After walking out of the palace, Shen Jianxin bumped into Sword Douluo and Ning Fengzhi who came to look for him.

After a brief conversation between the three, Shen Jianxin left to support Dugu Bo, while Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo entered the palace.

Unfolding the dark gold wings behind him, Shen Jianxin quickly found Dugu Bo who had set off early according to the location given by Ning Fengzhi.

By the time Shen Jianxin found him, he had already led a group of killer embryos from the Qibao Glazed Sect to deal with the force clan's team.

"Kenshin? Why are you here?"

Seeing Shen Jianxin flying from the sky, Dugu Bo was still quite confused.

Folding his wings and landing in front of Dugu Ba, Shen Jianxin chuckled and said, "Old man, Uncle Ning asked me to help you."

Dugu Bo glanced at him suspiciously: "Have you taken care of that Qianjia girl?"

Shen Jianxin's expression froze: "Almost, almost."

Dugu Bo laughed and said: "It turns out that you guy is just like that. He talks one thing after another, and the management of heaven and earth is very vivid."

"Now that you are allowed to play by yourself, you will immediately show your prototype. You can't even handle a little girl?"

Shen Jianxin was speechless for a while: "Old man, is it inappropriate for you to compare the king of a country with a little girl?"

Dugu Bo chuckled and pretended to say: "If she is new to the world, take her to see all the prosperity of the world. If she has experienced vicissitudes of life, take her to ride the merry-go-round."

"Kenshin, if I remember correctly, this is what you said when you were ten years old."

Shen Jianxin had black threads all over his head: "Old man, you are so funny. You made fun of me now for your careless words when you were young."

"Forget it, where is the white dove? I would rather fight with the Titans now than chat with you anymore."

Seeing Shen Jianxin's embarrassment, Dugu Bo suppressed a smile and said: "The Force Clan is very familiar with the martial soul characteristics of the Min Clan. I was worried that other members of the Min Clan would suffer at the hands of Titan, so I asked him to personally lead the team to track down Titan. .”

"Calculating the time, the first wave of people who come back to report the news should be back soon."

At this moment, Shen Jianxin suddenly raised his head and looked at the horizon, only to see a small black spot enlarging rapidly.

Flying closer, he was suddenly a member of the Min clan.

"Report! Elder Dugu, the positions of Tai Tan, Tang San and his party have been locked by us."

"It's just that our people have been discovered by Titan. We have lost five people in various traps and sneak attacks. Now Mr. Bai Ge has begun to explore the road personally."

Dugu Bo's face darkened: "Damn old orangutan, the pressure on him is too little? How dare you divide your troops and set up an ambush?"

"It seems that if you don't give him some green to see, he won't know what color the poison is."

Shen Jianxin immediately stopped him and said: "Old man, I will deal with the Titans. You can coordinate the overall situation here and capture the other members of the Force Clan, and then go and support me."

Dugu Bo thought for a moment: "Okay, I'll leave that old bastard Taitan to you."

Shen Jianxin nodded: "Don't worry, old man."

"Let's go, take me to find the white pigeon."

"Yes, Mr. Shen, come with me."

After flying for an hour and more than two hundred kilometers with the Min clan members who came to deliver the message, Shen Jianxin met the vanguard team tracking Tai Tan and others.

Falling from the sky, Shen Jianxin found that there were ten people in this team, and everyone was injured. Even the two most seriously injured people had passed out and were being carried forward on stretchers by their teammates.

"You were ambushed?"

A man with his head wrapped in gauze came up to him: "I've seen Mr. Shen."

"We accidentally fell into the trap of the Force Clan during the tracking process. The captain and deputy captain have been seriously injured and unconscious. Mr. Bai Ge asked us to find a safe place to rest and wait for the support of the follow-up team."

Shen Jianxin frowned slightly: "Thank you for your contribution to the sect. Now put down your captain and vice-captain, and I will heal your injuries."

After saying this, Lan Yinsheng emerged from Shen Jianxin's body, summoned a large amount of Blue Silver Grass and began to heal all the injured people at the scene.

In less than half a moment, all the wounds of the ten people present had recovered, and even the two captains who were seriously injured slowly woke up.

Shen Jianxin asked the white pigeon's location amidst the joyful thanks of the ten people in the group, then bid farewell to the ten-person team and chased forward again.

After flying less than a hundred miles, Shen Jianxin felt obvious fluctuations in his soul power.

"I'll go first, and you can follow later."

After leaving behind a word, Shen Jianxin instantly turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the distance under the shocked eyes of this sensitive clan soul master.

It wasn't until this moment that this soul master from the sensitive clan knew that there were soul masters in the world who were faster than them.

Arriving above the battlefield, Shen Jianxin saw at a glance a dark brown gorilla that was eleven or twelve meters tall and close to the size of Er Ming. It had eight soul rings on its body, two yellow, two purple, four black, and it was fighting against three people with the same soul ring configuration. The name is Eight Rings Soul Douluo.

The site with a radius of several thousand meters has been completely destroyed by them, with broken trees, broken boulders, and large craters everywhere.

At the very edge of the battlefield, there were several wounded soldiers and teammates taking care of them, but Bai Ge was not seen, nor was Tang San and his party seen.

It seemed that these three Soul Douluos from the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect were chasing after them, causing Tai Tan to stay behind and buy Tang San and others time to escape.

Shen Jianxin looked down at the Titan who had turned into a gorilla with cold eyes. The Tiger Soul Sword appeared silently in his hand. The six soul rings of yellow, purple, violet, black, black, blue and gold lit up one by one, and the huge The soul power suddenly burst out.

In an instant, the four Contras who were fighting below pulled away from each other and looked towards the sky at the same time.

Seeing Shen Jianxin's figure, the three Soul Douluo from the Qibao Glazed Sect became happy, but Tai Tan's pupils suddenly shrank, and he stood up, beat his chest with both hands, and roared to the sky.

Feeling the aura bursting from Tai Tan's body, Shen Jianxin shook his head in disappointment: "It's just an appearance, and it's far worse than Er Ming."

For an opponent like Titan who was an elite monster at best, Shen Jianxin just felt his momentum briefly and no longer had any desire to fight.

A bloody ray of light erupted from Shen Jianxin's body, and the killing field immediately expanded, covering the Titan below in the blink of an eye.

The roaring Titan's voice suddenly stopped, the soul ring on his body began to be slowly forced back into the body, and the huge body that revealed the true form of the martial soul also began to shrink.

Under the shocked gazes of the three Soul Douluo present, Shen Jianxin's first soul ring lit up, a flash of red light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and his aura surged again.

The dark gold wings behind him vibrated, and Shen Jianxin swooped down, a line of blood flashed past the Titan who was suppressed by the killing field.

Titan's pupils suddenly shrank, he slowly raised his hand and touched his neck, then glanced at his bloodless fingers.

"So fast."

The next moment, the head fell to the ground and blood spurted out.

The leader of the Force Clan, the eighty-sixth level Contra Titan nicknamed 'Hercules', was like a little chicken, easily cut down by Shen Jianxin's sword.

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