Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 27 Taking grass jelly (1)

"Actually, it can actually be given to dad. Rongrong will be very satisfied if he can cultivate to the Contra realm in the future."

Facing Shen Jianxin's comfort, Ning Rongrong raised her head and whispered.

Shen Jianxin knelt down, held Ning Rongrong's little face with both hands, looked at her beautiful big eyes filled with tears, and said seriously: "You can destroy other plants at will, but not this one."

"Because this Qiluo tulip was originally waiting for you to bloom."

"Only you in this world can fully unleash its effectiveness."

Seeing Shen Jianxin's serious look, Ning Rongrong burst into tears and smiled: "Be careful, brother, lie, how can any flower bloom for others?"

"I'm not smart, but I'm not stupid either?"

Shen Jianxin shook his head. He really didn't know how to explain to her that being unintelligent and being stupid were essentially the same thing.

"Yes, you're not stupid, you're just not smart enough."

"Come, you can pick this bouquet of flowers for you with your own hands."

With that said, Shen Jianxin took Ning Rongrong's soft little hand and came to Qiluo Tulip.

Looking at Qiluo Tulip, which was swaying slightly in the wind, as if shivering, Ning Rongrong raised his head and looked at Shen Jianxin.

"Be careful brother, what should I do?"

"Break it directly from the rhizome, then gently suck the stamen, slowly absorb the essence into the body, and then practice the soul power to move slowly, allowing the medicinal effect to spread throughout the limbs and bones."

"Remember, the speed must be fast to avoid losing the efficacy of the medicine and failing to achieve the expected results."

Shen Jianxin also knew that picking fairy herbs required special methods, but he naturally had no way of knowing what was not written in the original book.

Therefore, it can only be used now to avoid serious loss of efficacy.

"Yes, I took note of it."

Ning Rongrong nodded seriously, then bent down directly, put her mouth to the stamen of the Qiluo Tulip and started sucking it.

Seeing Ning Rongrong's behavior, Shen Jianxin was stunned.

[Also, can it still be like this? Just eat fresh? 】

[Is her usual idiot image just an act? Is she actually one of the witty ones? 】

[No way, my little Rongrong can't be that smart. This should be just a coincidence. 】

[Yes, it must be a coincidence. 】

Shaking his head to dismiss his thoughts, Shen Jianxin turned to look at Sword Douluo: "Master, please take care of Rongrong here. I'm going to pick the immortal products I need."

Sword Douluo nodded with a smile on his face: "Don't worry, your little fiancée, as a master, why don't you help you take care of her?"

"Haha, yes, Master is the best."

Smiling in response to Sword Douluo's teasing, Shen Jianxin walked up to the QiRongTianJu.

That's right, what Shen Jianxin chose for herself was the strange velvet Tongtianju taken by Dai Mubai in the original work.

The strange velvet and sky chrysanthemum is a neutral immortality. The energy of food can move the limbs and the blood can connect the eight meridians, which can make the body indestructible.

However, Shen Jianxin's soul power was affected by martial arts, and he was already extremely violent and domineering. Taking this strange velvet tongtian chrysanthemum could just balance it out.

Another reason is that Shen Jianxin's martial spirit is the giant sword and tiger soul, and only when his physical fitness is improved can he control the martial spirit better.

It was precisely because Shen Jianxin had chosen the immortal herbs for himself before coming here that he generously gave up the Star Anise Ice Grass and Fiery Apricot Jiaoshu to Dugu Bo.

After all, his martial spirit was the giant sword and tiger soul, not Tang San's fragile Blue Silver Grass. Ice and fire immunity were useless to him, and Baidu Yiyi was useless to him.

Moreover, eating those two poisonous weeds requires taking great risks, and absorbing them requires jumping into the eyes of the ice and fire.

In the end, after suffering all the hardships, he only gained a few attributes such as being invulnerable to water and fire, and being able to resist all poisons. No matter how much he thought about it, he felt that it was a loss.

