Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 254 Take back two legs

Looking at Tang San and his group escaping quickly below, Dugu Bo, who was hiding in the Vast Sea Universe Barrier, turned around and asked.

"Sword boy, let him go so easily?"

Shen Jianxin said in a good mood: "Breaking one of his legs is enough for the time being."

"Break a leg?" Dugu Bo was a little confused: "Didn't you cut off three of his legs with one sword?"

Shen Jianxin smiled slightly: "Yes, it's just one. Master, you will know later."

"Let's go, it's time for us to go back."

Dugu Bo scratched his head in confusion: "Three? One?"

"Could it be that that kid is a mermaid? Cutting off three legs is the same as cutting off a tail?"

"Hey, Jian Boy, please explain it clearly to me!"

The scene changed, and the speeding Yue Guan suddenly stopped holding Tang San's two halves.

"Old ghost, stop first. This kid's injuries are too serious. He has lost too much blood and has passed out. He needs emergency treatment."

A black mist quickly condensed, and the ghost appeared in the black mist carrying Hu Liena.

"Mistress, mistress, how are you doing?"

As soon as she appeared, Hu Liena immediately broke away from the ghost's hand and rushed towards Tang San like crazy.

The ghost frowned slightly, raised his hand and slashed the back of Hu Liena's neck, knocking her unconscious.

Grabbing the fainted Hu Liena with one hand, the ghost said in a hoarse voice: "How to cure it?"

"Yueguan, with all due respect, this kid's lower body has been cut off at the waist. Even if he is rescued, he will still be a useless person."

"The two of us made such a serious mistake. If we rescue this kid and go back, how can Goubiyu Xiaogang let us go?"

"If you ask me, let's just do it without doing anything else, directly."

As he said that, a hint of evil flashed in the ghost's eyes, and he made a gesture on his neck.

Yue Guan frowned and thought for a moment: "No, Bibi Dong is powerful now. With her peerless power that is comparable to that of a god, if she is seduced by that mad dog Yu Xiaogang to come after us, the world will never be the same again." There is a place for both of us.”

The ghost said: "We can go and seek refuge with the Great Enshrinement. With our two Titled Douluo's cultivation, we can still get a place."

Yue Guan glanced at the ghost in disbelief: "Old ghost, are you drifting?"

"There are seven super Douluo at the Grand Priest. With our strength, are you sure you will have a place?"

Gui Mei thought about it and said, "Then let's go to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect and see their titled Young Master Douluo."

"Besides, you have a good relationship with Dugu Bo and Gu Rong. Isn't now the time to use it?"

Yue Guan had a headache and said, "It's true that I have a good relationship with them, but that doesn't mean they can accept us."

"As long as we two are just wallflowers seeking glory as a seller, as long as they don't kill us, I'm afraid we will be blessed."

"Also, don't you know the terror Bibi Dong is facing now? If we can't kill Dachengfeng and his group, why can't we kill you and me?"

"It's better to die than to live. If you want to die, you can die on your own, but don't drag me with you."

"If I'm not 100% sure, I won't risk my life."

The ghost was speechless for a while: "This won't work, that won't work either, so what do you think we should do?"

"Based on this kid's injuries, even if he is rescued, he will still be half a waste."

"When the time comes to send him back, he will be alive, but I'm afraid we will both die immediately."

Yue Guan chuckled: "Did you see that slash before?"

"Does the blood-red color look like the Shen Jianxin Bibi Dong mentioned?"

Gui Mei was stunned: "You mean to blame Shen Jianxin for all this?"

Yueguan shook his head: "No, we don't blame this matter on anyone. We just need to truthfully describe the situation at that time and then mention it a little bit."

"What Bibi Dong and the others think is not our problem."

The ghost nodded and instantly understood what Yue Guan meant. People will always believe what they want to believe, and they only need a little guidance.

"But this kid's injuries are so serious. Even if Bibi Dong believes that Shen Jianxin did all this, then the two of us will be spared the death penalty, but we will not escape the fate of living."

