Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 244 Soul Bones and Dragon Crystal

Relying on his mental perception, Shen Jianxin quickly found the first area with abnormal energy.

This is the head position of the Fire Dragon King's skeleton. Between the eyebrows of the huge skeleton, a red ball the size of a fist with a large number of facets is embedded in it.

"This is a dragon ball? It's numb and cracked, not round at all. Let's call it dragon crystal."

After complaining, Shen Jianxin reached out and touched the dragon crystal. It was cold to the touch, without any warmth.

But Shen Jianxin knew that these were just appearances. The energy left by the Fire Dragon King before his death was actually concentrated in this dragon crystal.

After thinking for a moment, Shen Jianxin clenched the dragon crystal with his five fingers, gathering all his strength and fingers.


The Fire Dragon King's skeleton shook violently, and strings of bubbles continued to emerge.

As the bubbles continued to rise, the spring water of Binghuo Liangyiyan, which had been calm for a long time, seemed to be boiling and rolling continuously.

The bubbles that floated to the surface exploded one after another, and a large amount of fine spring water splashed up. The medicinal herbs planted on the shore were instantly affected.

Possessed by Baihe's martial spirit, he dodged the splashing spring water and looked at the damaged medicinal materials with a frown: "What is Mr. Shen doing down there? How could such fusion happen?"


There was a slight sound, and under Shen Jianxin's huge force, a small crack opened in the Fire Dragon King's skull near the dragon crystal.

A feeling of looseness came, and Shen Jianxin's face became happy. The divine power in his body exploded, and a large number of cracks spread in all directions with the dragon crystal as the center.


Shen Jianxin staggered, and the dragon crystal was completely pulled down by him.

Without the support of the dragon crystal, the energy flowing on the Fire Dragon King's skeleton suddenly dimmed, began to decay at an extremely fast speed, and disappeared into the spring water.

The skeleton of the Fire Dragon King disappeared, and the yin and yang power inside the Ice and Fire Eyes instantly became unbalanced. The skeleton of the Water Dragon King suddenly erupted with extremely powerful water element energy.

“Damn it, I’m having a blast!!”

Just when Shen Jianxin thought that the two weapons of ice and fire were destroyed in his hands, the water elemental energy stopped erupting on the verge of complete imbalance, barely maintaining a 46-parity with the fire elemental energy.

It turns out that the skeleton of the Fire Dragon King did not decay and dissipate after losing the support of dragon crystal energy because of its age.

Instead, all the essence of his body gathered at another energy anomaly point that Shen Jianxin had sensed before, where it transformed into a crystal clear orange-red right leg bone.

Unlike the extremely low-key and restrained Dragon Crystal, this newly formed soul bone seemed to have magma flowing inside it, and huge waves of power continued to emanate from the soul bone.

It was the formation of this soul bone that withstood the water element erosion of the Water Dragon King and prevented the Binghua Liangyi Eye from being destroyed.

Looking at the newly formed soul bone, Shen Jianxin frowned: "About half a million years, is this the only level?"

"Sure enough, nothing can stop the erosion of time. Even the soul bone formed by the beast god has fallen to this extent under the erosion of time."

"Forget it, it was just a treasure picked up for free. Half a million years is enough to make it unparalleled in the world. People, you must learn to be content."

However, after looking at the dragon crystal in his hand and the Fire Dragon King's right leg bone, Shen Jianxin fell into a dilemma again.

By now, Shen Jianxin probably knew what the dragon crystal in his hand did.

If his estimate is correct, this dragon crystal is equivalent to the inner elixir of an alien beast. Just like the ten-headed blazing sun snake inner elixir used by Ma Hongjun in the original work, it has the ability to transform into a soul master's soul ring.

Based on the Fire Dragon King's right leg bone, it can be speculated that this dragon crystal can also be transformed into a half-million-year-old soul ring.

But judging from the drastic changes he had just taken off the Fire Dragon King Dragon Crystal, if he didn't want to destroy the ice and fire eyes, then he could only choose one of the soul rings and soul bones to take away.

After hesitating for a moment, Shen Jianxin decided to take away the soul bone and give up the soul ring.

First, soul bones can be passed on continuously, but soul rings cannot.

Secondly, the dragon crystal used by him didn't improve him too much now, it was even better than nothing.

But if it is used by others, not many people in this world can absorb it.

Qian Renxue's angel martial soul is related to fire. Relying on the increased physical strength of the angel divine armor, it is indeed possible for her to absorb this dragon crystal containing half a million years of energy in the ninth ring.

But who will absorb the Dragon Crystal of the Water Dragon King?

If the Fire Dragon King takes away the dragon crystal and the Water Dragon King's soul bone, Shen Jianxin is very worried whether this will cause an energy imbalance in the Ice and Fire Eyes, causing the Ice and Fire Eyes to collapse.

"That's all, let's just take the soul bone. It's a gift for the little guy anyway. I don't know when the dragon crystal will be used."

Looking forward to meeting his child, Shen Jianxin used the same method to pull out the Dragon Crystal of the Water Dragon King.

The huge Water Dragon King skeleton dissipated, and a crystal clear and jade-like left leg soul bone slowly took shape.

"Okay, it seems that the ice and fire are on the same level. They are both legs, and they come from the same source."

"If the little guy is really allowed to absorb it by himself, maybe he will be able to realize some great magical power of the coexistence of ice and fire."

After having a sweet dream, Shen Jianxin took away the soul bone of the Ice and Fire Dragon King with excitement, leaving the Ice and Fire Dragon King's dragon crystal to replace the original Ice and Fire Dragon King's corpse, and turned it into the formation eye of the Ice and Fire Eyes.

Coming out of the Ice and Fire Eyes, Shen Jianxin saw at a glance the destroyed medicinal materials and the white crane waiting for him anxiously.

Shen Jianxin did not chat much with Bai He because he was eager to return home.

Facing Bai He's inquiry, Shen Jianxin only gave a few vague explanations and told him that he would personally explain the loss of these medicinal materials to Ning Fengzhi and would not make it difficult for him.

Seeing what Shen Jianxin said, Bai He instantly understood the meaning behind it, that is, don't ask questions that you shouldn't ask, and just take care of yourself and take care of yourself.

After bidding farewell to Bai He, Shen Jianxin rushed directly to the nearby Tiandou City Palace.

"What? Sister Xue is in seclusion?"

Shen Jianxin rushed to the palace overjoyed and received such news. Shen Jianxin was immediately dumbfounded.

Golden Crocodile Douluo nodded: "Yes, that battle made me realize the serious shortcomings of our own strength."

"After giving birth to a daughter, I asked the great priest to return to Wuhun City to practice in seclusion."

With that said, Golden Crocodile Douluo took out a letter from his arms and handed it to Shen Jianxin.

"This is the letter the lady left for you when she left. Read it yourself. Everything is in the letter."

Shen Jianxin took the letter, opened it and read it carefully word for word.

There wasn't much in the letter, but Shen Jianxin read it for a full half-quarter of an hour.

After reading the letter, Shen Jianxin sighed with a complicated expression, "Thank you for the second sacrifice. I have not returned to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect since my return, so I left first."

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