Yinsheng pondered for a while and said: "Ten minutes at most, preferably no more than five minutes."

A smile appeared on Shen Jianxin's lips: "Five minutes is enough. You can prepare for a while, and then let Xiaoxin take over."

"I want to try our sixth soul skill on this gutter rat."

"Okay, Brother Shen."

As soon as he finished speaking, the seal in Lan Yinsheng's hand began to change, and then he injected a burst of energy into the big cocoon where Er Ming was, and it instantly turned into a blue light point and dissipated.

"Hello, husband, your cutest little Xinxin is here."

Along with the charming voice, a blue-black blue silver heart more than ten centimeters emerged from Shen Jianxin's blue-gold soul ring with a sound.

Then it grew longer in the wind and soon returned to its original normal size.

Just as she recovered, Lan Yinxin dodged and rushed towards Shen Jianxin, hugging his arm and keeping it stuck in the right position.

"Husband, I haven't seen you for several hours, and everyone misses you so much?"

A coquettish voice came, and Lan Yinxin did not forget to cast a provocative look at Ning Rongrong.

Seeing the Blue Silver Emperor who suddenly changed his clothes, everyone present was stunned for a moment, and an inexplicable familiar feeling suddenly rose from the hearts of everyone.

At this time, everyone suddenly thought of the Blue Silver Emperor who had talked to everyone before and made everyone tremble with anger.

Shen Jianxin slapped his forehead fiercely, and sure enough, these four characters suddenly came to his mind.

Shen Jianxin, the witch character of Lan Yinxin, is really a bit uncontrollable.

Maybe God is really fair. He got an unprecedented soul ring, and naturally he has to bear the backlash brought by this soul ring.

And Lan Yinxin was like a little bit of backlash given to him by God in order to balance his flourishing luck.

Quietly turning his head and looking in Ning Rongrong's direction, Shen Jianxin's heart suddenly sank. It was broken!

At this time, Ning Rongrong did not fight against Lan Yinxin. Instead, she frowned and her face wrinkled up, like a little bun.

My aggrieved big eyes were filled with tears, and through the tears, I could see my brother, I need an explanation.

When the witch met the witch, there seemed to be a chemical reaction, which instantly reminded Shen Jianxin of the terrifying feeling of being dominated by the three words Ning Rongrong in his childhood.

Shen Jianxin didn't believe that Ning Rongrong's wit could not figure out what all this was about, but Ning Rongrong's appearance still made him feel scared.

He raised his hand and slapped Lan Yinxin's head, then immediately pushed her head away.

Seeing that he couldn't push her away, Shen Jianxin immediately faced Ning Rongrong and hurriedly explained: "Rongrong, actually I can explain this matter."

"This matter is rather complicated, and I'm a little short of time now, so I'll keep it short."

"So and so, and so and so, and so and so, and so and so."


Shen Jianxin's mouth was like a machine gun, and in three hundred words or two thousand words, Shen Jianxin explained clearly what was going on with Lan Yinxin at an extremely fast speed.

After listening to Shen Jianxin's long explanation, Ning Rongrong reached out and hugged Shen Jianxin's other arm, glared at Lan Yinxin fiercely, and gave Shen Jianxin a gentle (cruel) smile: "Be careful, brother, of course I believe you. "

"After all, I think you will bear in mind the meaning of the title Be careful brother."

Shen Jianxin felt her hands and feet were cold. She swallowed hard and her head couldn't stop pounding.

Lan Yinxin on the other side was not happy, "Husband, this woman is not gentle at all. You should love Xiaoxin more."

"Xiaoxin knows all the postures, and Xiaoxin understands you best."

As she said that, Lan Yinxin was like a cat, with her body pressed close to Shen Jianxin, her feet on her head and her head rubbing against Shen Jianxin's cheek.

Seeing this scene in front of them, the friends around them were dumbfounded. Oscar and Ma Hongjun even felt a little bit envious.

But Tang Hao, who was hiding in the jungle, couldn't bear it anymore.

"Bitch man and woman!"

With an angry curse, Tang Hao emerged from the jungle wearing a green straw hat and a livid face.

Seeing Tang Hao appear, Shen Jianxin immediately pulled Ning Rongrong behind him to protect him.

Lan Yinxin still needs to fight side by side with him, so she is still hanging on Shen Jianxin's body.

Looking at Lan Yinxin, who was extremely close to Shen Jianxin, anger burned in Tang Hao's chest, and the feeling of hypoxia and suffocation continued to oppress his chest.


A mouthful of black blood spurted out, and Tang Hao raised his finger tremblingly, pointing at the confused Lan Yinxin.

"Bitch, don't you cheat on men now when you steal them?"

Lan Yinxin was stunned for a moment, and looked up at Shen Jianxin with confused eyes: "Bitch? Is he scolding me?"

Lan Yinxin has Tang Hao in her memory, but she has no feelings for Tang Hao at all.

After all, when the former Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin sacrificed to Tang Hao, he instinctively wanted to get closer to him and had integrated most of his soul into his soul ring.

Just like Xiao Wu in the original work, her soul merged with Tang San, and the rabbit that Tang San often put into the soul guide was just a shell.

The same is true for Lan Yinxin.

Her soul before she was taken away by the Blue Silver King was just a brand new soul that grew out of the former Blue Silver King's origin, combined with a large amount of energy from other Blue Silver Grasses, and under the influence of the altar.

Later, she was fused with the Blue Silver King to provide her with a large amount of memories, which made her seem to know a lot. In fact, she is just a newborn with a large amount of inherited memories.

That's why Lan Yinxin was in such a temporary state of confusion when she heard Tang Hao, a stranger she had never met before, curse her viciously.

Looking at the confused pretty face of Lan Yinxin, the little witch, Shen Jianxin suppressed a smile, nodded heavily, and thought to himself, Tang Hao, you are finished, the little witch is going to go crazy.

After receiving Shen Jianxin's affirmation, Lan Yinxin frowned, her face instantly became angry, she let go of Shen Jianxin's arm, pinched her waist with one hand, pointed at Tang Hao with the other, and began to curse.

"Tang Hao, you dirty dog, vicious dog, mangy dog, do I know you? You scold me as soon as we meet."

"If I don't show you a little bit today, you won't know how powerful I am."

After finishing her words, Lan Yinxin crossed her hands, and a handprint instantly formed in her hands.

A flash of red light flashed from Lan Yinxin's eyes, and blood-colored ripples erupted from her body. All the Lan Yin grass in her path was immediately transformed into blood.

Thick blood-colored Blue Silver Grass vines kept arching from the ground, winding, twisting, and twisting wantonly in the air.

Dark, evil, and bloodthirsty auras continued to permeate the air from the blood-colored bluesilver grass, and the air was instantly filled with a faint blood-colored mist.

A large number of bloody bluesilver grass vines danced wildly in the faint bloody mist, like devil's tentacles extending from the abyss of hell.

Coupled with the frightening and terrifying aura, it looks like the gate of hell descending on the world from a distance.

"Tang Hao, suffer death!"

As soon as Lan Yinxin finished speaking, a large number of thick Blue Silver Grass vines broke through the air and swarmed in, slamming down on Tang Hao like a huge whip.

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