Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 225 Tang San’s Traces

When she arrived at the palace, Shen Jianxin did not see Qian Renxue. All she could see was a soul guide screen that could prevent detection.

In the past six months, this is not the first time Shen Jianxin has come to see Qian Renxue, but every time he either sends someone to meet him or hides behind this screen to talk to him.

Whenever Shen Jianxin wanted to get closer, Qian Renxue would stop him sharply, as if she didn't want to see him at all.

"You're here! Don't think of yourself as an outsider, just find a place to sit by yourself."

"Sister Xue, you."

"Don't ask, I came to see you today to discuss Tang San's issue, not between me."

"But, I."

"Okay, I've told you a long time ago. What happened was all of my own free will, and I never blamed you."

The conversation was almost the same as before. Shen Jianxin sighed helplessly, turned around and walked aside, pulled up a chair at random and sat down.

Sensing that Shen Jianxin in the room was deflated because of him again, Qian Renxue's mouth slightly raised, and she felt inexplicably comfortable in her heart.

After gently stroking her already obviously bulging belly, Qian Renxue's voice came slowly from behind the screen.

"Tang San and his party have been found. The spies reported back that they were found at the border of the Balak Kingdom."

Shen Jianxin frowned slightly: "Border of Balak Kingdom?"

"Do they want to cross the Star Dou Forest and escape to the Star Luo Empire?"

Qian Renxue's voice came: "Nine times out of ten it will be like this."

"The empire's passage to Star Luo has been closed for a long time. In order to prevent Bibi Dong from sending people to sneak attacks, all the border lines with Star Luo are closely patrolled and defended by soldiers."

"Only in the area connected to the Star Dou Forest, it is unlikely that Bibi Dong will send troops to attack, so there will be relatively fewer patrolling and defending personnel there."

After receiving Qian Renxue's confirmation, Shen Jianxin nodded solemnly: "Okay, I'll go and capture them right now."

As soon as Shen Jianxin stood up, Qian Renxue immediately shouted: "Wait a minute."

Shen Jianxin asked doubtfully: "Sister Xue, is there anything else?"

Qian Renxue, who was behind the screen, frowned slightly and said slightly dissatisfied: "Are you so anxious?"

Shen Jianxin was stunned for a moment, and the straight man said: "Yes, I'm afraid it would be bad if I went late and let them run away again."

Hearing this, Qian Renxue was also stunned. She bit her silver teeth and cursed Shen Jianxin for being such a straight man.

"They can't run away. I already asked my grandfather to pass."

"Big offering?"

Shen Jianxin was dumbfounded: "What's the point of killing a chicken but a cow? How can such a trivial matter allow the big worshipper to go? I can just go."

Qian Renxue snorted: "When we discovered Tang San's traces, the news was accidentally intercepted by Bibi Dong's meticulous work."

"Although the spy was eliminated in time, no one can guarantee that the news was not spread by him."

"Considering that Bibi Dong is in an advanced stage of love and Yu Xiaogang is Tang San's teacher, I can't make any big mistakes, so I just let grandpa go."

After listening to Qian Renxue's explanation, Shen Jianxin became even more confused, and a straight thought suddenly came to his mind. Since you have solved the problem, why are you looking for me?

But Shen Jian's heart was so excited. How could he say such offending things?

"Then I'll go and help the big worshiper. I can easily sense Bibi Dong's exact location, and I can definitely provide great help to the big worshiper."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shen Jianxin really started to use his sense of the God of Death domain to explore Bibi Dong.

Soon, Shen Jianxin suddenly opened his eyes: "Sister Xue, Bibi Dong's position has moved, and she is now heading towards the Star Dou Forest."

"It seems that you are right. As long as Yu Xiaogang has Tang San in his heart, Bibi Dong will go to war for Yu Xiaogang."

Qian Renxue's eyes suddenly turned sharp, and she gritted her teeth and said: "This damn woman, she doesn't care about so many people dying on the battlefield, and now she has to do it herself for a useless Yu Xiaogang."

"He's just a waste at level 29. I really don't know why you are so obsessed with me. Isn't my father worse than a waste?"

Because she was pregnant, Qian Renxue's emotions were usually unstable. Now that she was so stimulated by Bibi Dong, she immediately lost her mind and started to curse.

Hearing the yelling from behind the screen, Shen Jianxin didn't know what to say.

After all, it was related to Qian Renxue's unfortunate life, and it was hard for Shen Jianxin to interrupt. If he accidentally rubbed salt into the wound, that would be the real sin.

After a long time, Qian Renxue calmed down and used her soul power to regulate her body and fetus to prevent her anger from having any adverse effects on the fetus.

Then he took out several scrolls made of brocade and silk, spread them out in front of him and started writing.

After a while, five scrolls made of brocade silk flew out from behind the screen.

"Jian Xin, since Bibi Dong has already left, please go on my behalf and bring me some instructions."

Taking the scroll, Shen Jianxin took a closer look and saw that it was only the emperor's secret decree, not an imperial decree.

"Sister Xue, this is what you are doing."

Qian Renxue snorted coldly: "It's nothing."

"When you arrive at the front line, these five secret decrees can be handed over to the four ministers and general marshal Ge Long who are in charge of the four kingdoms."

"I just want to see how much this Bibi Dong will give up for that Yu Xiaogang."

Shen Jianxin was stunned for a moment: "Are you going to take advantage of Bibi Dong's outing to attack Xingluo in an all-out way?"

Qian Renxue smiled slightly: "The one who knows me is Jian Xin."

"She doesn't have any advantage in the frontal battlefield, and now she dares to leave easily regardless of the overall situation."

"Based on the Star Luo Empire's army, which has long lost its fighting spirit, and loses its intimidation, I really don't know what kind of results it will achieve."

"I'm very much looking forward to this."

Thinking of the reinforcements in the Star Dou Forest, Shen Jianxin laughed and said, "I'm looking forward to it too."

Listening to Shen Jianxin's hearty laughter outside, Qian Renxue's mood improved a lot. After thinking for a while, she took out another object from the soul guide and threw it out from behind the screen.

Shen Jianxin reached out and took it, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Just listen to Qian Renxue's voice: "This thing is called the Vast Sea Universe Cover. As long as you have enough soul power, you can activate this thing to release a cover."

"The person or object covered by it will be in an invisible state. Not only does it have no entity, but it can also completely cover up any aura."

"Your soul bone skills work best with this thing. I hope your trip goes well and you return safely."

Although Qian Renxue did not say the exact value of this thing, Shen Jianxin knew it very well.

The triangle he is holding in his hand is the most important treasure of the Tiandou Empire.

It is also the weapon of Poseidon, the core part of Poseidon's Trident.

Or did Poseidon purposely stay in this world to find a token for a suitable successor?

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