Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 202 Attacking the Mountain (1)

The information brought by Tang Yuehua completely shattered the arrogant delusions of the three elders of the Haotian Sect.

The current Tiandou Empire is no longer the Tiandou Empire many years ago.

It is not clear that the elders of the Haotian Sect are hiding in the mountains, but Tang Yuehua, who has been in the aristocratic circle for many years, is very clear about how powerful the Tiandou Empire is after Qian Renxue took over.

Just Tang Yuehua's guess about the rolling thunder that echoed over Tiandou City for three days before the month made the three elders of Haotian Sect feel cold and frightened.

Not to mention that Tang Yuehua also told them that among the people looking for their Haotian Sect, there were also men from the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Until now, these three elders still don't know that all of this is the trouble caused by Tang Hao.

Because Tang Hao's explanation for the cause of Tang Xiao's death and his broken arm was that it was caused by the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Ape.

In the end, the three elders of Haotian Sect unanimously decided that Tang Yuehua would take away all the children in the sect and return to Tiandou City to hide there.

The core combat forces within the sect all went to the front line to set up checkpoints to block the enemy, and gradually retreated while delaying time.

At noon that day, just as the Haotian Sect was able to move the children out of the Haotian Sect, a coalition of 10,000 soul masters also arrived at the village where the Haotian Sect's outpost was located.

Without rest, Qian Renxue, Ning Fengzhi, and Yu Yuanzhen, the three leaders of the coalition gave speeches to boost morale and decided to have a banquet with the Haotian Sect.

All the ten thousand soul masters dismounted and turned to walking. They left the village from the back and gathered their soul power to rush through the mountains and forests.

Since all the soul masters' coalition came on horseback, almost all of them were consumed. Now the slight consumption caused by the rush is not worth mentioning. It is just a warm-up exercise before the war begins.

The soul masters in the coalition army are all at the lowest level of the Fourth Ring Soul Sect. Even if they are walking through the forest, their speed is extremely fast.

On the ground, in the trees, and in the air, there were figures everywhere.

Soon, the coalition of soul masters came to a mountain peak. The mountain itself was not high, but extremely steep. The entire mountain wall was almost perpendicular to the ground and was extremely smooth. There were no plants. It turned out to be a stone mountain.

This is the first obstacle to attacking Haotian Sect.

Qian Renxue looked at the mountain peaks in front of her, with a sneer on her lips: "Master, let us, the Tiandou Empire, clear the way for this first hurdle."

Yu Yuanzhen suddenly took a step forward and said: "Your Majesty, this is just a small mountain. How can you kill a chicken with a cleaver? Let us, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, do it."

"After all, we are also a member of the coalition, and we are also the weakest among the coalition. We can't do big jobs, but we can still do small jobs."

"Sect Master Ning, your Qibao Glazed Sect won't rob us of this small contribution, right?"

Yu Yuanzhen pulled out all his family wealth this time. Even so, he is still the weakest among the entire coalition.

This first level does not seem to be an easy one to overcome. Yu Yuanzhen is very worried that subsequent attacks will cause huge losses to his family.

Then he volunteered to be the first to take some credit, so that if he encounters a tough nut to crack later, it would be a good excuse to shirk one or two things.

Secondly, taking the lead in attacking can also be used as a pledge of honor.

It was used to appease the increasingly terrifying Seven Treasures Glazed Sect around him, and the Tiandou Empire, which he couldn't even figure out why it suddenly became so powerful.

Ning Fengzhi seemed to see his intention, but he didn't care and smiled gently: "Haha, Master Jade's words are wrong. We are both part of the coalition, so we can't tell each other apart."

"It's just a small mountain. Anyone can come, if it's Master Jade."

Yu Yuanzhen smiled and said: "Then let us do it!"

After saying that, Yu Yuan Zhen straightened his expression, turned around and faced the crowd of soul masters behind him: "Belonging to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, come out!"

After giving the order, a corner of the crowd immediately separated and stepped forward.

Yu Yuanzhen's whole body shook with momentum, and nine soul rings, two yellow, two purple, and five black, unfolded one by one. The terrifying pressure unique to Super Douluo spread out in an instant.

"People, it's time to prove that we have taken over this mountain!"

"Follow me, get in!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a large amount of blue thunder began to fill Yu Yuanzhen's body. With a leap, Yu Yuanzhen instantly transformed into a majestic thunder dragon with a length of nearly fifty meters.


A very penetrating dragon roar came from his mouth, and Yu Yuanzhen hit the top of the mountain head-on.

The subordinates of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex at the foot of the mountain saw that their sect leaders were taking the lead, and the next moment they were also possessed by martial spirits. Thunder, flames, and ice mist filled the air everywhere.

Led by the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Soul Master who could transform into a dragon, they all climbed towards the top of the mountain.

Flanders, who was standing in the Qibao Glazed Sect camp at this time, looked anxiously at the fiery red figure in the sky, gritted his teeth, and finally walked to Ning Fengzhi's side.

"Sect Master, Flanders invites you to fight!"

Ning Fengzhi was stunned for a moment: "Dean Flanders, now is the time for the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect to attack. If we go out to fight, we are suspected of stealing the credit."

Flanders scratched his hair anxiously: "Sect Master, I only fight on my own behalf, and I don't have to take the credit."

Ning Fengzhi asked in confusion: "Why are you so persistent?"

Flender raised his head and glanced at Liu Erlong's graceful figure: "I have a reason to go!"

Shen Jianxin stepped forward and said with a smile: "Uncle Ning, just let the dean go. His beloved is still fighting for his life up there, how can you let him feel at ease?"

Flanders blushed and hesitated to say a word.

He wanted to refute Shen Jianxin, but he couldn't bear to refute.

After all, Yu Xiaogang has already abandoned them, so why doesn't he be bolder and pursue his own happiness.

Ning Fengzhi seemed to have thought of something: "The killing horn?"

Flanders nodded slightly.

Ning Fengzhi smiled: "This is a good thing, Dean Flanders. You really asked me to agree. I allow your Shrek Academy to participate in the battle in the name of assisting the battle."

"Thank you, Master, I'll go right away."

Flanders was so happy that he didn't even hear clearly what Ning Fengzhi said. He was instantly possessed by a martial spirit, spread his wings and rushed into the sky to fight alongside Liu Erlong.

Ning Fengzhi shook his head and laughed uncontrollably: "This Flanders is over fifty, but he is still like a child, not stable at all."

Shen Jianxin smiled and said: "The old tree is rejuvenated, let alone him. I am afraid that even Uncle Ning, who has been waiting for decades, may not be different from him."

"I heard that Sister Xue has ordered that those infants and young children who come across Haotian Sect are only captured but not killed."

"I think this is what Sister Xue prepared for you, Uncle Ning."

Ning Fengzhi grinned and said, "Jianxin, you are also a member of Shrek Academy, right?"

Shen Jianxin nodded doubtfully: "Yes, Uncle Ning."

Ning Fengzhi suddenly said with a straight face: "Then why don't you hurry up and help your dean? Didn't you just hear my order?"

Shen Jianxin was stunned for a moment: "Okay, okay, I'm going, I'm going."

As soon as he finished speaking, dark gold wings appeared behind Shen Jianxin, spreading their wings and soaring into the sky.

Looking at Shen Jianxin's back, Ning Fengzhi shook his head and smiled, "This girl Xue'er is really thoughtful."

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