In the final analysis, the words 'invulnerable to water and fire, able to overcome all poisons' are not as attractive to Shen Jianxin as 'a diamond is indestructible, a powerful tool can survive'.

Looking at Ning Rongrong who was lying on the Qiluo Tulip sucking the stamens like a little butterfly, Shen Jian smiled knowingly, then bent down and opened his mouth to take the big chrysanthemum of Qiluo Tulip in his mouth.

Then he chewed it in his mouth a few times and swallowed it like a cow chewing a peony.

Why eat the stamens first, and then eat the petals one by one? We are just berserkers playing with giant swords, how can we chew slowly?

After eating the Qiantongtianju, Shen Jianxin immediately felt a sudden warmth rising in his abdomen.

Without any time to think about it, Shen Jianxin sat on the ground with his five hearts facing the sky and began to refine the medicinal power in his body.

Once Shen Jianxin fell into trance, the only one who was still awake in Binghuo Liangyi's eyes was Sword Douluo who was worried.

After Shen Jianxin and Ning Rongrong took the immortal products, waves of soul power continuously erupted from their bodies. Sword Douluo knew that when they woke up, their soul power levels would definitely increase greatly.

But at this time, Sword Douluo had many thoughts on his mind and was not happy at all.

Because he still remembered the agreement Shen Jianxin made with him three years ago to reach level 40 at the age of 13 and then go to the killing city.

He thought this goal was already an extremely difficult one, but he never expected that Shen Jianxin would have such an opportunity to take immortal herbs to enhance his soul power.

Although he didn't want Shen Jianxin to improve so quickly, as a master, Sword Douluo really couldn't bear to interrupt his disciple's opportunities.

As for taking it in the future, it is another matter whether the effect of taking it at an older age will be so good at that time. Just for his own selfishness, he would not be able to cut off his disciple's opportunity with his own hands, with his Sword Douluo temperament.

"That's it, that's all, time is destiny, maybe Kenshin really has a destiny there."

Sighing, Sword Douluo also found an open space and meditated while maintaining his soul shield to protect Shen Jianxin and Ning Rongrong.

For a moment, the two eyes of ice and fire returned to silence again.

Time flies like water. In the blink of an eye, three hours have passed since Shen Jianxin and others took the immortal product.

As the sun sets and the moon rises, night falls, darkness covers the earth, and the area within the Ice and Fire Eyes gradually becomes darker.

As time passed and the medicine took effect, Shen Jianxin and Ning Rongrong showed extremely obvious changes.

Shen Jianxin, who had taken the 'QiRongTongtianChrysanthemum', had long lost the previous posture of sitting upright with five hearts facing the sky.

At this time, he was lying on the ground in a big shape with his back stretched out. His original height of 1.6 meters had now expanded to nearly 1.8 meters.

The limbs have obviously swelled twice as much as before, the bones on the body are also crackling, and the muscles all over the body are vibrating with a strange rhythm.

These strange phenomena are as if the medicinal effect of the 'Qiantongtianju' is reshaping Shen Jianxin's body and creating a truly indestructible body.

Compared with Shen Jianxin, Ning Rongrong's changes at this time seemed particularly magnificent.

The Eight Treasures Glazed Pagoda with its eight-colored halo shone quietly suspended in front of her, while his petite body was shrouded in a layer of rich golden light.

This golden light was released from Ning Rongrong herself, carrying the rich fragrance of tulip flowers. As the precious light circulated, she was as lovable as a fairy child.

Every time the golden light intensifies, it will make Ning Rongrong's Eight Treasures Glazed Tower look more dazzling and dazzling.


At this moment, a dull roar of an alien beast suddenly came from Binghuo Liangyi's eyes.

Then a giant dark green snake 2-30 meters long soared from the water into the sky, causing a lot of splash.

Sensing movement, Sword Douluo, who was sitting cross-legged on the shore, suddenly opened his eyes. The air became silent, and the giant snake and water splash were all frozen in mid-air.

"Dugu Bo, you are not dead, please be quiet."

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