Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 229 Demigod Bibi Dong

Bibi Dong, who was stimulated and gradually went crazy, began to exude a rich and strong evil aura.

Qian Daoliu frowned slightly, "Bibi Dong, you are becoming more and more unreasonable."

"Look at what you look like now, can you still be called a human?"

Bibi Dong sneered: "I didn't expect that you, the great worshiper, would notice it."

"I am indeed no longer a human being, now I am a god!!"

As soon as she finished speaking, a strong purple light flashed in Bibi Dong's eyes, and the strange bluish-purple color began to gradually fill her beautiful face, making Bibi Dong's appearance quickly become ferocious.

The green face and fangs made her look particularly like an evil spirit bursting out of hell.

The nine soul rings, black, black, black, black, black, black, red, black and black, lit up one by one, and the extremely terrifying pressure suddenly spread.

Qian Daoliu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Bibi Dong showing his soul ring.

As long as there are nine soul rings, it means that Bibi Dong is lying. She has not taken the last step at all.

However, the terrifying aura Bibi Dong displayed now was indeed far beyond Qiandaoliu. Even if he could not be called a god, he could still be called a demigod.

Taking a deep breath, a milky white angel mark suddenly lit up between Qian Daoliu's eyebrows. In an instant, a terrifying aura that was no less than Bibi Dong burst out from Qian Daoliu.

Devoting to the God of Angels all his life, as the spokesperson of Angels, Gods and Humans, Qian Daoliu naturally has his own special skills.

At this time, facing Bibi Dong who had reached the level of a demigod, Qian Daoliu had to use the power of the angel god to forcibly increase his own strength.

Feeling Qian Daoliu's aura, Bibi Dong's terrifying face suddenly froze.

"Impossible, impossible, Qian Daoliu, I have paid such a heavy price, why can't I defeat you!"

"I don't accept it, I don't accept it. I am the chosen one who takes the divine test. This world will definitely be stepped on by me."

"Qian Daoliu, go to hell!!"

A crazy roar was heard, and a giant purple-black magic sickle appeared out of thin air in Bibi Dong's hand.

Holding the handle of the sickle tightly with both hands, Bibi Dong disappeared instantly, and the next moment, he appeared in front of Qian Daoliu.

With a ferocious smile, Bibi Dong swung the magic sickle and slashed down at Qian Daoliu.

Qian Daoliu saw the huge magic sickle so close and felt the unrivaled terrifying power contained in the magic sickle, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

The soul power in his body surged violently, the black soul ring flashed away, and a huge angel shadow suddenly appeared, protecting Qian Daoliu.


The magic sickle struck at the angel's shadow, and an extremely harsh symphony of gold and iron came out.

Bibi Dong smiled evilly, holding the handle of the magic sickle tightly with both hands, and a terrifying energy that far exceeded the soul power burst out from her body.

Wisps of purple-black evil aura seeped out from the edge of the magic scythe, eroding like tarsal maggots toward the angel's shadow protecting Qiandaoliu.

Within a short time, one-third of the angel's shadow had been eroded by this evil aura, leaving a large number of purple-black cracks on its surface.

Qian Daoliu frowned, and the milky white angel mark between his eyebrows suddenly shone brightly, and an extremely holy energy burst out from his body.


Dazzling light illuminated a corner of the Star Forest, and a huge explosion suddenly resounded throughout the world.

As the spokesperson of the Angel God, Qian Daoliu certainly knew what kind of power Bibi Dong used.

That is the divine power that only belongs to gods. It is a terrifying energy that is completely higher in quality than soul power.

Bibi Dong's inheritance comes from the Rakshasa God, so she must use the Rakshasa God's divine power.

Although Qiandaoliu can also mobilize the divine power of the angel god to compete with it, he is not the inheritor of the angel god after all. The amount of angel divine power he possesses in his body will be reduced if he uses it.

And the Rakshasa God has no faith at all in the human world, which means that the divine power in Bibi Dong's body was condensed by herself.

Although I don’t know what method Bibi Dong used, she did succeed.

It's obviously not a very cost-effective deal to fight Bibi Dong head-on with the power of Rootless Source.

Therefore, Qiandao Liubi mobilized a bit of angelic power to directly detonate the angel's shadow that was guarding him. At the cost of temporarily being unable to use this soul skill, he blasted away Bibi Dong's suppression and distanced himself from it.

Taking advantage of the strong light and huge shock wave, Qian Daoliu immediately flew into the sky.

As an Angel Douluo, the sky is his home field, and the current Bibi Dong is no longer someone he can deal with easily.

Being able to drag Bibi Dong here and make Qian Renxue's plan succeed would be a victory for him.

The violent collision between the Rakshasa divine power and the angelic divine power was immediately felt by Shen Jianxin who was also in the Star Dou Forest.

Looking up at the sky in the distance, Shen Jianxin frowned slightly: "This is the fluctuation of divine power."

"One part is evil, one part is holy. Could it be that Bibi Dong has become a god?"

"No, I'm afraid the big sacrifice may be in danger. I need to act quickly."

As soon as he finished speaking, the blood-colored magic patterns began to appear, and the soul ring also appeared. He used the blood patterns to strengthen it, and then opened the first soul ring. The dark gold wings behind Shen Jianxin vibrated violently, and his speed suddenly increased again.

At the same time, Qian Daoliu used angelic power, and Qian Renxue, who was far away in Tiandou City, also clearly noticed this strange movement.

"Grandpa used the power of angels and gods. Could it be that grandpa is in danger?"

Looking anxiously towards the far south, Qian Renxue frowned and whispered softly: "Could it be that Bibi Dong has become a god?"

"No, I have to tell Master about this. Perhaps only Master has the ability to help Grandpa now."

Just as she was about to leave, Qian Renxue activated her angel suit to cover her figure, possessed her martial soul and spread her wings to fly towards the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

At this time, Qian Renxue was already a strong soul saint, and the flying speed of the angel spirit was naturally not slow.

The Qibao Glazed Sect was not very far from Tiandou City, and Qian Renxue arrived at the Qibao Glazed Sect in a matter of seconds.

"you are pregnant?"

These were Sword Douluo's first words when he saw Qian Renxue.

This is also the first time they have really seen Qian Renxue in the past six months.

Ning Fengzhi was also stunned and looked at Qian Renxue in disbelief: "Is this child the son of Jianxin?"

Qian Renxue nodded with a slightly red face: "Yes, it belongs to Kenshin."

"I didn't want to affect him, so I hid it from everyone."

Ning Fengzhi frowned slightly: "No wonder you haven't been willing to see us in the past six months, so that's what happened."

"But it's okay to hide it all the time. This matter must be properly resolved."

Qian Renxue shook her head: "Master, this matter is not important. I am here today to ask you to save my grandfather."

Sword Douluo took a step forward: "Then what happened to old Biden?"

The corners of Qian Renxue's eyes were slightly red: "Grandpa went to stop Bibi Dong, but I sensed that he used the power of the angel god."

"I'm worried that Bibi Dong has become a god, so I beg the teacher and your Majesty to save my grandfather."

Sword Douluo's face darkened slightly: "Girl, please don't get too excited, lest you get pregnant."

"Perhaps you are overthinking it. Becoming a god is not that easy. Your grandfather can use divine power. Maybe she just borrowed divine power in a different way."

"Don't worry, your grandfather's affairs will be left to me. You can just wait and see."

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