Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 234 The arrival of Shura (1)

Endless light and heat burst out from the holy sword in the hands of the angel's shadow, and a huge pure white mushroom cloud slowly rose.

Qian Daoliu's head of black hair suddenly turned white, and the middle-aged appearance that he had always maintained now also showed many wrinkles.

"Hoo~, hoo~, hoo~"

With all his strength, Qian Daoliu gasped for breath in his chest like a broken bellows. He raised his head and stared at the pure white mushroom cloud rising in front of him, "Success, was it successful?"

The top strong man in the world, Qian Daoliu, who was known to be invincible in the sky, was not very sure whether his own attack would be effective at this time.

In the previous battle, Bibi Dong had already shown strength that clearly surpassed him. Although Bibi Dong was transforming now, Qian Daoliu was still not sure whether his attack would be effective.

The next moment, Qiandaoliu's pupils suddenly shrank as he stared at the mushroom cloud in front of him.

I saw a purple-black slash, suddenly tearing apart a pure white mushroom cloud, and heading straight towards him.

It's over.

Desperation suddenly rose in Qian Daoliu's heart.

He could sense that the power of this slash was not strong, and perhaps it was just a random attack launched by Bibi Dong to show off his figure.

But at this time, Qiandaoliu had already exhausted all the energy in his body and could not effectively defend against such a relatively ordinary slash.

Seeing the purple-black light getting closer and closer, Qian Daoliu calmly closed his eyes.

Qian Daoliu is not afraid of death.

On his deathbed, Qian Daoliu suddenly discovered that all the mistakes that had occurred in the past twenty-seven years seemed to be due to his failure as an elder.

Twenty-seven years ago, if he could have discovered the impossible love affair between Bibi Dong and Yu Xiaogang in time and stopped it a little, maybe this would not be the case now.

Twenty-three years ago, if he could have arrived in the secret room in time to stop Qian Xunji's crazy and wrong behavior, he would have changed now.

Thirteen years ago, if Bibi Dong killed Qian Xunji and killed Bibi Dong at all costs, it seemed that this situation could be changed.

Even if he didn't choose to support Bibi Dong back then, Bibi Dong wouldn't have grown so fast.

He missed so many opportunities and created a powerful enemy for Qian Renxue. Now, it's time for him to reap the consequences.

But the debt to Qian Renxue has become Qian Daoliu's eternal regret.

"Xiaoxue, I'm sorry, grandpa has caused trouble for you."


The explosion sounded, but there was no pain.

Qian Daoliu slowly opened his eyes, only to find a bloody figure standing in front of him.

"Jian Xin?" Qian Daoliu was immediately startled: "Why are you here? Leave quickly, Bibi Dong is not someone you can deal with."

"Escape quickly and take Xiaoxue to hibernate. Our chance is not in the present, but in the future."

"Escape? Hibernate? Qiandaoliu, I have become a god, this world will be my domain, where else can you escape?"

A hoarse voice came from mid-air. Shen Jianxin and Qian Daoliu raised their heads at the same time, looking solemnly at Bibi Dong in mid-air.

The image of Bibi Dong, who has absorbed a lot of evil thoughts and resentments, has changed drastically. The originally purple face has now turned into the appearance of a green-faced and fanged evil ghost, and he is also wearing a dark purple armor.

There was a layer of purple energy with an evil smell everywhere on the armor, and four huge scythes extended from both sides of her back.

The terrifying and evil pressure spread unbridled from Bibi Dong to the surroundings, and the purple-black air flow swept up, blocking the light of the rising sun, making the entire sky darken at this moment.

"Is this, is this a god?"

After swallowing hard, Qian Daoliu's voice actually trembled a little at this moment.

Feeling the aura on Bibi Dong's body, Shen Jianxin frowned.

No, her breath was wrong.

Shen Jianxin once saw the incarnation of God Shura's divine power with his own eyes. Just one look at it would give him a powerful feeling that it would be annihilated at any time. He still has fresh memories to this day.

Although Bibi Dong can now give him an extremely terrifying feeling, it is far from the despair of being unable to defeat him.

Obviously, Bibi Dong’s plan to become a god failed!

