Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 274 The third test, Tidal Body Refining

Unparalleled power returned to his body, Shen Jianxin rushed out of the ring sea with a long and comfortable roar, flying in mid-air and exploding with all his strength.

Blood-colored energy fluctuations visible to the naked eye spread from Shen Jianxin's body, and the unexpected pressure began to cause celestial phenomena.

The wind suddenly rises, the ring sea boils, dark clouds sweep across the sky, and the roar of thunder is endless, shocking.

Bo Saixi immediately opened a blue protective shield to protect the frightened people below.

"This, this, has Brother Shen become a god?"

Ma Hongjun was stunned, not believing that such an astonishing power could be caused by humans.

"No!" Xiao Bai, who transformed into a human, said, "I was the number one general under Lord Poseidon back then. Although Shen Jianxin's current aura is terrifying, it is far from reaching Lord Poseidon's level."

"The power of gods is not only due to their own unparalleled power, but also to a greater extent is a form of oppression at the life level."

"Facing gods, even a ninety-nine-level peerless Douluo like the High Priest is not much more powerful than an ant."

When the words fell, Xiaobai suddenly felt that he had spoken. He immediately faced Bo Saixi and explained: "High Priest, you know, I was just a metaphor, and I didn't call you an ant."

Bo Saixi smiled slightly and interrupted: "Xiao Bai, there is no need to explain anything, you are right."

"Since you were once Lord Poseidon's top general, you should have no problem coping with Shen Jianxin's extreme pressure."

Xiaobai's face froze, and a bad feeling suddenly arose in his heart.

"Sister High Priest, I was wrong, don't do it!"

Amidst Xiao Bai's begging for mercy, an irresistible repulsive force struck, and Xiao Bai was immediately pushed out of Bo Saixi's soul shield.

Since Xiaobai only used secret techniques to transform temporarily, his strength could only exert 20% of his original power.

So just after being pushed out of the protective shield by Bo Saixi, Xiao Bai felt an extremely terrifying pressure. He was unable to exert his own strength. The protective shield that he had held up with difficulty instantly shattered, and his slender body lay weakly on the ground, like a slime. Salted fish on the ground.

Fortunately, Shen Jianxin's explosive momentum disappeared as quickly as it came, so Xiaobai didn't show his true identity on the shore.

Otherwise, the great white shark, a hundred thousand year old demon spirit, would be stranded on the shore, which would become an indelible stain on her in this lifetime.

"Hi, long time no see, everyone!"

Slowly flying down from the sky, Shen Jianxin greeted everyone cordially.

Ning Rongrong stepped forward and gently shouted: "Be careful, brother, long time no see."

Seeing that Ning Rongrong did not rush forward as excitedly as usual, Shen Jianxin was stunned for a moment, thought for a moment, smiled slightly, and stepped forward to hug Ning Rongrong into his arms.

He rubbed Ning Rongrong's head and said softly: "Rongrong has grown up and knows how to be reserved."

Ning Rongrong's pretty face was slightly hot, she buried her head in Shen Jianxin's arms, and whispered softly: "I am already sixteen years old."

Shen Jianxin was stunned for a moment, his expression was slightly stiff, and he didn't know what to say.

Looking back on the past, it seems that he became a man when he was sixteen years old, and he was completely passive.

Just when Shen Jianxin didn't know how to answer Ning Rongrong, other friends gathered around him.

"Brother Shen, I know you and Rongrong are better off than just getting married, but you can't do it in front of us."

"You're still hugging her so tightly, don't worry, I won't compete with you for Rongrong."

Xiao Wu's joke was just the right solution for Shen Jianxin.

No matter how thick-skinned Ning Rongrong was at this time, she was too embarrassed to stay in Shen Jianxin's arms under the gaze of all her friends, not to mention the explicit words she had just said.

Following the trend from Shen Jianxin, Ning Rongrong easily broke away from Shen Jianxin's arms and stood aside with her face flushed and her head lowered.

Shen Jianxin smiled slightly, took Ning Rongrong's hand, and while easing her embarrassment, said to everyone: "We have completed the second test, what is the content of your third test?"

"Tidal Body Refining." Dugu Yan replied: "We don't know the specific content of the examination. The senior high priest said that it will be announced together after you complete the second examination."

Shen Jianxin smiled bitterly and nodded: "It is indeed the same, but my newly unsealed power seems to be sealed again."

Bo Saixi stepped forward with a smile: "Your Majesty's strength is too strong. If you don't seal the power, I'm afraid it won't have any training effect at all."

Shen Jianxin shook his head helplessly: "I know, I understood it the moment the power in my body was sealed a year ago."

"Senior Shura God asked me to come to Poseidon Island to practice, probably because it has the means to seal me, or in other words, using this place as a medium, Senior Poseidon can use his abilities from the God Realm at a lower cost."

In addition, Shen Jianxin did not say anything else, and that was that God Shura asked him to come here. In addition to gathering the wool of Poseidon, most likely he wanted him to cultivate a divine body before becoming a god.

Otherwise, his first, second, and third exams are all related to physical training, especially the second and third exams, which require sealing off the energy in the body and training the physical body.

Bo Saixi nodded slightly: "Yes, the divine realm is very far away from the mortal realm. Even powerful gods cannot interfere with the lower realm at will."

"But Poseidon Island was once the place where Lord Poseidon became a god. Using this as a medium, the cost of Lord Poseidon interfering with the lower world will be much smaller."

With that said, Bo Saixi took out a golden ball from the storage soul guide and handed it to Shen Jianxin.

"Congratulations on your breakthrough, Your Majesty. This is the God-given soul ring given to you by Lord Poseidon."

Shen Jianxin had reached level seventy-eight a year ago, and his soul power was banned underwater for a year. When the second test of the nine lottery exams was completed and the soul power seal was released, the soul power in Shen Jianxin's body was rebounded, plus the completion of the test With the added level of soul power, he easily broke through the eighty-level barrier.

After receiving the god-given soul ring from Bo Saixi, Shen Jianxin thanked him softly: "Thank you, high priest, this soul ring came at just the right time."

Bo Saixi smiled gently: "Your Majesty, you are so polite. You deserve this."

Ning Rongrong stepped forward: "Be careful, brother, are you going to absorb the soul ring to break through now?"

Shen Jianxin shook his head: "No, a breakthrough is a small matter. Let's rest for a while first."

"I have been practicing non-stop for two years in a row. I guess everyone is tired."

"While the third test hasn't really started yet, let's take a break in the city and adjust ourselves."

After saying that, Shen Jianxin turned to look at Bo Saixi: "High Priest, this should not exceed the one-year limit for each stage of assessment."

Bo Saixi smiled and said, "Of course not. You guys completed the second test ahead of schedule and saved a month."

"As long as the third assessment is started before the first anniversary, it is completely in compliance with the rules."

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