One stone stirred up thousands of waves, and the word "god" immediately sent chills down the spines of several people present, as if they were sitting on pins and needles.

After staying on Poseidon Island for so long, they have long known how powerful the gods are and how magical their methods are.

If the enemy is really a god from the divine realm, then even if they fight to the death with all their strength, they don't seem to have much chance of winning.

Shen Jianxin smiled slightly: "Don't think too much, actually the situation is not that serious."

"Even if our enemies come from the God Realm, then the Shura God above me, the Poseidon God above me, and the Sword God above Master, these three gods will still be on our side."

"Although the crisis may come from the gods in the divine world, at most the world is a chessboard, we are the chess pieces, and the gods are the players. With the help of the world of Douluo Continent, we play a chess game similar to gambling for some benefit."

"What about the angel god above Sister Xue?" Ning Rongrong asked doubtfully: "Don't the angel gods help us?"

Shen Jianxin shook his head: "Unfortunately, the angel god seems to have fallen long ago, and his throne is vacant."

Dugu Yan said: "Then who is our enemy? Which god in the God Realm?"

Shen Jianxin replied: "It is very likely that he is an evil god and belongs to one of the five great god kings in the god world."

Xiao Wu wondered: "King of gods? King of gods? Who is stronger and who is weaker than Poseidon?"

Shen Jianxin thought: "The Evil God is the King of Gods, while the Poseidon is only a first-level god. Logically speaking, the Evil God should be stronger."

"But as far as I know, this evil god is only a temporary god. He doesn't even have the evil god's super artifact Judgment Scale. He is one or two last in strength among the five god kings. If he fights alone, It’s really hard to say who will win and who will lose.”

"But the evil God King and the good God King of the God Realm are husband and wife. The two have the same mind and can use the God King Fusion Skill. In a two-on-one fight, it is not an existence that other gods can easily defeat."

"Actually, it's useless to know too much about these gossips. These superior gods will definitely not deal with us personally. After all, God Shura is also one of the five great kings of the God Realm, and he is the most powerful existence in the God Realm."

"What we need to deal with is the unknown inheritor of the evil god, Bibi Dong, the inheritor of the Rakshasa god, and a possible inheritor of the good god."

"As for the others, they are beyond our consideration."

After listening to Shen Jianxin's explanation, Xiao Wu patted her chest, her emotions trembling: "I told you earlier, I was really scared to death. It turned out that I was just dealing with a few bastards who haven't become gods yet."

"You, Mr. Jian, Sister Xiaoxue, we also have three divine choices, what are you afraid of them doing?"

"As long as we kill them before they become gods, does it still matter whether they are the inheritance of the God King?"

Shen Jianxin shook his head helplessly and said: "This is the truth, but the enemy is in the dark and we are in the light. There are some things that we still have to guard against."

"And with gods as variables that cannot be referenced, who knows how strong our future enemies will be."

"Look at the few of us. It has only been more than three years and less than four years since we came to Poseidon Island. Everyone has increased their soul power by about 20 levels."

"If the other side also has gods on its side, we really have no idea what the future war will be like."

Ning Rongrong smiled: "There must be a road for a car to reach the mountain, and it will be straight for a boat to reach the bridge. It is useless to think so much. It is the right thing for us to work hard to improve our strength and adapt to all changes by remaining unchanged."

Dugu Yan nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, Rongrong is right. To strike, you need to be strong. As long as we are strong, no matter what kind of monsters and monsters are on the other side, we will all kneel down and sing "Conquer" for us."

Xiao Wu frowned and said, "I have to roll again. It's really tiring. But for the sake of a better and happy life in the future, I will work hard."

Oscar and Ma Hongjun looked at each other and saw the blazing flames in each other's eyes.

"I'm going to sell sausages."

"I will continue to burn the rivers and boil the seas."

The brief discussion ended, and the sense of crisis made everyone speed up the assessment process.

A few days passed, in early October, Zhu Zhuqing, who was far away among the pirates, started "Breathless". The next moment, Shen Jianxin received a reminder that the assessment was completed.

The soul power is increased by one level, and the life of the soul ring and soul bone is increased by 2000.

Since Shen Jianxin spent most of the past ten months designing soul skills for everyone, which greatly reduced his training time, he only accumulated some soul power without making a breakthrough.

After the rewards were issued, Shen Jianxin broke through to level 87. His first soul ring also changed to black after several upgrades, and his soul ring configuration also changed to black, black, black, black, black, blue gold, blue gold, red, with a minimum of 10,000. The configuration of the Nian Soul Ring.

In early October, Dugu Yan worked hard to create a poison that was enough to kill a titled Douluo. After completing the test, his soul power increased by one level.

The cultivation of the soul saint level is calculated in years, and Dugu Yan was also distracted by making poison. As a result, like Shen Jianxin, she only accumulated some soul power over the past year and did not rise to the first level.

Rewards are distributed, and the soul power reaches level 76.

In mid-October, Ning Rongrong completed the assessment, and her soul power increased by one level. She improved by two levels through constant battles, reaching level 69. The life of her soul ring increased by 2000, her fourth soul ring changed from purple to black, and her soul ring configuration changed to Purple, purple, purple, black, black, black, super configuration.

In late October, Ma Hongjun completed the assessment, and his soul power increased by one level. His own cultivation improved by one level, reaching level 73, and the life of his soul ring increased by 1,000 years.

At the beginning of November, Bai Chenxiang returned. After completing the assessment, her soul power increased by one level. She barely survived in the sea of ​​thunderstorms to complete her final transformation. She increased by three levels and reached level seventy. She only needed one soul ring to become a level one. A true soul saint.

Outstanding performance, the life of the soul ring was also increased by an additional 1,000 years.

Since Ning Rongrong was about to break through, Bai Chenxiang decided to continue to accumulate soul power and wait for Ning Rongrong to break through to hunt for souls together.

In late November, Oscar completed the assessment and finally let everyone on Poseidon Island know the benefits of his sausages, especially his third soul skill: Mushroom Sausage Explosion, his fourth soul skill: Rising Bangbang Sausage, and his fifth soul skill: Boom Bang Bang Sausage. The soul skill cleans pearl sausages, and the reputation of these three kinds of sausages is even more famous.

The reason is that eating these three kinds of sausages together has a miraculous effect, and it can actually cause a fierce battle until dawn.

In the past eleven months, all the Poseidon Master women on Poseidon Island have gained a lot of weight.

According to predictions by the elders on Poseidon Island, the number of newborns on Poseidon Island next year is expected to be more than three times that of previous years.

For his meritorious service on Poseidon Island, Poseidon was also extremely generous. He received a three-level soul power reward and an increase in soul ring life of 3,000 years, making him the person with the most generous rewards this time.

In addition, constantly making sausages in the past eleven months often exhausted his soul power, causing the ground rebound to increase by two levels in a row. Oscar's soul power finally caught up with everyone and reached level 70.

The fourth soul ring also turned black, becoming the same three purple and three black configuration as Ning Rongrong.

At the beginning of December, Xiao Wu finally PY'ed five of the Seven Holy Pillars, completed the assessment, and increased her soul power by one level.

Since she had spent nearly a year studying otherworldly things, she had no time to practice at all, so her soul power was only improved by one level.

However, with the reward for completing the assessment, her soul power has reached level 70. She only needs to condense a soul ring to reach the soul saint realm, and she can completely enter the mature body, basically no different from humans.

Zhu Zhuqing is far away overseas and has not returned yet, so her assessment status is unknown.

[PS: Good luck in the Year of the Dragon. I wish all book friends may the dragon soar across the world and make great achievements. 】

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