Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 241 Playing a free game

After understanding the whole story, Shen Jianxin immediately understood that it was all Bibi Dong's conspiracy.

She was unable to absorb enough resentment to become a god on the battlefield, so she was very concerned about the hundreds of millions of people in the Star Luo Empire.

Only when the country is in chaos will it inspire countless resentments. Only when there are enough resentments, will her strength continue to increase.

However, Bibi Dong had no idea that she had completely embarked on an evil path.

Demons are controlled by power, and orthodox gods control power.

Although the power used by the Rakshasa God is evil, he is still an orthodox god in the divine world.

The reason why it is difficult for Bibi Dong to inherit the throne of Rakshasa is that he has to get out of the endless evil thoughts. Only by completely controlling the power of evil thoughts can he truly inherit the throne of Rakshasa.

Now that she has resorted to any means for power, whether she can become a god in the future may become an unknown thing.

But this is pretty good news for Shen Jianxin.

"Did you mention Dai Mubai's return before?"

The shopkeeper nodded, gritted his teeth with anger on his face and said, "Yes, sir, that traitorous thief who thinks his mother is a traitor. When I mention him, I want to drink his blood and eat his flesh."

"If it weren't for my inability, I would definitely attack the palace and kill all these devils."

Hearing this, Shen Jianxin fell into deep thought. It seemed that the plan to surround and kill Tang San also failed.

These gunpowders were most likely developed by him, and then used by Bibi Dong as part of creating chaos, and were spread wantonly throughout the Star Luo Empire.

While thinking about it, Shen Jianxin suddenly saw the resentful shopkeeper, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he murmured: "Hey, Bibi Dong, let me show you the power of the people."

The shopkeeper looked puzzled: "Sir, what are you talking about?"

Shen Jianxin coughed lightly, smiled slightly and said, "I can give you strength."

The shop owner was stunned, and a light of hope suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Sir, can you let me become a soul master?"

Shen Jianxin shook his head slightly: "No, I will not let you become a soul master."

Hearing Shen Jianxin's denial, the light in the shopkeeper's eyes instantly dissipated, and his sad mood did not even allow him to hear that Shen Jianxin said no, not no.

"But I can give you power comparable to that of a soul master."

The shopkeeper smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Sir, after talking to you so much, I know you are a good person."

"But if we don't become soul masters, how can ordinary people like us have the power to fight against soul masters?"

"Even if you give me a sharp weapon that can cause harm to soul masters, as an ordinary person like me, I will never be able to get into their bodies."

"In the end, this sharp weapon is just a source of trouble."

Shen Jianxin smiled and said, "I can teach you how to make gunpowder."

The shopkeeper's eyes were filled with joy, and then he shook his head gloomily again: "Forget it, sir, gunpowder can only pose a threat to first-level soul masters and second-level great soul masters."

"For those powerful soul masters who are pressing above us, these will only arouse their anger, and then in exchange for their more brutal revenge."

Hearing what the shopkeeper said, Shen Jianxin nodded slightly.

If this shop owner was just a short-sighted and reckless person, Shen Jianxin might turn around and leave.

Under this 'liberal' national policy formulated by Bibi Dong, those who are short-sighted and tolerant will have no room for survival in the future.

Only smart people can make a difference in this chaotic situation.

However, the shopkeeper in front of him passed Shen Jianxin's preliminary assessment.

After taking a look at the City Lord's Mansion, which was less than 500 meters away, he used his mental strength to find dozens of experimental cannonballs in the storage soul guide. Shen Jianxin smiled evilly and said, "It seems that you don't know about gunpowder yet." Really powerful."

With that said, Shen Jianxin communicated with Lan Yin Sheng in her heart and asked her to construct a cannon with Lan Yin Grass.

A large amount of bluesilver grass protruded from the void, entangled with each other in the shopkeeper's shocked eyes, and in the blink of an eye, twenty majestic blue cannons were woven together.

Shen Jianxin waved his hand, and twenty cannonballs were accurately loaded into the cannon bore.

"Target City Lord's Mansion, launch!"

Shen Jianxin gave an order, and twenty cannons were fired simultaneously under the control of Lan Yinsheng.

The next moment, a deafening explosion sounded, and the city lord's palace was suddenly reduced to ruins, and fires gradually rose.

The shop owner stared at the smoke-filled City Lord's Mansion in stunned silence. A seed called hope was planted in his heart at this moment.

With a plop, the shop owner instantly knelt down in front of Shen Jianxin, his forehead touched the ground and shouted sincerely: "Sir, please give us strength."

Shen Jianxin waved his hand, and an invisible force helped the shopkeeper up, and took out a book from the storage soul guide.

"Here, this is how the cannon is made. I am giving it to you now. I hope you can lead the people of the Star Luo Empire to see that glimmer of hope again."

The shopkeeper took the book solemnly, tears slowly flowing from his eyes.

It seemed that the book was too heavy, causing the shop owner's legs to bend again.

Shen Jianxin thought, and the invisible force stopped the shop owner from kneeling down again: "It doesn't have to be like this. The man has gold under his knees, but this is not how he withdraws it."

"If you kneel down again, I won't have anything to give you."

Hearing Shen Jianxin's joke, the shop owner's face instantly turned red, and he scratched his head in embarrassment: "Sir, you know, I didn't mean that."

Shen Jianxin waved his hand indifferently: "Okay, now that the city lord's mansion has been destroyed, such a big movement will definitely attract other soul masters."

"It's not safe for you to stay here, but do you want to leave here with me?"

The shopkeeper nodded hurriedly: "Yes, yes, but can you please give me some time to bring some things?"

Shen Jianxin nodded: "The time should not be too long, I won't stay here long."

"It won't be long, it won't be long."

With that said, the shopkeeper slipped into the shop through the big hole in the door.

In less than two minutes, the shop owner hurriedly ran out holding a small box.

"Sir, we can set off."

Shen Jianxin glanced at him: "You only brought money? No other things?"

The shopkeeper chuckled: "Sure enough, it can't be hidden from the eyes of adults. You can see what the kid is carrying at a glance."

"But please don't misunderstand me. This villain is not greedy for money, but the people of the Star Luo Empire are living in dire straits. It would be too time-consuming and laborious for a villain to start from scratch."

"If it weren't for this, I wouldn't dare waste my time to get these yellow and white things."

Shen Jianxin nodded: "Okay, let's leave now."

After saying this, Shen Jianxin ordered Lan Yinsheng to find out the blue silver grass, wrap it around the three members of the shop owner's family, and then flap his wings and fly into the air.

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