Although Bibi Dong is strong now, he is just a false god, a being above a demigod and below a god.

Thinking of this, Shen Jianxin quietly put his hands behind his back, made a gesture to Qian Daoliu, asking him to find an opportunity to retreat, and then looked at Bibi Dong in mid-air with a playful expression.

"Old aunt, have you absorbed too many evil thoughts and turned your brain into mush?"

"God? Are you crazy?"

"With all due respect, I have never seen a god as weak as you."

"It's just rubbish!"

As he spoke, Shen Jianxin stretched out his right hand and raised his middle finger towards Bibi Dong.

Being insulted, Bibi Dong's eyes widened and she glared at Shen Jianxin, "Boy, are you looking for death?"

Shen Jianxin shook his head helplessly. Sure enough, controlling divine power with a human body would not end well. Absorbing too many evil thoughts would also affect the brain.

"Idiot Bibi Dong, feel the information in your mind. Have you completed the divine test?"

Bibi Dong was stunned for a moment, then closed her eyes and began to sense the information about her divine test.

After a moment, Bibi Dong opened her eyes with a look of horror.

"Why? Why was the divine examination not completed?"

"Is Xiaogang's theory wrong?"

"No, Xiaogang is always right. He can't make mistakes. It must be your fault."

"Damn it, is it your fault?"

Looking at Bibi Dong who was gradually going crazy, Shen Jianxin sighed: "What a pair of idiots."

"You actually dare to interfere with the assessment of gods as a human being, and one of you dares to say it, and the other actually dares to try."

Hearing Shen Jianxin's insults, Bibi Dong instantly broke through her defenses.

She didn't mind others scolding her, but scolding Yu Xiaogang touched her nerves.

"Damn you bastard, how dare you scold Xiaogang? Even if I'm not a god, I'm enough to cut you into pieces."

With a flash of purple light in his eyes, a huge magic sickle suddenly appeared in Bibi Dong's hand, and he slashed at Shen Jianxin in a flash.

Seeing Bibi Dong swooping in quickly, Shen Jianxin narrowed his eyes slightly, and the Shura mark between his eyebrows suddenly shone brightly.


The next moment, a blood-colored light pillar shot up into the sky, and a tall phantom of Shura God that reached into the sky slowly emerged.


With a roar that shook the earth, a giant hand that covered the sky fell from the sky and instantly knocked Bibi Dong into the ground.

The phantom of the huge blood-colored palm tightly covered it, and it actually controlled Bibi Dong for a moment.

"Old man, you retreat first, and I will stop her."

Qian Daoliu's eyes showed anxiety: "Let's go together!"

Shen Jianxin shook his head: "I can't leave. Although Bibi Dong is not a true god now, he is still a peerless strongman who has reached the pseudo-god realm."

"If no one holds her back, neither of us can escape."

Qian Daoliu hurriedly shouted: "You are still young, go away and I will stop her."

As he spoke, Qian Daoliu forcibly possessed his martial spirit and began to burn his life.

Looking helplessly at Qian Daoliu, a stubborn old man, Shen Jianxin suddenly found his mind and controlled Qian Daoliu with his other hand controlling the shadow of Shura God.

"Kenshin, what are you going to do? Let me go."

Realizing that something was wrong, Qian Daoliu immediately began to shout loudly, burning his life and bursting out with powerful power, but he could not escape Shen Jianxin's control.

Shen Jianxin smiled slightly: "I am also composed of divine power, old man, please don't waste your efforts."

"Look at your hair turning gray. As an old person, you have to take care of yourself. Fighting and killing is no longer suitable for you."

As he spoke, Shen Jianxin controlled the Shura God's virtual shadow to raise his arms.

"Shen Jianxin, Shen Jianxin, you can't do this!!"

"Xiaoxue is pregnant with your child, you can't die here."

Shen Jianxin paused for a moment, then smiled slightly and said, "When the old man goes back, I will send a message to Sister Xue and wait for me when I go back."

The next moment, Shen Jianxin controlled the giant to wave his arms suddenly.

"Let's go!"

Qian Daoliu suddenly turned into a stream of light and flew towards the sky.

"Shen Jianxin, you must come back!"

"Remember, Xiaoxue is still waiting for you!"

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