Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 212 Shen Jianxin’s decision

Every story in the world has a belated reinforcement that arrives at just the right time.

At this time, the three major Douluo, Qianjun Douluo, Demon-Conquering Douluo, and Sword Douluo, all arrived. They stood facing each other in front of the huge cocoon of blue silver grass and remained silent for a long time.

The dull atmosphere made the surrounding air almost condensed, making even the smallest dust dare not float easily.

As for Lan Yinxin, she had already retreated into Shen Jianxin's body to watch a movie when the situation turned bad. She didn't want to stay outside and be used as a punching bag for several big bosses.

"You two, what happened has happened, we will definitely not deny it, and Kenshin doesn't dare to deny it either."

"Instead of confronting me here, you two should report the news here as soon as possible and see what your great minister wants."

"As long as your high priest agrees, I will definitely let Shen Jianxin follow the highest etiquette in the mainland and welcome your young lady into the house as a matchmaker."

Hearing Sword Douluo's words, Qianjun Douluo and Demon-Conquering Douluo both looked unhappy.

After all, they had also listened to Lan Yinxin's account of the ins and outs of this matter.

Although it was done out of necessity to save others, in the end it was still something their young lady did voluntarily.

If we're being honest, this really isn't their fault.

In the final analysis, my own cabbage has grown legs, and it is still trying its best to get it into other people's mouths.

Qianjun Douluo glanced at Sword Douluo with a dark face, turned to look at Subduing Demon and said, "Stay here and wait for Miss. I will go back and report the situation to the First Enshrined Person and the Second Enshrined Person."

"This matter is of great importance. We can't make the decision at all. In the end, we still need the big priest to come and make the decision."

Demon-Conquering Douluo nodded heavily: "Brother, be careful."

Qianjun nodded slightly and rushed in the direction he came from distractedly.

When they arrived, Golden Crocodile Douluo had already told the two brothers to take care of Qian Renxue, but he didn't expect that Qian Renxue would take the initiative to take care of her.

Although they were not injured by Tang Hao, but now they were injured by Shen Jianxin, they could not escape the crime of dereliction of duty.

As the sun sets and the moon rises, the movement in the cocoon of blue silver grass finally stops.

Qian Renxue was sweating profusely, lying exhausted on the soft blue silver grass, her chest rising and falling, and she was breathing heavily.

On the other side, Shen Jianxin was lying next to Qian Renxue with a peaceful expression, sleeping peacefully with a steady breath.

As for the seemingly extremely serious wounds on his body, they had already been completely healed by the 200,000-year-old Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone passive skill.

Seeing the end of the 'battle', a foot-sized Lan Yinxin suddenly emerged from Shen Jianxin's body, floating above the exhausted Qian Renxue and shouted proudly: "Hey, are you okay?"

Qian Renxue grinned with difficulty and said, "It's not good. I feel nothing but pain throughout my body."

"Your curse seems to have come true. I may really have to spend the rest of my life in bed."

Lan Yinxin rolled her eyes at Qian Renxue: "You can still joke, it seems that you haven't been fooled yet."

"Wait a minute, I'll let Xiao Sheng treat you."

Although she did not participate in the battle, she saw Shen Jianxin in a violent state with her own eyes, and Lan Yinxin couldn't help but admire Qian Renxue in her heart.

He actually managed to survive alone.

I feel a little lucky in my heart. Fortunately, I don't have a real body.

Otherwise, she felt that even her body in the form of a soul beast would probably not be able to withstand Shen Jianxin's violent destruction.

Until now, thinking of Shen Jianxin's violent posture as if fighting the enemy on the battlefield, Lan Yinxin couldn't stop her legs from shaking and her whole body felt cold.

After a fierce shiver, Lan Yinxin regained consciousness and Lan Yinsheng emerged.

"Sister Xue, don't worry, I will treat you right now."

Out of admiration in her heart, Lan Yinsheng actually changed her name to Qian Renxue at this time.

Looking at the little cutie in front of her, Qian Renxue smiled softly: "I'll trouble you then."

Lan Yinsheng shook her little head gently: "It's not troublesome at all. It will be fine soon."

As he spoke, Lan Yinsheng's small palm suddenly lit up with a soft green light filled with a rich aura of life.

The body suspended in mid-air descended, and her small hands came into contact with Qian Renxue's skin.

Lan Yinsheng looked like an elf and carefully began to treat Qian Renxue.


As the rich life energy poured into her body, Qian Renxue couldn't help but let out a moan of pleasure.

The pain all over the body was replaced by a warm feeling. The numbness and itching that kept coming from the body during the healing process, as if a tiny electric current was passing through the body, actually made Qian Renxue experience the belated pleasure.


Qian Renxue's face was red, her body was stiff, and she could not help but moan slightly from her closed mouth and nose.

Hearing this voice, Lan Yinsheng's face turned rosy, and she was so embarrassed that she didn't dare to look at Qian Renxue anymore.

If Qian Renxue didn't need to be treated, she would probably have to silence her consciousness at this time and let Lan Yinxin take her place.

The seductive voice gradually dissipated, and when the treatment came to an end, the exhausted Qian Renxue actually fell into a deep sleep under this comfortable feeling.

Time passes, the sun rises in the east, and a new day slowly arrives.

In the cocoon of blue silver grass full of spring breath, Shen Jianxin stretched his arms easily.

? ? ? ? ?

Suddenly my palm touched something soft, and I squeezed it gently. It was soft, smooth, and quite comfortable.

The particularly good feeling was something Shen Jianxin had never experienced before in his previous life. He couldn't help but be fascinated by it. He closed his eyes and felt it carefully.

Feeling the dishonest hand on her body, Qian Renxue seemed to have not yet woken up. She squinted her eyes slightly and said softly, "Hmm~", "Don't make trouble, I'm so tired, let me sleep a little longer."

As soon as the words fell, the two people instantly realized something was wrong, and at the same time they suddenly opened their eyes and faced each other.

After a brief daze, Qian Renxue's pretty face turned red with embarrassment, her eyes wandered and she lowered her head.

After seeing the beauty in front of him clearly, Shen Jianxin immediately turned around and turned his back to Qian Renxue.

"Xue, Sister Xue, what on earth is going on?"

Qian Renxue cursed herself in her heart, why she was so asleep that she even forgot to escape from the crime scene.

"This, that, oops, it happened anyway."

"Kenshin, if you don't mind, I will be responsible for you, sister."

In a panic, Qian Renxue instantly said something that stunned Shen Jianxin.

who I am? where am I? Did I suffer a loss?

In just a short moment, Shen Jianxin, who was misled by Qian Renxue's words, actually raised three questions in his mind.


At the same time, Qian Renxue also realized that what she said was not quite right, and was the first to laugh.

Hearing the silver bell-like laughter behind him, Shen Jianxin immediately figured out what probably happened based on his state before he completely lost consciousness.

Gritting his teeth, Shen Jianxin had no choice but to temporarily suppress his guilt for Ning Rongrong, and said firmly: "Sister Xue, I'm sorry."

"But things have happened, so I will definitely take responsibility."

"If, if you are willing, I will marry you when you go back."

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