Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 205 Chasing Tang Hao

Seeing Shen Jianxin standing in front of him, Yu Yuanzhen's eyes flashed with displeasure: "Boy, tell me if you have anything to say."

Shen Jianxin said calmly: "Senior, leave Tang Hao to me. The most important thing for you now is to control your own people and avoid further losses."

"If I guess correctly, they were just poisoned."

"Elder Dugu is still at the bottom of the mountain. He should have a way to save the senior clan members."

Yu Yuanzhen frowned slightly, "Are you okay?"

Shen Jianxin waved and threw the broken corpse in his hand towards Yu Yuanzhen: "This is the second elder of Haotian Sect!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Shen Jianxin's dark golden wings vibrated, and instantly turned into a stream of light and chased after Tang Hao.

This time, I have no worries. I will never return until I kill Tang Hao.

Looking at Shen Jianxin's quickly leaving back, a complicated look flashed in Yu Yuanzhen's eyes, monster!

Shaking his head, Yu Yuanzhen looked at the chaos of clan members below, frowned slightly, and waved his hand to hit a stream of thunder and lightning, which caused all the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus clan members to fall to the ground.

At this time, Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo, Dugu Bo, Qian Renxue, Golden Crocodile Douluo, and Qianjun Subduing Demon Douluo noticed that the situation at the top of the mountain had changed, and rushed to the top of the mountain one after another.

"Master Jade, do you need help?"

Hearing Ning Fengzhi's cry, Yu Yuanzhen's face lit up: "Everyone, all the children in my clan have been poisoned. I hope you can help me."

Ning Fengzhi nodded solemnly and turned to look at Dugu Bo: "Elder Dugu, is there any way?"

Dugu Bo frowned slightly: "I saw some tricks. It seems to be some kind of extremely exciting poison. It is very similar to Yanyan's first soul skill, but it is much more serious."

"For the time being, it's better to subdue them and seal off their soul power. I will try to detoxify them later."

Hearing Dugu Bo's words, Sword Douluo nodded, "Leave those crazy Contras to me."

Having said that, Sword Douluo dodged behind a Contra from the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, put his four fingers together and hit the back of the neck with a heavy blow. Before the Contra could fall down, he casually followed up with a few connotations. The soul power of the sword intent entered his body, sealing the soul power.

Then start working on the next one.

As for the soul master of the Haotian Sect, it was easier to deal with it. He slashed out with a sword light and spilled blood on the spot.

Seeing that Sword Douluo had already started to take action, Qian Renxue turned to the three worshipers behind her and said, "Second Grandpa, Sixth Grandpa, and Seventh Grandpa, let's help too."

"Yes, Queen!"

In the hands of a group of super Douluo, those crazy Soul Douluo and Soul Saints are no match for the enemy at all. They will be controlled in the blink of an eye and then forcibly seal their soul power.

And those soul masters with low strength fell to the ground one after another and fell asleep under Dugu Bo's large-scale poisonous mist.

The Haotian Sect and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, with about two thousand poisoned soul masters, were all controlled by a few titled Douluo in less than half an hour.

After Dugu Bo confirmed that all the toxins in the air had dissipated, Ning Fengzhi immediately notified the soul masters at the foot of the mountain to go up the mountain and start cleaning the battlefield.

Dugu Bo also began to examine the poisoned soul master and prepare for making an antidote.

At this time, Qian Renxue looked around but did not find Shen Jianxin's figure, and walked to the frowning Yu Yuanzhen in confusion.

"Master Jade, where is Shen Jianxin who came to support you before?"

"Shen Jianxin?" Yu Yuanzhen was stunned: "You mean that white-haired boy?"

Qian Renxue couldn't help but smile: "Yes, that's the white-haired boy."

Although he was confused as to why the emperor and empress of the Tiandou Empire came to inquire, Yu Yuanzhen, who was worried about his family, didn't think much about it. "This poison was spread by Tang Hao. He went after Tang Hao."

Qian Renxue was stunned for a moment, "He went alone?"

Yu Yuanzhen nodded: "Yes, alone, and very confident."

As he spoke, Yu Yuanzhen stretched out his hand and pointed to a broken corpse: "That is the second elder of the Haotian Sect. He killed it with his own hands."

"Just a monster."

Qian Renxue frowned slightly: "In which direction did they go?"

Yu Yuanzhen pointed to the south: "Over there."

Qian Renxue raised her hand to Yu Yuanzhen and said, "Thank you, Master Yu, for informing me."

As soon as the words fell, a pair of snow-white wings spread out from Qian Renxue's back, and she flew into the sky, chasing in the direction where Shen Jianxin was chasing Tang Hao.

Shen Jianxin, I, Qian Renxue, want this head.

I want you to know that I, Qian Renxue, will never be weaker than anyone else in my life.

Secretly making up her mind, Qian Renxue's soul power surged in her body, and her speed suddenly increased.

Seeing Qian Renxue's leaving figure, Yu Yuanzhen was dumbfounded and even doubted his life.

Do you all look down on Titled Douluo so much?

Is it that the world has changed, that Titled Douluo has become weaker, or that there are more monsters in this world?

Golden Crocodile saw Qian Renxue spread her wings and chased after her without saying a word, and instantly knew what she was thinking.

He shook his head helplessly and said to Qianjun Jiangmo behind him: "Follow me. The young lady is not strong enough to deal with Tang Hao. You go and take care of him."

Qianjun Jiangmo nodded slightly, stepped lightly, and disappeared in an instant.

Sword Douluo saw a large group of people chasing after him. He was a little worried and told Ning Fengzhi, and he also hurriedly chased after them.

It was only then that Yu Yuanzhen calmed down the shock in his heart. It turned out that it wasn't that there were too many monsters, but that they all had a backing.

At this time, Shen Jianxin relied on his own dark gold wings to be faster and had already bitten Tang Hao's tail.

Tang Hao saw that he was chasing after Shen Jianxin, a freak that he couldn't defeat at all. He didn't even try. He kept walking and rushed forward, hoping to use his strong soul power to consume Shen Jianxin to death.

Who would have thought that Shen Jianxin also had the same idea. Living in the mountains, Shen Jianxin was not afraid of consumption at all.

As long as the soul power is reduced by about 5%, Shen Jianxin will activate the soul bone skill Natural Heart and fly close to the woods for a period of time.

With the selfless dedication of the trees in the mountains, the soul power in Shen Jianxin's body has always remained at its peak, without any consumption.

And with the blessing of Dark Gold Wings, Tang Hao couldn't get rid of Shen Jianxin even if he tried his best.

Shen Jianxin was hanging behind Tang Hao like this secretly, not too far or too close, which not only gave Tang Hao the illusion that he could escape if he tried harder, but also prevented Tang Hao from completely escaping.

It's not that Shen Jianxin can't beat Tang Hao head-on, but that walking the dog is more cost-effective.

After running nearly a hundred kilometers in one go, and seeing Shen Jianxin still hanging not far or near behind him, Tang Hao realized something was wrong, no matter how slow he was.

The footsteps stopped, and the Clear Sky Hammer appeared in his left hand. Tang Hao closed his eyes and stood quietly to calm down, waiting for Shen Jianxin's arrival.

"Tang Hao, are you tired from running? But I haven't warmed up yet."

Shen Jianxin's dark gold wings trembled slightly, and he looked at Tang Hao below with a smirk.

Tang Hao suddenly opened his eyes, and a flash of red light flashed from his eyes: "Can you let me go?"

Shen Jianxin sneered and said, "In the Star Forest, did Rongrong ever tell you to keep a tightrope?"

"Xiao Xin, come out and do some exercise!"

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