Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 262 The first test beyond the limit

Not long after, Zhu Zhuqing, who was the last to accept the assessment, also woke up from the information about accepting the assessment.

So far, Shen Jianxin and his group of eight people have all passed the assessment of black level or above.

Shen Jianxin's assessment level was the highest, and he was specially prepared for the Nine Exams with bonuses by Poseidon.

Next is Ning Rongrong's assessment, the top eight red exams.

The third is the red top seven tests of Ma Hongjun and Oscar.

The fourth level is the black level six test for Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu.

The fifth is Dugu Yan’s fifth black level test.

Finally, there was Bai Chenxiang’s fourth black level test.

Seeing that Zhu Zhuqing had regained consciousness, Shen Jianxin clapped his hands and attracted everyone's attention.

"Everyone, the results of the test are gratifying. The minimum of eight of us in the group has passed the black level assessment. This represents our potential, and it also means that we will get huge benefits after completing the assessment, but it also represents risks."

"Don't forget, there is a huge risk of death if you fail the black level or above assessment."

"Time is short and the task is heavy. We must race against time to seize the time and strengthen ourselves so that we can better deal with various crises in the assessment in the future."

Ning Rongrong straightened his expression and said: "Brother, be careful, you are the captain, you make the arrangements, we all listen to you."

The others nodded and said in unison: "Yes, Brother Shen (Master), you will make arrangements, and we will all listen to you."

Shen Jianxin looked around and glanced at everyone: "Very good. In that case, everyone can tell you what your first test is."

"Only by conducting special training based on the assessment content can we pass the assessment better."

Zhu Zhuqing said softly: "Master, my first test is to travel through the light of Poseidon."

"Tip: Go to the core forbidden area of ​​Poseidon Island and climb the 108 steps in front of the forbidden area. This will be considered as passing the test."

"You can withdraw midway, and the time limit is one year."

Shen Jianxin's expression froze, "One hundred and eight steps? Rongrong, where's yours?"

Ning Rongrong glanced at the assessment information and said: "It is also through the Poseidon's Light, but mine is one hundred and thirty-six steps."

Oscar and Ma Hongjun looked at each other and agreed: "It's the same for the two of us, one hundred and thirty-six steps."

Xiao Wu, Dugu Yan, and Bai Chenxiang all said: "Ours is the same as Zhuqing's, it has one hundred and eight steps."

Ning Rongrong thought: "It seems that the difficulty of our assessment is different. The black level is one level, and the red top level is another level."

"Be careful brother, what is your assessment task?"

Shen Jianxin slowly said: "The first test is to travel through the light of the Poseidon."

"Tip: Go to the core forbidden area of ​​Poseidon Island to take part in the assessment. Climb the one thousand and one steps to the top. You will be deemed to have passed the test. You can quit midway. The time limit is one year."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

Ning Rongrong frowned and said worriedly: "Be careful, brother, is this too exaggerated?"

"We can only climb a hundred and thirty-six steps at most. You actually have to climb a thousand and one steps. That's seven times as high as ours?"

Shen Jianxin shook his head: "It's not an exaggeration. I am now a demigod. I can suppress Super Douluo just by relying on my physical strength."

"Coupled with my own soul power level and various secret techniques, it is not too difficult to pass this test."

"Actually, what I'm worried about is not myself, but you."

Ning Rongrong was stunned for a moment: "Us? What do we have to worry about?"

Shen Jianxin sighed and turned to look at Bo Saixi who was standing aside in deep thought.

"High Priest, their test is too difficult!"

Bo Saixi nodded solemnly: "Yes, it's a bit high."

"At the beginning, my assessment was the red top seven exams. At that time, I needed to climb up to the 136th level, but by then I was already a powerful soul emperor of more than 60 levels."

"Even so, it took me more than a year to pass this assessment."

"With their current Soul Sect strength of over 40 levels, it is simply unrealistic to pass the assessment within one year."

"Among them, perhaps only Miss Duguyan has the hope of passing the assessment within one year."

Everyone was horrified, Xiao Wu said in a panic: "Senior, then, wouldn't it be certain that we will die?"

Bo Saixi fell silent. This was a question she couldn't understand.

Logically speaking, these people in front of me are all related to Shen Jianxin. In the final analysis, they are all related to the gods.

If we really want to talk about status, the status of Shen Jianxin and others is much higher than that of Bo Saixi.

Although she is the high priest of Poseidon Island, in the final analysis she is only a servant of Poseidon, and Shen Jianxin and others are the children of Poseidon's colleagues.

Although in terms of closeness, as a servant of Poseidon, she was naturally closer to Poseidon, but her status and importance were far inferior to those of Shen Jianxin and his party.

Thinking about it this way, the death test should not fall on Shen Jianxin and others.

Otherwise, if the parents come early, it will be a huge trouble.

Suddenly, Shen Jianxin's eyes lit up, and he already understood the intention of Poseidon's arrangement.

The first is to squeeze everyone's potential to the maximum extent, and the second is to make Shen Jianxin's assessment more difficult.

In the original work, the level at which Tang San and others passed the examination was only around level sixty or seventy, and they passed the examination based on their strength.

And now that Shen Jianxin has a demigod body, it is very easy to pass the test even without using soul power.

So in order to put more pressure on him and allow him to go further, these friends of his were used by Poseidon to become the driving force that inspired him to keep moving forward.

Although she had figured it out, Shen Jianxin was not ready to tell anyone about this discovery.

Practicing under the pressure of Poseidon's Light can greatly stimulate everyone's own potential, and under the threat of death, this effect will be even greater.

Of course, Shen Jianxin would not destroy such a great opportunity that could come by chance just for the sake of good intentions.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and Shen Jianxin inadvertently revealed a malicious smile. He looked around and glanced at the frowning people.

"Everyone, are you going to back down?"

"Aren't we here just to accept the test? If the test is too simple, wouldn't our trip be in vain?"

"How can there be motivation without pressure? Don't forget, if each of you is singled out, you are a unique genius on the mainland."

"A mere little difficulty, a little verbal interference, makes you lose confidence. You don't even dare to give it a try, don't dare to work hard once, and you start to shrink back?"

Ning Rongrong looked at Shen Jianxin with a smile on her face as she spoke to encourage everyone. Being smart, she also thought of the key points of the matter.

That is, Shen Jianxin already has a complete strategy and a plan that can lead everyone out of the predicament.

As the husband sang and the wife followed, Ning Rongrong immediately pretended to be inspired by Shen Jianxin's words, and said with fiery eyes: "Be careful, brother is right. We are all geniuses who are unique in ten thousand. Cowardice is not our life creed. We must face difficulties in the face of difficulties." That’s it.”

"Anyway, the assessment level has been determined. If you don't complete it, you will die anyway. So why don't we risk our lives and fight for a bright future?"

"Since there is no way out, I will use all my efforts to tell myself! Just do it and it's over!!"

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