Yue Guan raised Tang San's upper body: "The rest will depend on this boy."

"Yu Xiaogang doesn't boast that he knows astronomy and geography. This kid is often praised by Yu Xiaogang. I think he must have some means of self-help."

"If he can't do anything about it himself, then it's only natural that the two of us, who are unlearned and unskilled in Yu Xiaogang's eyes, don't have a good solution."

Gui Mei's eyes lit up: "It's feasible, you can give it a try."

"Yueguan, please wake this kid up and ask him."

Yue Guan chuckled and injected a ray of soul power into Tang San's upper body, causing Tang San to wake up leisurely.


His consciousness returned to his body, and the severe pain in his lower body made Tang San's veins bulge, he sweated profusely, and screamed in agony.

Yue Guan frowned slightly and casually tapped a finger on Tang San's spine, inputting soul power and immediately cutting off Tang San's pain perception.

"Hu~hu~" The severe lingering pain made Tang San gasp for breath.

After a long time, Tang San regained his composure and glanced weakly at Yueguan: "Senior, where is this?"

Yue Guan shook his head: "I don't know. I only know that your legs are broken and you will die if you don't receive treatment."

"I want to wake you up now to ask you if there is any way to save yourself. If not, then I will use my own method."

"It's just that my method can only save your life, but it can't restore your legs."

Tang San lowered his head and glanced at his empty lower body, his pupils suddenly shrank and his mind went blank.

"Hey, let me ask you a question, boy, does it cost my life or my legs?"

Tang San suddenly woke up, gritted his teeth and roared: "I want the legs, I still have a great revenge to avenge, I can't become a useless person."

Yue Guan nodded, took out the three bloody legs connected together from the storage soul guide, and stuffed them into Tang San's arms.

"for you."

Tang San subconsciously grabbed his lower body and said in a daze: "Senior, this is what you are doing."

Yueguan said helplessly: "Leg, I brought it back for you, but you want me to pick it up for you. With all due respect, Lao Gui and I are not healing soul masters. We can't do this kind of thing."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't wake you up."

Tang San's face darkened, and he suddenly felt as if he had been tricked.

But when it came to his own future, Tang San had to rack his brains to think of ways to save himself.

"By the way, soul bones, soul bones can heal my legs."

"Teacher once said that the reason why soul bones strengthen the soul master's physical fitness is because the absorbed soul bones replace the soul master's own bones."

"So, if a soul master's limbs are chopped off, the soul bones of the limbs will fall off, and taking out the head and torso bones will require the soul master to pay the price with his life."

Yueguan said regretfully: "Boy, the method is very feasible, but the soul bones are too precious. The old ghost and I can't get one, let alone two?"

Tang San gritted his teeth and secretly resented it. He didn't believe that as titled Douluo, Ju Gui and the two didn't have a soul bone in their bodies. Maybe they just didn't want to save him.

"Senior, it doesn't matter if I don't have a soul bone. As long as I rush back to Wuhun Palace in a short time, the teacher will definitely find a suitable soul bone for me."

Yue Guan nodded: "If this can be done, I will send you back as soon as possible."

In fact, Tang San guessed correctly, Ju Gui did have soul bones in his body, and he got three soul bones from killing Dai Tianyue and Zhu Qinglan a year ago.

Two of the ones on Dai Tianyue had been absorbed by Ju Douluo, but the one dropped by Zhu Qinglan was a right leg bone, and Gui Mei originally had a right leg bone.

So this soul bone has been lying quietly in the ghost's storage soul guide, without a chance to exchange it.

Little did he know that with just such a delay, Tang San missed the best time for treatment and his lower three limbs became necrotic.

Although his legs were revived by the power of the soul bone and his own Blue Silver Emperor bloodline, the third limb was necrotic.

Since there is no soul bone in that part, the attached one is just a look-alike and cannot be used at all.

After that day, Tang San, Dai Mubai, and Hu Liena became good sisters who talked about everything.

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