Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 189 Treasures reveal people’s hearts (2)

"Be careful brother, guess how old Tang Hao's soul bone is?"

Ning Rongrong led everyone to Shen Jianxin with a smile.

Shen Jianxin smiled slightly: "Looking at your excited expression, it must be no less than 70,000 years old."

"Hehe, ninety thousand years old!"

With that said, Ning Rongrong showed the precious right arm bone in front of Shen Jianxin.

Shen Jianxin took a quick look and said, "Oh, what a good thing. Tang Hao is going to cry to death this time."

Jianxin was also quite surprised when he saw the 90,000-year-old right arm bone in front of him.

You must know that the Haotian Sect only has three inherited soul bones, one of which is in Tang Xiao's body, and the other two are in Tang Hao's body.

Among them, Tang Xiao's was the left leg bone. After he was cruelly crushed to death by Tang Hao, that soul bone was also taken away by Tang Hao.

What Tang Hao had on his body was a left leg bone and a right arm bone.

Shen Jianxin really didn't expect that his sword would cut off Tang Hao's right arm, and he didn't expect that the age of this right arm bone was as high as 90,000 years.

Ning Rongrong smiled proudly: "He deserves to cry to death. Who will let him have nothing to do to offend us?"

"If he hadn't run so fast, I would have torn him apart to see if there were any other treasures left."

With that said, Ning Rongrong handed the soul bone in her hand to Shen Jianxin: "Here, be careful, brother, this soul bone is from the power system. We all decided that it is most appropriate for you to absorb this soul bone."

Shen Jianxin was stunned for a moment and glanced at the people behind Ning Rongrong. Seeing that there was no trace of color in their clear eyes, he instantly realized something.

This has already been discussed.

With a slight smile, Shen Jianxin didn't show any pretense. He reached out and took the soul bone from Ning Rongrong, held it high and said to the crowd:

"Everyone, if you are polite, I won't say more. This precious soul bone is indeed suitable for me, so I accepted it shamelessly."

Xiao Wu immediately said: "Brother Shen, are you too polite?"

"Tang Hao was beaten and ran away. You saved all our lives. Why are you being polite to us?"

"Besides, this soul bone is your trophy, so you should accept it."

Others also echoed Xiao Wu's words, saying that it was indeed the case.

Zhu Zhuqing even pretended to accidentally reveal that Ning Rongrong used his private money to give benefits to everyone.

Immediately, everyone burst into laughter, and Ning Rongrong rolled her eyes wildly, secretly cursing her for being an immature little white wolf.

Seeing such a lively and harmonious scene in front of him, Shen Jianxin smiled slightly: "Everyone, please be quiet for a moment. I have something else to say."

Hearing this, everyone stopped playing and turned to look at Shen Jianxin.

He coughed a few times like a grown-up man, Shen Jian straightened his face and said, "Everyone, the reward Rongrong gives you is Rongrong's heartfelt wish."

"I have already received great benefits from my trip to the Stars. Now everyone's humility has allowed me to obtain this extremely precious soul bone."

"I keep everyone's thoughts in mind, and I, Shen Jianxin, have always adhered to one principle, that is, if others give me peach, I will repay them with Qiong Yao."

"I, Shen Jianxin, hereby promise that in the future, I will help everyone present to obtain a soul bone suitable for him."

After hearing Shen Jianxin's words, everyone was stunned for a moment.

Ma Hongjun said with a smile: "Brother Shen, aren't you too polite?"

"I don't want the soul bones anymore. Just give me a discount. I still like the sparkling gold soul coins."

Oscar also helped: "I also want to discount it. It's best to replace it with medicinal materials that can assist my practice. I feel like I'm too weak recently."

Bai Chenxiang: "Discount it in cash. I'll go back and ask my grandfather for the medicinal materials."

Dugu Yan: "Discount, my family has a fixed quota of medicinal materials, and my grandfather and I can't use them all."

Xiao Wu glanced at Dugu Yan: "Sister Yanyan, I didn't expect you to be a rich little woman. Although you are not as rich as Rongrong, you are much better than me."

"Unlike me, the son of a big family relies on me to support myself outside."

"So, I'm going to make some cash. It's best to replace it with cheap and plentiful medicinal materials. I want to take good care of my rabbits."

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Xiao Wu, the drama queen, and couldn't think of anything more dramatic to say, so he could only look at Shen Jianxin like a good girl: "Master, I'm the most obedient. I want whatever Master gives me. I don't pick."

Seeing everyone looking like drama queens, Shen Jianxin shook his head with a wry smile. How come these days, no one believes the truth?

Shen Jianxin didn't believe that everyone didn't need soul bones.

Compared to gold soul coins, which soul master doesn't like soul bones?

It's just that no one dared to accept Shen Jianxin's promise.

Everyone knows how precious soul bones are, and it is extremely difficult to obtain one, let alone a suitable soul bone for each person.

Everyone knows what Shen Jianxin is like, a real man who can be said to be a nail-biter.

If they really accept Shen Jianxin's promise, then if Shen Jianxin can't do it in the future, this promise will most likely become a hurdle in Shen Jianxin's heart, an inner demon that will block his way forward when he breaks through.

Shen Jianxin is the most talented person among them, and he is also the chosen one who is valued by the gods.

They didn't want to delay his progress because of their own selfishness.

Looking at Shen Jianxin's depressed expression, Ning Rongrong smiled and said: "Be careful, brother, just keep your promise in mind. I believe you."

"When the time comes, take it out and treat it as a surprise for everyone."

"But now, shouldn't you absorb everyone's kindness first?"

Shen Jianxin raised her hand and rubbed Ning Rongrong's soft hair, feeling a little relieved in her heart. She always had her little fiancée silently supporting her behind her back and believing in herself unconditionally.

"Er Ming hasn't woken up yet, and it's not safe here. Let's absorb it after we go back."

With that said, Shen Jianxin put the 'heavy' right arm bone that contained everyone's thoughts into the soul guide.

The sky is getting dark and the bright moon is high.

After Lan Yinsheng's treatment throughout the day, the hidden danger of Er Ming's self-destruction was finally completely eliminated.

Under the excited eyes of everyone, the blue silver grass cocoon that wrapped Er Ming slowly opened.

Stepping out of the cocoon of blue silver grass, Er Ming looked up at the bright moon hanging high in the sky, and took a deep breath of refreshment: "The feeling of being alive is so beautiful."

"Er Ming!"

Seeing Er Ming's figure appearing safe and sound, Xiao Wu could no longer control the emotions in her heart. She shouted, opened her arms and rushed forward with tears in her eyes.

Er Ming stretched out his hand to hold Xiao Wu in his hands, grinned widely and said, "Sister Xiao Wu, I'm sorry for making you worry."

Xiao Wu stretched out her hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and whimpered: "I don't want you to say sorry. Besides, I'm not worried about you."

"Because, I know you will not die so easily."

"Also, I need your protection. You can't do such dangerous things without my permission in the future."

"If it weren't for Brother Shen this time, I would have lost you forever."

"I dont want you to go."

Listening to Xiao Wu's voice, which was getting smaller and smaller, like the buzzing of mosquitoes, Er Ming's heart warmed and he nodded heavily: "Okay, Sister Xiao Wu, I will never do this again without your permission in the future. It’s a dangerous thing.”

At the same time, he added in his heart, of course, if you are not in danger.

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