On the beach of Poseidon Island, Ning Rongrong and his party gathered here early after the information about the fifth test was opened, waiting for Shen Jianxin's return.

Above the sea, a small black spot quickly approached. Ning Rongrong looked into the distance and shouted in surprise: "Look, be careful, brother is back."

Others used their soul power to enhance their vision and looked into the distance.

The black spots moved from far to near, and the figures of Shen Jianxin and Zhu Zhuqing gradually became clearer.

"Everyone, I'm back."

After more than a year, Zhu Zhuqing and everyone waiting on the beach seemed very excited to meet everyone again, and they started shouting from a distance.

"Zhuqing, welcome back."

In a chorus of shouts, Shen Jianxin and Zhu Zhuqing quickly arrived in front of everyone and landed from the sky.

Xiao Wu trotted over excitedly and hugged Zhu Zhuqing into her arms: "Zhu Qing, do you know how hard it is for me to live without you?"

"They abuse rabbits every day, they abuse rabbits every day, and they show affection regardless of time or occasion."

Zhu Zhuqing patted Xiao Wu on the back, put his head close to her ear, and laughed softly: "Xiao Wu, be good, there are still many days ahead, you have to learn to get used to it."


There was a slight sound, and Xiao Wu seemed to have cracked.

Ning Rongrong came up from behind Xiao Wu: "Zhu Qing, thank you for your hard work."

Leaving Xiaowu's arms, Zhu Zhuqing came to Ning Rongrong and bowed: "It's not hard to meet the master's wife. It's just that I haven't seen you all for a long time and I miss you very much."

Ning Rongrong stretched out her hand to help Zhu Zhuqing up: "Everyone misses you too. After more than a year, the eight of us are finally together again."

"Come and say hello to everyone."

Ning Rongrong stepped aside, and everyone behind him stepped forward and took out various small gifts made of shells, conches, and corals from behind.

"Zhuqing, welcome back."

Zhu Zhuqing covered his mouth with his hands, tears filling his eyes: "Big, everyone."

Ning Rongrong also took out his gift and handed a bracelet made of various small shells to Zhu Zhuqing.

"We guessed that you would come back when we started the fifth exam a day ago. We were in a hurry and didn't prepare anything good. We all made some small gifts using local materials on a whim. Thank you for your contribution to everyone."

Xiao Wu stepped forward and took out her gift, which was a scaled-down wooden statue of a Catwoman possessed by Zhu Zhuqing's martial spirit.

"I'm not as vulgar as them. This is the success of my practice in the past year. Although you are venomous at me, I don't care."

Zhu Zhuqing's eyes were filled with tears, and he waved his hands to wipe away the tears from the corners of his eyes: "Thank you, thank you all."

At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly felt that all the grievances and hardships he had experienced while lurking in the pirate den for a year were nothing at this moment.

At noon that day, everyone held a grand reception and cleansing banquet for Zhu Zhuqing, and Bo Saixi, the high priest of Poseidon Island, and the Seven Sacred Pillars Douluo were called over.

After a lively lunch, everyone gathered together to discuss the specific process of eradicating pirates.

"Your Majesty, distinguished guests, the elimination of pirates and the defense of Poseidon Island this time is not only an assessment for you, but also an obligation for us, the loyal followers of Lord Poseidon."

"So, please be sure to let us participate in this bandit operation."

Bo Saixi bluntly stated her request. As the high priest of Poseidon, it is her duty to protect Poseidon Island. Now that Poseidon Island is in crisis, she naturally does her duty.

Shen Jianxin nodded: "Your Excellency, High Priest, please don't worry. Zhuqing has completely figured out the pirates entrenched around Poseidon Island this year. Let's listen to her report first."

Zhu Zhuqing stood up and said: "Master and seniors, after my investigation, I found that there are more than 3,780 pirate soul masters entrenched in the waters around Poseidon Island, and more than 50,000 ordinary people are transporting supplies for them."

"Two-thirds of the soul masters are sea soul masters, that is, the natives of the sea, and the other one-third are land soul masters, all of whom were sent by Bibi Dong from the mainland."

"These mainland soul masters are very powerful, cruel and bloody by nature. According to Master, they are all extremely evil people from the city of killing."

"In one year, they destroyed all the pirates who disobeyed them, and the rest were organized into death squads to be used as consumables when they attack Poseidon Island in the future."

"The strongest among the pirates is a level 94 titled Douluo of the attack system. His martial spirit is a three-meter-long sword with extremely terrifying power. It is comparable to the most powerful weapon spirit, the Clear Sky Hammer."

"There are also seven Contras, including strong attack, agility attack, defense, assistance, control, long-range, and flight. These seven people are a complete team. Everyone performs their own duties. With perfect cooperation, they are no weaker than one 95 Titled Douluo below level."

"There are also forty soul saints, more than three hundred soul emperors, and nearly a thousand soul sects."

After Zhu Zhuqing finished speaking, Bo Saixi and the Seven Sacred Pillars frowned.

It's not that the power is too strong, but that it's too weak.

Compared to the tens of thousands of soul masters on Poseidon Island, these pirates can't even get a share of one.

Shen Jian thought: "The high priest must have noticed it too."

Bo Saixi nodded: "Yes, they are too weak. With this strength, they can't even board the coastline of our Poseidon Island, and they will be completely annihilated."

Shen Jianxin smiled and said: "Yes, they are too weak. With this power, I can kill them all by myself."

"But it's strange. My assessment task is also to eliminate pirates."

Bo Saixi's pupils suddenly shrank: "You mean, this force is most likely their advance force?"

Shen Jianxin nodded slightly: "Yes, according to my intelligence, Bibi Dong seems to want to take over Poseidon Island with thunderous force."

"However, more than twenty years ago, when Bibi Dong was still a saint of Wuhun Temple, she followed a large army to invade Poseidon Island. It is impossible for her not to know the true power of Poseidon Island."

"Now that she wants to take down Poseidon Island with the power of thunder, she will definitely send a strong person, a strong person who can truly crush everything."

"There are two such people in the Rakshasa Empire. One is herself and the other is the King of Slaughter."

"However, Bibi Dong is still fighting against the Angel Empire, so just in case, she will naturally not go out. The chance of entrusting the King of Slaughter to come is the highest."

"And the large proportion of members of the Killing City among the pirates is enough to prove this."

Bo Saixi frowned slightly: "What do you mean?"

Shen Jianxin smiled and said: "It's very simple. My existence is a complete accident for Bibi Dong."

"Leave the King of Slaughter to me. If the King of Slaughter has other soul master troops, he will give them to you, Poseidon Island. As for the pirates in the sea areas around Poseidon Island, leave them to Zhuqing and the others for training."

Bo Saixi was stunned for a moment: "Your Majesty, they"

Shen Jianxin glanced at everyone: "How about it? One Titled Douluo, seven Soul Douluo, and more than 3,700 miscellaneous fish are your blockbuster prey. Are you confident that you can complete it?"

After hearing this, everyone's expressions became serious, and there seemed to be flames burning in their pupils. They shouted loudly in unison: "No problem, I promise to win! Four years of hard work, just for this day!"

"Okay!" Shen Jianxin shouted sharply: "As long as you have confidence, I will ask Xiaobai to mobilize her tribe to block the sea for you and ensure that no prey is allowed to escape."

"Gentlemen, let the hunting begin!"

Everyone shouted in unison: "Kill!!!"

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