Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 289 Tang San, Inheritor of the Evil God

Shen Jianxin frowned slightly, what Phantom said had already made him feel bad.

The City of Slaughter was destroyed, and the King of Slaughter must have escaped from trouble. Since he was able to make Bibi Dong compromise, this also meant that the King of Slaughter was at least a powerful person at the level of a false god.

But speculation is just speculation after all, and the actual situation needs to be continued by Phantom.

"How was the City of Killing destroyed?"

Phantom recalled: "Bibi Dong had people dig through the City of Slaughter, and with the help of the King of Slaughter, all the blood in the river was drained out. The barrier of the City of Slaughter lost its energy source, and naturally became ineffective."

Shen Jianxin grinned and was speechless for a while. Shen Jianxin never expected such a violent method of breaking.

"Then have you obtained the Killing God Realm?"

Phantom nodded: "I have the God of Killing Domain."

"When I discovered that Tang San and Hu Liena had the privilege of not being interfered by the King of Slaughter, I started to approach them intentionally or unintentionally."

"Later, I found an opportunity to fight with that eunuch Tang San. Although he had many tricks and was as difficult to attack as a hedgehog, I relied on my martial soul characteristics and strong physical fitness to beat him severely. pause."

"Then they became interested in the fact that I was from the Killing City and had such strength without a soul ring. Soon after, they began to take the initiative to approach me and try to win me over."

"When they approach me, I pretend to be cold and beat them up, and then leave. It won't be long before they come back again, driven by their pride."

"As soon as I went back and forth, I gave them the illusion that they didn't know each other."

"After I successfully infiltrated them, I used their authority to be the first to win a hundred consecutive victories, get out of the Killing City, and successfully obtain the Killing God Realm."

As he spoke, a red light wave erupted from Phantom's body, and the bloody God of Death domain unfolded.

Shen Jianxin frowned slightly: "Then how do you block the aura emanating from the God of Death Domain?"

"Release the aura?" Phantom was a little confused, and said with a slight frown: "Master is talking about the aura perception of the upper killing realm to the lower killing god realm."

"This was blocked by the King of Slaughter. He said that Master, what you own is most likely the Slaughter Domain. Blocking the Slaughter God Domain can effectively prevent you from investigating us."

Shen Jianxin was stunned for a moment, "The King of Slaughter has joined the Rakshasa Empire?"

Phantom shook his head: "No, the King of Slaughter and Bibi Dong are just equals. They are just, just."

Shen Jianxin frowned and looked at Phantom: "Just what?"

Phantom hesitated for a moment: "Only on the front of dealing with you, they have reached a consensus."

"Now the Rakshasa Empire has two false gods, the Angel Empire and the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect have begun to decline. The top powerhouse is only supported by the master, Sword Douluo Chen Xinmianxia."


There was an explosion, and Shen Jianxin had already stepped on a big hole under his feet. His face was gloomy and he said in a cold tone: "Who is the inheritor of the evil god? Why do those thugs from the killing city believe in the evil god instead of killing him? King of?"

Phantom explained: "The inheritor of the evil god is Tang San."

"Tang San?" Shen Jianxin exclaimed, he was quite surprised by this answer, but also felt it was reasonable.

He had occupied the Shura inheritance and cut off the Poseidon inheritance. After struggling so hard, Tang San never expected that Tang San would still have the opportunity to obtain the Evil God's inheritance and gain the Evil God's approval.

But if you take into account the changes in the divine world, it doesn't seem impossible for the evil god to choose Tang San, the son of fate in the original work, as a chess piece.

After all, although Tang San's character was not good, his strength and opportunities were still very good.

Thinking of this, Shen Jianxin frowned slightly and thought: "Go on, keep talking."

Phantom nodded: "Tang San's evil god inheritance comes from a spirit beast called the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. When he killed this spirit beast, Tang San also obtained a magical beast elixir."

Shen Jianxin waved his hand: "It goes without saying, I know the inheritance left by the evil god on Douluo Continent better than you."

"Let's talk about why those thugs who came out of the Killing City believe in the evil god instead of the King of Killing."

Phantom thought: "Master, the King of Slaughter is too powerful, and I don't dare to take the initiative to visit him, so I don't know much about the secret deal between them."

"But there are rumors that this King of Slaughter has a blood relationship with the eunuch Tang San. It seems that he is Tang San's grandfather or something."

"If the rumors are true, I think those thugs' belief in evil gods may have something to do with this."

Shen Jianxin nodded, of course he knew that the King of Slaughter and Tang San were related by blood, and the body of the King of Slaughter was really Tang San's grandfather, but his soul was no longer there.

Logically speaking, the King of Slaughter had just come out of the Slaughter City, and it was when he needed his subordinates to handle some small things for him. The blood relationship with Tang San was not enough to make him give up his vested interests.

But the Phantom who was in the enemy camp didn't even find out about this kind of thing. Naturally, he couldn't come up with anything in his fantasy here.

"Since they already have an advantage in the war, why don't they want to pursue the victory and expand their advantage, but instead send people to Poseidon Island?"

Phantom explained: "Actually, their advantage is not too big."

"Although they have two pseudo-god powerhouses, and they can have a lot of advantages in battles between top powerhouses, the Rakshasa Empire is in a mess, and its mid- to low-end combat power is not enough to suppress domestic rebellions. Where can I find the manpower to expand the results?"

"Every time we conquer a territory, we will fall into a dilemma where no one can defend it, and then the Angel Empire will send people to recapture it."

"Generally speaking, the Rakshasa Empire and the Angel Empire have fallen into a tug-of-war, and it is still difficult to determine the winner."

"Bibi Dong sent people to Poseidon Island with the intention of supporting war with war. He wanted to seize Poseidon Island and stabilize the situation with the help of the soul masters of Poseidon Island."

"The pirates currently surrounding Poseidon Island are actually the advance troops to attack Poseidon Island."

Shen Jianxin nodded: "What are the rebel forces in the Rakshasa Empire?"

Phantom chuckled and said, "Master, do you still remember the name Fendis?"

"Fendis?" Shen Jianxin was a little confused. He racked his brains and couldn't remember the name. He couldn't help but shook his head and said, "I don't know him. I've never heard of this name."

Phantom covered her mouth and chuckled: "Does the master know about the Blood God Cult?"

Shen Jianxin shook his head again: "I've never heard of it."

"Where's the gunpowder? Where's the cannon?"

Shen Jianxin was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized: "Are you talking about that ordinary person? The ordinary person who was left with the Shura mark by me?"

Phantom nodded slightly: "Yes, that's him. Now he is the largest rebel force in the Rakshasa Empire."

Shen Jianxin was quite surprised: "So his name is Fendis?"

"It was just a casual move at first, but I didn't expect him to be able to do this."

"Quick, tell me what's going on?"

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